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Reference : 48133


‎Wissenschaft der Logik. 2 Bde (3 Bücher). Erster Band. Die objective Logik. [Zwei Bücher] (Erster Band. Zweytes Buch: Die Lehre vom Wesen). (Zweiter Band:) Wissenschaft der subjectiven Logik oder die Lehre vom Begriff. - [THE FOUNDATION OF HEGEL'S DIALECTICS]‎

‎Nürnberg, Johann Leonhard Schrag, 1812-1813-1816. 3 vols. 8vo. 3 contemporary uniform (!) marbled paper bindings with hand-written paper title-labels to spines (hand-writing not legible). Very minor, excellently executed and barely noticeable professional restorations to a couple of hinges and corners. An excellent set, also internally very nice, clean, and fresh, wih only very minor occasional brownspotting. Old owner's inscription in the form of a poem and an old, vague owner's stamp (Giulini) to front free end-paper of volume one. Same stamp to title-page and verso of title-page respectively of volumes 2 and 3. Old owner's name neatly removed from title-page of volume 3.XIV (= title-page + Vorrede + Inhalt), XXVIII (= Einleitung), 334 VI (= title-page + Inhalt), 282" (2 = general title-page stating second volume of Wissenschaft der Logik), X (= title-page, Vorbericht + Inhalt), 403, (1) pp.‎

‎The scarce first editions of all three volumes that together constitute Hegel's second main work, his ""Science of Logic"", also called his ""Greater Logic"" (as opposed to the Logic section of the Encyclopaedia), in which logic is seen as the science of pure thought, concerning the principles by which concepts are formed, and therefore also as that which reveals to us the principles of pure knowing. THIS IS THE RAREST OF ANY OF HEGEL'S MAJOR WORKS TO FIND COMPLETE - IT IS A TRUE SCARCITY TO FIND A SET IN UNIFORM, CONTEMPORARY BINDINGS. Hegel's ""Logic"" is begun five years after his first major work, the ""Phänomenologie des Geistes"", and the five years which Hegel has had to develop his philosophy in the meantime are clearly reflected in his monumental second masterpiece. The ""Logic"" can be regarded as a more systematic and well organized epistemological and ontological work. It is in this groundbreaking work of German Idealism that Hegel develops his famous dialectic, which comes to determinate all later reading of his philosophy. It is Hegel's dialectic theory later condensed as ""thesis-antithesis-synthesis"" that is developed in this main work of 19th century philosophy. The dialectical process constitutes the movement of thought and consciousness, from basic to complex ideas, and thus demonstrates how the categorical infrastructure of thought can be laid bare by thought itself alone. With this work, Hegel is considered as having created a revolution in the understanding of Logic, because he widens it from being merely concerned with formal rules of propositions to including all of humanity. He elaborates the laws that govern the development of human practice, and as a consequence, he also uncovers the objective laws that govern the entire objective material world. Throughout the 20th century, Hegel's logical philosophy was largely neglected, but the last 40-50 years have shown a revived interest in this most fundamental of works, which is of the greatest importance for the understanding of his systematic thought.Hegel himself considered his ""Logic"" to be of the utmost importance, and he kept revising it throughout the years. It is very difficult to find a set of all three volumes in first editions.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK88,000.00 (€11,802.73 )


Reference : 55245


‎Wissenschaft der Logik. 2 Bde (3 Bücher). Erster Band. Die objective Logik. [Zwei Bücher] (Erster Band. Zweytes Buch: Die Lehre vom Wesen). (Zweiter Band:) Wissenschaft der subjectiven Logik oder die Lehre vom Begriff. - [THE FOUNDATION OF HEGEL'S DIALECTICS]‎

‎Nürnberg, Johann Leonhard Schrag, 1812-1813-1816. 3 vols. 8vo. Bound in three lovely contemporary uniform (!) green half calf bindings with gilt spines. Very minor, excellently executed and barely noticeable professional restorations to small pieces of spines and boards. A magnificent set in lovely contemporary, uniform bindings. Some brownspotting as usual. Housed in a custom-made marbled paper cassette. XIV (= title-page + Vorrede + Inhalt), XXVIII (= Einleitung), 334 VI (= title-page + Inhalt), 282" (2 = general title-page stating second volume of Wissenschaft der Logik), X (= title-page, Vorbericht + Inhalt), 403, (1) pp.‎

