Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1916. Lex 8vo. Uncut and unopened in the original printed wrappers. A stain to the front wrapper, from the removal of a bookplate on verso, which has also removed some of the advertisement-print to the top of the inside of front wrapper. Apart from this removed book plate the only real flaw that the copy has is a vertical break down the middle of the spine, from opening the block. Otherwise there is just minimal edgewear and slight brownspotting to the title-page. Inscribed by Heidegger ""Vom Verfasser/ M.H."" to top of title-page. (8), 245 pp.
The scarce first edition, extremely rare presentation-copy, of Heidegger's Habilitationsschrift, in which he introduces his ""Hermeneutik der Fakticität"". In 1913 Heidegger was given a Ph.D. for his work ""Die Lehre vom Urtheil im Psychologismus"". Already in 1915 he had written his Habilitation on Duns Scotus, which was published the following year, in 1916. These two works, together with a few articles from the same period, constitute the beginning of Heidegger's path towards the question of being - the subject because of which he later became the most famous philosopher of the 20th century, establishing the philosophy that has dominated Western thinking ever since. Heidegger's Habilitation was supervised by Heinrich Rickert, and as the title indicates, it dealt with the categories of theory of meaning of Duns Scotus. The work, around which the dissertation revolved, was the ""Grammatica Speculativa"", which was then ascribed to Duns Scotus but which is now considered a work by Thomas von Erfurt. The ""Grammatica Speculativa"" is a work about types of ways of expressions in language and the corresponding ontological categories. Heidegger's interest in this shows an early interest in the relationship between language and being. Here, he attempts to unite a Medieval signification theory with neo-Kantian logical theory and the intentionality of Husserl, which was then in the beginning of its influence. It is generally accepted that Heidegger already in his Habilitation anticipates his seminal account of Dasein later fully developed in ""Sein und Zeit"". Though Heidegger's Habilitation has been overlooked for many years, it is now widely believed that there is a very direct connection between Scotus, Thomas of Erfurt, Husserl and Heidegger, leading the young Heidegger directly towards his ""hermeneutical intuition"" and being closely connected to the ideas that he develops fully in ""Sein und Zeit"".The work itself is very rare in the first printing, and when seen, it is often in bad condition and/or lacking the wrappers. Inscribed copies are of the utmost scarcity.
(Tübingen), Neske, (1959). 8vo. Original printed wrappers. 24 pp.
First edition, presentation-copy ""Für/ Dr. Helmut Franz/ mit freundlichem Gruss/ Martin Heidegger"".The present work is a speach that Heidegger gave in his home-town Messkirch, in 1955 on the occassion of the 175th birthday of the composer Conradin Kreutzer.For Heidegger, ""Gelassenheit"" is a way of being in the world which is uniquely different from previous ways - a way which is necessary for modern man.Helmut Franz was an evangelical theologian who considered himself quite a bit with Heidegger's philosophy. In 1958 the two were at a philosophy conference together, and in 1959 Heidegger presented him with his ""Gelassenheit"". In 1967 Helmut Franz wrote ""Das Denken Heideggers und die Theologie"".
Bonn, Friedrich Cohen, 1929. Lex 8vo. Uncut and largely unopened in the orig. printed wrappers. Two tears to spine, no loss, and some tears to extremities, but overall an excellent, nice and clean copy. XII, 236 pp.
First edition of one of Heidegger's most important works, which was originally planned to constitute the second part of ""Sein und Zeit"". ""Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik"" is not only one of, if not the, most important readings of Kant's ""Critik der Reinen Vernunft"" from the 20th century, it is also one of Heidegger's main works and an indispensible work for anyone interested in Heidegger's thought as well as 20th century philosophy in general. Whereas the Neo-Kantian philosophers had understood Kant's ""Critique of Pure Reason"" as an epistemology, Heidegger here presents this all-time main work of philosophy as a foundation of metaphysics. Heidegger understands this metaphysics in its more original form as that fundamental ontology which is the metaphysics of Dasein in ""Being and Time"""" as such, ""Kant and the Problem of Metahysics"" is also to be viewed as an inevitable contribution to the understanding of the main work of 20th century continental philosophy, Heidegger's own ""Sein und Zeit"". ""Heidegger's interpretation of Kant remains a challenging way to address the issues that both Kant and Heidegger saw as crucial...In reading [""Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics""] we can struggle with some basic issues of human existence in the company of two great minds"" (International Philosophical Quarterly).
