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‎Helma De Smedt (ed.)‎

Reference : 59565

‎MET KENNIS VAN ZAKEN Wetenschap & onderwijs in Antwerpen vanaf 1500.‎

‎Antwerp, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket, 384 pages, Illustrated. 24x27cm. NL. ISBN 9789057185618.‎

‎MET KENNIS VAN ZAKEN Wetenschap & onderwijs in Antwerpen vanaf 1500 door Helma De Smedt (red.) Nothing will come of nothing. Deze woorden legde William Shakespeare in de mond van de oude King Lear. Van niets komt niets is een uitspraak die eigenlijk al veel verder teruggaat dan begin zeventiende eeuw; de filosofen van het antieke Griekenland bezigden ze al. Het is een uitspraak ? lichtjes tongue in cheek, dat geven we grif toe ? die we uiterst toepasbaar vonden voor wat er aan een universiteit gebeurt. Alles ontstaat immers uit onderzoek en onderwijs. De Universiteit Antwerpen is een relatief jonge, dynamische universiteit. Elke geschiedenis kent een voorgeschiedenis en wil die nu toch in Antwerpen bijzonder interessant zijn? Immers, lang vóór deze universiteit tot stand kwam, leefde er in de Scheldestad al heel wat op het vlak van wetenschap en onderwijs. Drukkers, uitgevers en boekverkopers speelden bovendien een cruciale rol bij de verspreiding van kennis. Dat proberen wij ? de samenstellers en de auteurs van het boek ? met evenveel doorwrocht onderzoek als puur plezier aan te tonen in het boek Met kennis van zaken. Wetenschap en onderwijs in Antwerpen vanaf 1500. Dit boek brengt geen exhaustieve geschiedenis van de stad Antwerpen. Niet alle lagen van de bevolking worden erin belicht, maar ?enkel? diegenen die bij de Antwerpse ?kenniscultuur? waren betrokken zoals humanisten, geleerden, kunstenaars, ambachtslieden, drukkers, uitgevers, boekverkopers, onderwijzers, liefhebbers der consten?. Na het Woord vooraf van prorector professor dr. Alain Verschoren brengt emerita professor dr. Helma De Smedt in de Inleiding echter wel een bondig historisch overzicht van belangrijke kenmerken en gebeurtenissen in en met betrekking tot Antwerpen in de periode 1500-1850 en verder in het boek ook een niet-exhaustieve schets van de economische ontwikkeling van de stad tijdens die periode. Kennis, kunsten, kennistransfer? zovele aspecten die het wezen van de huidige faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte raken, zijn in het boek aan de orde, onder meer in de bijdragen van de professoren dr. Guido Van Heeswijck, dr. Hubert Meeus en dr. Guido Marnef en van dr. Tom Deneire, dr. Timothy de Paepe, dr. Jan Dewilde en dr. Ria Fabri. With contributions by Ludo Cuyvers, Marc Demolder, Tom Deneire, Timothy De Paepe, Dave De ruysscher, Helma De Smedt, Jan Dewilde, Ria Fabri, Piet Lombaerde, Guido Marnef, Hubert Meeus, Ad Meskens, Robrecht Van Hee and Guido Vanheeswijck.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.99 (€49.99 )

‎Helma De Smedt (ed.)‎

Reference : 59564

‎NOTHING WILL COME OF NOTHING,Science & Education in Antwerp since 1500.‎

‎Antwerp, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket 384 pages, Illustrated. FINE! ISBN 9789057184390.‎