‎The scarce first editions of all three volumes that together constitute Hegel's second main work, his ""Science of Logic"", also called his ""Greater Logic"" (as opposed to the Logic section of the Encyclopaedia), in which logic is seen as the science of pure thought, concerning the principles by which concepts are formed, and therefore also as that which reveals to us the principles of pure knowing. THIS IS THE RAREST OF ANY OF HEGEL'S MAJOR WORKS TO FIND COMPLETE - IT IS A TRUE SCARCITY TO FIND A SET IN UNIFORM, CONTEMPORARY BINDINGS. Hegel's ""Logic"" is begun five years after his first major work, the ""Phänomenologie des Geistes"", and the five years which Hegel has had to develop his philosophy in the meantime are clearly reflected in his monumental second masterpiece. The ""Logic"" can be regarded as a more systematic and well organized epistemological and ontological work. It is in this groundbreaking work of German Idealism that Hegel develops his famous dialectic, which comes to determinate all later reading of his philosophy. It is Hegel's dialectic theory later condensed as ""thesis-antithesis-synthesis"" that is developed in this main work of 19th century philosophy. The dialectical process constitutes the movement of thought and consciousness, from basic to complex ideas, and thus demonstrates how the categorical infrastructure of thought can be laid bare by thought itself alone. With this work, Hegel is considered as having created a revolution in the understanding of Logic, because he widens it from being merely concerned with formal rules of propositions to including all of humanity. He elaborates the laws that govern the development of human practice, and as a consequence, he also uncovers the objective laws that govern the entire objective material world. Throughout the 20th century, Hegel's logical philosophy was largely neglected, but the last 40-50 years have shown a revived interest in this most fundamental of works, which is of the greatest importance for the understanding of his systematic thought.Hegel himself considered his ""Logic"" to be of the utmost importance, and he kept revising it throughout the years. It is very difficult to find a set of all three volumes in first editions.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK90,000.00 (€12,070.98 )


Reference : 57047


‎Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Kritik. Herausgegeben von der Societät für wissenschaftliche Kritik zu Berlin. Januar-December 1827. - [THE JOURNAL OF THE HEGELIAN RIGHT]‎

‎Stuttgart und Tübingen, Cotta, 1827. 4to. In the original patterned paper boards, with contemporary handwritten paper-title to spine and old handwritten library paper-label to lower spine. Wear to extremities and lacking some paper at spine. Stamp to first title-page (general title-page for the wntire year) and stamp to verso of title-page for the front wrapper of the January-issue. A damp stain to the first two leaves, otherwise internally quite good. Bound with the general title-page for the entire year and with some of the original wrappers for the individual months (among these that of January). 1856 colomns (i.e 928 pp.).‎

‎The extremely rare first printing of all twelve issues, constituting the entire first year, of the seminal organ for the philosophical school that developed around Hegel, namely the ""Yearbooks for Scientific Critique"", issued by Hegel himself, constituting the starting-point of this greatly influential journal of the Hegelian right. This entire first year, with its 12 issues, contains a wealth of highly important contributions, one being Hegel's own highly important review of Humboldt's lectures on the Bhagavad-Gita (delivered in June 1825 and 1826), ""On The Episode of the Mahabharata Known by the Name Bhagavad-Gita"", in which Hegel puts this Indian work in his large context of world history. Hegel's review, which appeared in two parts in the present publication for the first time (Jan., nos. 7-8, pp. 51-63 + Oct., nos. 181-88, pp. 1441-92) is now considered an extremely important document dealing with India. Humboldt's lectures had praised the Gita as the greatest, most beautiful, and presumably, the only real philosophical poem of all known literatures"" Hegel's review was meant as a critical assessment of the Hindu world-view in toto in a comparison with European Weltanschauung.In 1818 Hegel took over Fichte's chair at the University of Berlin. With his great lectures on the different fields of philosophy, he soon became widely famous and an important school formed around him. This Hegelian school grew to be extremely influential from the 1820'ies and onwards. From 1827, ""the Jahrbücher"", founded by Hegel himself, began appearing, working as the official organ for this seminal school. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )


Reference : 43486


‎Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie. Herausgegeben von Karl Ludwig Michelet. 3 Bde. - [THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY - A MAIN INFLUENCE ON HISTORICISM]‎

‎Berlin, 1833-36. 8vo. Three contemporary uniform brown half calf bindings with gilt title- and tome-labels. Professional restorations to capitals and hinges. Elegant library-stamp to inside of front boards of the first two volumes. Vol. 2 with a few pencil-underlinings, and vol. 3 with pencil-annotations to last leaf. A bit of occasional brownspotting. With all three title-pages for ""Werke. Vollständige Ausgabe"", vol. 13-15, facing the title-pages for the ""Vorlesungen"". XX, 418, (1, -errata)" VI, 586" VIII, 692 pp.‎