Bonn, Friedrich Cohen, 1929. Lex 8vo. Uncut and largely unopened in the orig. printed wrappers. A bit of loss to spine, a crease, some tears, and a bit of (ink?) spotting to front wrapper. XII, 236 pp.
First edition, presentation-copy, of one of Heidegger's most important works, which was originally planned to constitute the second part of ""Sein und Zeit"". With an original handwritten presentation-inscription to title-page: ""Mit freundlichem Grüss/ ...[?] Verf."" ""Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik"" is not only one of, if not the, most important readings of Kant's ""Critik der Reinen Vernunft"" from the 20th century, it is also one of Heidegger's main works and an indispensible work for anyone interested in Heidegger's thought as well as 20th century philosophy in general. Whereas the Neo-Kantian philosophers had understood Kant's ""Critique of Pure Reason"" as an epistemology, Heidegger here presents this all-time main work of philosophy as a foundation of metaphysics. Heidegger understands this metaphysics in its more original form as that fundamental ontology which is the metaphysics of Dasein in ""Being and Time"""" as such, ""Kant and the Problem of Metahysics"" is also to be viewed as an inevitable contribution to the understanding of the main work of 20th century continental philosophy, Heidegger's own ""Sein und Zeit"". ""Heidegger's interpretation of Kant remains a challenging way to address the issues that both Kant and Heidegger saw as crucial...In reading [""Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics""] we can struggle with some basic issues of human existence in the company of two great minds"" (International Philosophical Quarterly).
CAHIER DE L'HERNE, n° 45, 1983. Fort volume in-4 br. de 520 p. Numéro dirigé par Michel Haar. Nombreux textes d'Heidegger et contributions de H. Marcus, R. Munier, E. Jünger, J.-M. Palmier, J. Derrida, J. Beaufret, D. Janicaud, W. Biemel, etc. Illustrations, chronologie, bibliographie par R. Gonner. E.O.
Stuttgart, Neske, 1961. 8vo. 2 orig. blue full cloth w. orig. orange dust-jackets, white and black lettering to spines and front. An excellent set w. only very minor soiling to spines of d-j.s and very minor wear to upper capital of d-j. of vol. 1. Housed in the orig. blank cardboard-slipcase. Internally near mint. 661, (3)" 492, (2) pp.
The first edition of Heidegger's famous Nietzsche-book, in which he equals Nietzsche's notion of the super-human with the realization of modern technical humanity.Like his lectures on Nietzsche in the 1930'ies and '40'ies, the work also focuses on Nietzsche's posthumously published fragments ""Die Wille zur Macht"" (""The Will to Power""). According to Heidegger, these fragments form the culmination of Western Metaphysics, -though Metaphysics when turned upside-down, but far from abolished.""Nietzsche denkt das, was die metaphysische Tradition das Sein des Seienden nennt, als den ewig wiederkehrenden Willen zur Macht. Durch den Gedanken-Gang zum Willen zur macht zieht Nietzshe eine ""Spur"" in die ""Geschichte des Seins"" und d.h. ""in die noch unbegangenen Bezirke künftiger Entscheidungen"" (I, 475)."" (Pöggeler, Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers).With the word ""Sein"" (""Being""), Heidegger seems to have coined the ""essence"" of European thought. Metaphysically ""Sein"" is put into words as the ""Wahrheit des Seienden"" (""The Truth of Being"") in European thought. According to Heidegger, also Nietzsche's philosophy of thought is Metaphysics, but not Metaphysics as a particular philosophical discipline, rather Metaphysics as the ""Wahrheit über das Seiende"" (the truth about that, which is). Thus viewed, Nietzsche's philosophy becomes the Metaphysics of our times.
Stuttgart, Neske, 1961. 8vo. 2 orig. black full cloth w. orig. orange dust-jackets, white and black lettering to spines and front. A very good set w. only minor bumping to upper capital of vol. 1, otherwise near min, in- as well as externally. 661, (3)" 492, (2) pp.