‎Nothing will come of nothing. Shakespeare placed these words into the mouth of old King Lear, but the saying actually dates back to well before the early seventeenth century, to the philosophers of ancient Greece. Though we mean it a little tongue in cheek, we believe this saying actually captures what goes on at a university very well. The source of everything is education and research, after all. The University of Antwerp is a relatively young, dynamic university. But every story has a backstory, and Antwerp?s backstory just happens to be particularly interesting ? Long before our beloved university was founded, the city was a hub for science and education. It was home to printers, publishers and booksellers, who played a crucial role in the dissemination of knowledge. That is what we the editors and authors of this book set out to demonstrate, with just as much careful research as sheer pleasure, in our book Met kennis van zaken. Wetenschap en onderwijs in Antwerpen vanaf 1500. And it is not for nothing ? forgive us the play on words ? that the English edition is titled Nothing will come of nothing. Science and education in Antwerp since 1500. This book does not attempt to provide an exhaustive history of Antwerp. Neither does it explore all sections of the population ? ?only? those who were involved in Antwerp's ?knowledge culture?, such as humanists, scholars, artists, craftspeople, printers, publishers, booksellers, teachers and connoisseurs of the arts. That said, former rector Professor Alain Verschoren?s foreword is followed in Professor Emerita Helma De Smedt?s introduction by a brief historical outline of the most important characteristics and events in and concerning Antwerp in the period 1500-1850. Later on in the book she also provides a non-exhaustive sketch of the city?s economic development during the same period. Knowledge, arts, knowledge transfer ... the book covers many aspects that capture the essence of today's Faculty of Arts, including in the chapters by professors Guido Van Heeswijck, Hubert Meeus and Guido Marnef and by doctors Tom Deneire, Timothy de Paepe, Jan Dewilde and Ria Fabri. With contributions by Ludo Cuyvers, Marc Demolder, Tom Deneire, Timothy De Paepe, Dave De ruysscher, Helma De Smedt, Jan Dewilde, Ria Fabri, Piet Lombaerde, Guido Marnef, Hubert Meeus, Ad Meskens, Robrecht Van Hee and Guido Vanheeswijck.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR54.00 (€54.00 )

‎Helma De Smedt‎

Reference : 56979

‎Nothing Will Come of Nothing Science & Education in Antwerp since 1500‎

‎, UPA, 2020 Hardcover with dusjacket, 384 pages, 27,4 x 24,4 x 4,2 cm ill. ISBN 9789057184390.‎

‎Nothing will come of nothing. Shakespeare placed these words into the mouth of old King Lear, but the saying actually dates back to well before the early seventeenth century, to the philosophers of ancient Greece. Though we mean it a little tongue in cheek, we believe this saying actually captures what goes on at a university very well. The source of everything is education and research, after all. The University of Antwerp is a relatively young, dynamic university. But every story has a backstory, and Antwerp?s backstory just happens to be particularly interesting ? Long before our beloved university was founded, the city was a hub for science and education. It was home to printers, publishers and booksellers, who played a crucial role in the dissemination of knowledge. That is what we ? the editors and authors of this book ? set out to demonstrate, with just as much careful research as sheer pleasure, in our book Met kennis van zaken. Wetenschap en onderwijs in Antwerpen vanaf 1500. And it is not for nothing ? forgive us the play on words ? that the English edition is titled Nothing will come of nothing. Science and education in Antwerp since 1500. This book does not attempt to provide an exhaustive history of Antwerp. Neither does it explore all sections of the population ? ?only? those who were involved in Antwerp's ?knowledge culture?, such as humanists, scholars, artists, craftspeople, printers, publishers, booksellers, teachers and connoisseurs of the arts. That said, former rector Professor Alain Verschoren?s foreword is followed in Professor Emerita Helma De Smedt?s introduction by a brief historical outline of the most important characteristics and events in and concerning Antwerp in the period 1500-1850. Later on in the book she also provides a non-exhaustive sketch of the city?s economic development during the same period. Knowledge, arts, knowledge transfer ... the book covers many aspects that capture the essence of today?s Faculty of Arts, including in the chapters by professors Guido Van Heeswijck, Hubert Meeus and Guido Marnef and by doctors Tom Deneire, Timothy de Paepe, Jan Dewilde and Ria Fabri.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR52.00 (€52.00 )
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