Paris, Iean Roigny, 1556. Folio. In contemporary linp vellum, with three (of four) of the original vellum ties. Binding with wear and inner hinge weak, but in completely original state, with no restorations. Only some light scattered brownspotting and a worm-tract to inner margin, just occasionally touching a few letters. Book-plate to pasted-down front end-paper. A lovely copy. (4), CCXLIII ff.
The scarce first edition of Saliat's translation of the complete Histories of Herodotus, being the extremely popular first French edition and arguably the most important French edition of the work ever published. Saliat's monumental 1556-translation of Herodutus was extremely influential end widely used and quoted. It greatly influenced the way that Herodotus was used and understood in Renaissance France. It was used by virtually all contemporary French intellectuals as the main reference - as for instance Sandys points out, it is from this that all of Montaigne's Herodotus-quotations are taken (Sandys, vol. II, p. 197). Pierre Saliat had published a small work in 1552 consisting the the first three books of Herodotus, and in 1556, his monumental translation of the complete work appeared" for the first time, all nine books were accessible in the French language. ""Little is known of Saliat's life except that he had produced two previous translations from Latin, Erasmus' ""On Methods of Instructing Children"" and a collection of Roman speeches. Both translations of Herdotus are dedicated to the king, Henry II, and Saliat notes that the work on the first three books had taken him six years to complete and that it had taken him a further five years to translate the remaining six books. In the preface to the 1556 translation, Saliat compares at length the scale and grandeur of the Persian Wars with Henry's recent invasion of Germany. Henry's deeds are portrayed as greater than those described by Herodotus... [The preface] reads as a salutary encomium of Henry's military and political prowess."" (Brill's Companion to the Reception of Herodotus in Antiquity and Beyond, p. 127). In short, Saliat views Herodotus' work as a manual for or collection of examples of warfare that is fully transferable to other times, rather than a mere memoralization of great deeds. Graesse: III:256.
Cambridge University Press. 1970. In-16. Broché. Etat d'usage, 1er plat abîmé, Dos fané, Intérieur acceptable. 166 pages. Illustré d'une carte dépliable en noir et blanc. Texte en grec ancien. Manques sur le bord du 1er plat. Couverture tachée. Fichette annotée de bibliothèque en page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 480-Langues helléniques. Grec
Edited by J. Enoch Powell, M.A. Classification Dewey : 480-Langues helléniques. Grec
Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Carolus Hude. Editio tertia. e Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1941-1947. In-16 gr., 2 volumi, tela editoriale, pp. XIV, circa 700 pp. complessive, non numerate. Testo in greco. Volumi della collana Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis. Ben conservati.
Hérodoti Hérodote Hérodotus, Johannes Schweighaeuser, Wesselingii et valckenarii, Petri Wesselingii, Lud. Casp Valckenarii, Joh Schweighäuser
Reference : lc_3843
Argentorati et parisiis treuttel et wurtz 1816
6 volumes en 12 tomes In-8 brochages d'attente complet, non ébarbé, frontispice, txt en latin et grec bon état
[S. et J. Collingwood, Impensis Josephi Parker] - HERODOTUS HALICARNASSEUS ; GAISFORD, Thomas ; [ HERODOT ; HERODOTE ]
Reference : 37080
Denuo contulit reliquam lectionis varietatem commodius digessit Annotationes variorum adjecit Thomas Gaisford, 2 vol. in-8 reliure de lépoque demi-chagrin noir, dos à 4 nerfs, Excudebant S. et J. Collingwood, Impensis Josephi Parker, Oxonii [ Oxford ], C. et W.B. Whittaker et C. et J. Rivington, Londini [ London ], J. Deighton et Filiorum, Cantabrigiae, 1824, 2 ff., 565 pp. ; pp. 566-1138 et 35 ff.
Il s'agit des deux volumes de notes qui prennent suite aux deux premiers volumes de la présente édition proposant le texte ; les 2 présents volumes portent néanmoins en tomaison Tomes 1 et 2. Bon état (dos lég. frotté). Texte en grec et latin. Brunet, II, 410
, Zutphen, W.J.Thieme s.d., 360pp., grotendeels onopengesneden
Barnes & Noble Classics. 2005. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. XXXVI + 584 pages - livre en anglais - jaquette en bon état.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Livre en anglais - with an introduction and notes by Donald Lateiner - translated by G.C.Macaulay and revised throughout by Donald Lateiner. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Folio. Cont. full calf. Back with 6 raised bands, compartments richly gilt. Red titlelabe. Leather at hinges cracked, but binding not loose. Engr. allegorical frontisp., title with engraved vignette. (22),868,177,(61) pp. and 1 folded engraved plate. Printed on good paper. Internally clean and fine. Bookplate of Samuel James Baron Waring, engraved. Gree-latin text.
Brunet III,123: ""Edition fort bien impr., et une des meilleures que l'on ait de cet histoire""
Carolus Tauchnitz, Lipsiae. 1853. In-18. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 321 pages pour le tome I, 233 pages pour le tome II et 322 pages pour le tome III. Texte en grec ancien. Etiquettes de code sur les couvertures. Quelques tampons de bibliothèque. Dos du tome III consolidé.. . . . Classification Dewey : 480-Langues helléniques. Grec
Curavit Fridericus Palm. Accedit Libellus de Vita homeri et Index Historicus. Classification Dewey : 480-Langues helléniques. Grec
N.Y., International Collectors Library, 1956. in-8o, 544 p. Biographical note, bibliography, index. Cloth binding.
Excudebat Henricus Stephanus illustris viri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus, [Genève]1566. Folio, (16)+ 256 p., 14 p.,4 pl.+ (22)p. En tetes et initiales gravés. Avec 4 planches dépliantes représentant la tour et la ville de Babylone, les jardins et le palais de Sémiramis. Première édition d'Henri Estienne de la traduction en latin de l'humaniste italien Lorenzo Valla (1406-1457), qui a beaucoup souffert a cause de ses idees conciliantes envers l'esprit classique avant l' arrivee du pape Nicholas V. (Erasme, dans son De ratione studii pour la grammaire latine, "il n'y pas meilleur guide que L. Valla"). L'apologie pour Herodote valut a H. Estienne les attaques de l'eglise, de Sorbonne et du Palais car c'etait une critique indirecte contre les moeurs de son epoque. Grandes marges avec de critiques, quelqu'unes manuscrites (anciennes) et aussi a la 1e feuille blanche. Page de titre gravee, restauree, mouillure claire a qq pages du milieu. Reliure parchemin contemp. decolorie a sa moitie par l'humidite mais solide, dos lisse muet. Brunet, III, 122.
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