The first edition of Heidegger's famous Nietzsche-book, in which he equals Nietzsche's notion of the super-human with the realization of modern technical humanity.Like his lectures on Nietzsche in the 1930'ies and '40'ies, the work also focuses on Nietzsche's posthumously published fragments ""Die Wille zur Macht"" (""The Will to Power""). According to Heidegger, these fragments form the culmination of Western Metaphysics, -though Metaphysics when turned upside-down, but far from abolished.""Nietzsche denkt das, was die metaphysische Tradition das Sein des Seienden nennt, als den ewig wiederkehrenden Willen zur Macht. Durch den Gedanken-Gang zum Willen zur macht zieht Nietzshe eine ""Spur"" in die ""Geschichte des Seins"" und d.h. ""in die noch unbegangenen Bezirke künftiger Entscheidungen"" (I, 475)."" (Pöggeler, Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers).With the word ""Sein"" (""Being""), Heidegger seems to have coined the ""essence"" of European thought. Metaphysically ""Sein"" is put into words as the ""Wahrheit des Seienden"" (""The Truth of Being"") in European thought. According to Heidegger, also Nietzsche's philosophy of thought is Metaphysics, but not Metaphysics as a particular philosophical discipline, rather Metaphysics as the ""Wahrheit über das Seiende"" (the truth about that, which is). Thus viewed, Nietzsche's philosophy becomes the Metaphysics of our times.
Éditions de Minuit, 1988. In-8 br. Coll. " Le sens commun ". E.O.
HEIDEGGER (Martin)]. BOURDIEU (Pierre).
Reference : 115041
ISBN : 9782707311665
Paris Editions de Minuit, coll. "Le Sens commun" 1988 1 vol. broché in-8, broché, couverture illustrée, 122 pp., index. Edition originale (sans grand papier). Bon état.
Albin Michel, 1981. In-8 br. Coll. " Les grandes traductions / Document ". Traduit par D. de Coprona. E.O.
Dated ""Freiburg i Brsg. 6. März 1958"". 1/2 page 4to. Heidegger thanks Giustiniani for a very nice evening in his house together with his Italian students. He furthermore thanks him for an admittance card to the Italian national museaum and asks G. to thank the Government Department for it as well. Heidegger, who was not fond of travelling, hopes to be able to visit soon, since he has long wished to visit Italy.
The letter is for the Italian Freiburger colleague, Vito R. Giustiniani (1916 - 1998). Enclosed it the carbon copy of the letter written by Giustiniani to Heidegger on ""5.3.1958"", in which he thanks him in very warm tones for having visited him and spent time with his students, and in which he tells him about the entrance card for the national Italian museum and the excavations, which the Italian Ministery of Teching has made for Heidegger and his wife.
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1953. 8vo. Orig. full brown cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and blindstamped publisher's mark on front board. (4), 156, (1) pp.
First edition of the highly important work that consists of Heidegger's lecture of 1935 as well as later contributions concerning the question of ""Sein"" (""Being""), which gave this term a more radical meaning than it had in ""Sein und Zeit"".This, Heidegger's ""renewal"" of Metaphysics, presents the philosophy of the 20th century with one of its greatest challenges.The centre of Heidegger's reflections in this work is the ""Entmachtung des Geistes"" (""The Disablement of Spirit""). Spirit is reduced to an instrumental reason, which Heidegger calls ""Intelligens"".
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1953. 8vo. Orig. full brown cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and blindstamped publisher's mark on front board. Orig. dust-jacket, spine of d-j. darkened, tears to upper part. (4), 156, (1) pp.
First edition of the highly important work that consists of Heidegger's lecture of 1935 as well as later contributions concerning the question of ""Sein"" (""Being""), which gave this term a more radical meaning than it had in ""Sein und Zeit"".This, Heidegger's ""renewal"" of Metaphysics, presents the philosophy of the 20th century with one of its greatest challenges.The centre of Heidegger's reflections in this work is the ""Entmachtung des Geistes"" (""The Disablement of Spirit""). Spirit is reduced to an instrumental reason, which Heidegger calls ""Intelligens"".
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1953. 8vo. Orig. full brown cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and blindstamped publisher's mark on front board. Near mint copy. (4), 156, (1) pp.
First edition of the highly important work that consists of Heidegger's lecture of 1935 as well as later contributions concerning the question of ""Sein"" (""Being""), which gave this term a more radical meaning than it had in ""Sein und Zeit"".This, Heidegger's ""renewal"" of Metaphysics, presents the philosophy of the 20th century with one of its greatest challenges.The centre of Heidegger's reflections in this work is the ""Entmachtung des Geistes"" (""The Disablement of Spirit""). Spirit is reduced to an instrumental reason, which Heidegger calls ""Intelligens"".
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1953. 8vo. Orig. full brown cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and blindstamped publisher's mark on front board. Orig. dust-jacket with a bit of chipping to extremities. A very fine copy. (4), 156, (1) pp.
First edition of the highly important work that consists of Heidegger's lecture of 1935 as well as later contributions concerning the question of ""Sein"" (""Being""), which gave this term a more radical meaning than it had in ""Sein und Zeit"".This, Heidegger's ""renewal"" of Metaphysics, presents the philosophy of the 20th century with one of its greatest challenges.The centre of Heidegger's reflections in this work is the ""Entmachtung des Geistes"" (""The Disablement of Spirit""). Spirit is reduced to an instrumental reason, which Heidegger calls ""Intelligens"".
Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, (1950). 8vo. Orig. full blue cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and front board. W. the orig. grey dust-jacket w. black lettering to spine and front board. A few nicks and tears to upper part of d-j., but apart from this a near mint copy, both binding and internally. (2), 345, (2) pp.
First edition of ""Off the Beaten Track"", Heidegger's important collection of lectures given in the period 1935-46: ""Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes"", ""Die Zeit des Weltbildes"", ""Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung"", ""Nietzsche's Wort ""Gott ist Tod"" "", ""Wozu Dichter?"", ""Der Spruch des Anaximander"".In spite of the seemingly very different character of these six ""Walks in the Woods"", they all take place ""in the same forest"". Heidegger's philosophy of art is here presented thoroughly, and these texts have been the cause of a large number of secondary texts on this philosophical ""branch"" of the philosophy of Heidegger.
Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, (1950). 8vo. Orig. full blue cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and front board. W. the orig. grey dust-jacket w. black lettering to spine and front board. D-j. w. some tears to top, w. very minor loss. ball-pen-underlining of the title on spine. (2), 345, (2) pp.
First edition of ""Off the Beaten Track"", Heidegger's important collection of lectures given in the period 1935-46: ""Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes"", ""Die Zeit des Weltbildes"", ""Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung"", ""Nietzsche's Wort ""Gott ist Tod"" "", ""Wozu Dichter?"", ""Der Spruch des Anaximander"".In spite of the seemingly very different character of these six ""Walks in the Woods"", they all take place ""in the same forest"". Heidegger's philosophy of art is here presented thoroughly, and these texts have been the cause of a large number of secondary texts on this philosophical ""branch"" of the philosophy of Heidegger.
HEIDEGGER (Martin), PORION (Dom Jean-Baptiste).
Reference : 118815
ISBN : 9782884820714
Genève Ad Solem 2006 1 vol. broché in-12, broché, 57 pp. Très bon état.
Paris Gallimard, coll. "Classiques de la Philosophie" 1962 1 vol. broché in-12, broché, 270 pp. Traduction par André Préau, préface de Jean Beaufret. Edition originale de cette traduction. Exemplaire du service de presse enrichi d'un envoi du traducteur à Roger Munier "interprète et traducteur de Heidegger", avec quelques passages soulignés et annotations au crayon de la main de ce dernier. Bon exemplaire
Treffort (Ain). Editions de Mégare. 1996. Plaquette in-8° oblongue brochée. 28 pages. E.O. Peu courant.
Bon état.
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1962. 8vo. Orig. full brown cloth, original dust-jacket. A few tears to top of d-j., otherwise an excellent copy. Bdg. and internally near mint. VII, (1), 189 pp.
First edition of Heidegger's important interpretation of Kant's ""System aller Grundsätze des reinen Verstandes"" from ""Kritik der Reinen Vernunft"". The work is founded on the basis of a lecture-course given by Heidegger in Freiburg in 1935-36 under the title of ""Grundfragen der Metaphysik"""" the work is translated into English as """"What is a Thing?"" and constitutes an in part revision of the notions put forth in his ""Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik"".""Aus dem Umkreis der Grundfragen der Metaphysik stellen wir in dieser Vorlesung EINE Frage auf. Sie Lautet: ""Was ist ein Ding?"" Die Frage ist schon alt. Das stets Neue an ihr ist nur, dass sie immer wieder gefragt warden muss."" (p.1).As much as this is an interpretation of Kant's notion of ""thing"", it equally presents us with Heidegger's own philosophy on this metaphysical question.
Halle, Max Niemeyer, (1941). 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. Bookblock loose from wrappers. Tears to spine. Nice and clean. 31, (1) pp.
Important first edition of Heidegger's second publication on Hölderlin, the poet in which Heidegger sees the essence of life, -the poet gone mad because he was overwhelmed by the power of poetry, -the poet of poets, in whom Heidegger, the thinker of thinkers, could mirror himself.
Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1962. 8vo. Orig. full brown cloth, original dust-jacket. Near mint copy. VII, (1), 189 pp.
First edition of Heidegger's important interpretation of Kant's ""System aller Grundsätze des reinen Verstandes"" from ""Kritik der Reinen Vernunft"". The work is founded on the basis of a lecture-course given by Heidegger in Freiburg in 1935-36 under the title of ""Grundfragen der Metaphysik"""" the work is translated into English as """"What is a Thing?"" and constitutes an in part revision of the notions put forth in his ""Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik"".""Aus dem Umkreis der Grundfragen der Metaphysik stellen wir in dieser Vorlesung EINE Frage auf. Sie Lautet: ""Was ist ein Ding?"" Die Frage ist schon alt. Das stets Neue an ihr ist nur, dass sie immer wieder gefragt warden muss."" (p.1).As much as this is an interpretation of Kant's notion of ""thing"", it equally presents us with Heidegger's own philosophy on this metaphysical question.
Stuttgart, 1953. 8vo. Entire issue. Orig. printed wrappers. Back wrapper and last few leaves w. slightly bent corners and a few nicks, but otherwise very nice and clean. Pp. 226-258. (Entire volume: Pp. (201) - 300 + 1 leaf advertisement].
First edition of Heidegger's important exposition of the poet Georg Trakl. The essay has had great impact on modern interpretation of poetry, and in fact it was this essay which prompted the entire Geschlecht series of Derrida, which he himself often reiterated. The essay was later printed in ""Unterwegs zur Sprache"", 1959.In this essay Heidegger searches for the poem of the poem of Georg Trakl, in order to therethrough determine the true essence of the entire poetical production of the poet. ""Jeder grosse Dichter dichtet nur aus einem einzigen Gedicht Die Grösse bemisst sich daraus, inwieweit er diesem Einzigen so anvertraut wird, das ser es vermag, sein Dichtends Sagen rein darin zu halten."" (p. 226). And so, Heidegger can work towards finding the poem of Trakl's poems, which unites the diversity of the poems into one essence, a being which transcends the single different poems, and which is the unity of the poet with that which is deceased.
Fankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 1943. 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. A bit of brownspotting. Some underlinings, mostly in pencil. 28 pp.
The scarce first edition of Heidegger's important and early Freiberg-lecture from 1931, ""The Essence of Truth"" (not the one printed in Wegmarken).In this work Heidegger assumes the general determination of truth as the accordance of an utterance with a thing as his starting-point. Truth is thought as the accuracy of an accordance, but how, is the question posed by Heidegger, does this accordance between the utterance and the thing come about? And thus the question of the Essence of truth arises.One of the conclusions of the work is that ""Das Wesen der Wahrheit ist die Freiheit.""The ""Essence of Truth"" completes a line of thought begun with ""Sein und Zeit"". Truth is understood as the accuracy of an accordance and is traced back to the resoluteness (Entschlossenheit) of existence, which is now understood as freedom. ""Der hier vorgetragene Versuch führt die Frage nach dem Wesen der Wahrheit über das Gehege der gewohnten Umgrenzung im üblichen Wesensbegriff hinaus und verhilft zum Nachdenken darüber, ob die Frage nach dem Wesen der Wahrheit nicht zugleich und zuerst die Frage nach der Wahrheit des Wesens sein muss. Im Begriff des ""Wesens"" aber denkt die Philosophie das Sein"" (p. 27).