‎First edition of Hegel's seminal ""Lectures on the History of Philosophy"", which was published posthumously by Michelet. The work comprises Hegel's nine lectures on the history of philosophy, given in Jena in the winter of 1805-6, Heidelberg in the winters of 1816-17 and 1817-18, Berlin in the summer of 1819 and the winters of 1820-21, 1823-23, 1825-26, 1827-28 and 1829-30. Just before his death, in November 1931, Hegel had begun his tenth lecture course on the history of philosophy, but only get two give the first two hours of it. The work is based on Hegel's own lecture manuscript from Jena, which is stilized throughout and written in full (""er wagte damals noch nichts dem freien mündlichen Vorträge zu überlassen"", -Michelet, Preface, p. VI), his shorter draft written in Heidelberg meant for further development at the lectures as well as number of later endorsements and additions written in the margins of the two manuscripts and on loose leaves (""Diese Blätter sind von unschätzbarem Werthe, weil sie die höchst reichen Zusätze aller Vorlesungen spätere Jahre durch seine eigene Handschrift dokumentieren"", Michelet, Preface, p. VI). Besides this, a number of lecture notes from learned students, including those of Michelet and the other ""Freunde des Verewigten"", have been used to establish the text as correctly as possible. These highly influential lectures, which attracted philosophers from all over Europe, make up a cornerstone in the philosophy of Hegel, and his view on the history of philosophy is something that understreams all of his thought. These lectures, and not least the publication of them after his death, have seminally influenced later philosophy, and the following fifty years after Hegel's death were philosophically, culturally and historically much indebted to them. It is the Hegelianism that also springs from Hegel's lectures on the history of philosophy that carries historicism, the conception of cultural and social relations as products of history, through the 19th century.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK10,000.00 (€1,341.22 )


Reference : 34668


‎Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. Zum Gebrauch seiner Vorlesungen. - [THE ""MAIN WORK"" OF THE MAIN PHILOSOPHER OF THE 19TH CENTURY]‎

‎Heidelberg, (Druck und Papier von Brede in Offenbach), 1817. 8vo. Nice cont. cardboardbdg. w. title-label to back. Corners and capitals professionally restored. Hinges w. a bit of paper-loss. Occational brownspotting. Front free end-paper w. vast cont. annotations by former owner Fr. Selasinski.‎

‎The rare first edition of Hegel's immensely important work, the ""Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences"", by himself and his contemporaries considered his main work, and likewise an absolute main work of philosophy in general. Hegel is considered one of the four greatest philosophers of all times, and his contributions to philosophy are incomparable to other than perhaps those of Aristotle, Plato and Kant. In 1816 Hegel chose the professorship of philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, and here he taught his courses with great enthusiasm. He lectured no less than 16 hours a week, mostly over his own system, which is the object of this (chronologically speaking) third main work, generally just called the ""Encyclopaedia"".Hegel himself considered his ""Encyclopedia"" to be the most important of his works, and his contemporaries likewise judged it his actual main work. Hegel was considered the epitome of the great systematic thinker of the 19th century, and his ""Encyclopaedia"" forms the epitome of his work, at the same time as it, to his own mind, constitutes his greatest achievement. Hegel's main aim was to systematically comprise all spiritual and natural knowledge, and thus his philosophy peaks with his all-comprising Encyclopaedia, which remained of the greatest importance to himself throughout his life-time. He kept working on the book, and no less than three different altered editions appeared within his lifetime, the last in 1830, the year before he died, confirming his lasting devotion to this work.The book has belonged to one Friedrich Selasinski (perhaps a midshipman from the aristocracy), who has annotated the entire front free end-paper (ab. 1830). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK35,000.00 (€4,694.27 )


Reference : 46416


‎Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. Zum Gebrauch seiner Vorlesungen. - [THE PEAK OF PHILOSOPHY]‎

‎Heidelberg, 1817. 8vo. COMPLETELY UNCUT in contemporary (original interim?) marbled paper-binding with handwritten paper title-label to spine. Boards rubbed and corners a bit worn. Internally unusually clean. Last ten leaves with a small marginal worm-tract, not affecting lettering. Extensive contemporary hand-written scholarly notes (seemingly in three different hands) to all end-papers, in all 6 closely-written pages, in French and German. Contemporary owner's name to title-page (Th. Daulli [?]). A fabulous copy, with very varying sizes of pages. XVI, 288 pp.‎

‎The rare first edition, extremely scarce in original uncut condition, of Hegel's immensely important work, the ""Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences"", by himself and his contemporaries considered his main work, and likewise an absolute main work of philosophy in general. Hegel is considered one of the four greatest philosophers of all times, and his contributions to philosophy are incomparable to other than perhaps those of Aristotle, Plato and Kant. In 1816 Hegel chose the professorship of philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, and here he taught his courses with great enthusiasm. He lectured no less than 16 hours a week, mostly over his own system, which is the object of this (chronologically speaking) third main work, generally just called the ""Encyclopaedia"".Hegel himself considered his ""Encyclopedia"" to be the most important of his works, and his contemporaries likewise judged it his actual main work. Hegel was considered the epitome of the great systematic thinker of the 19th century, and his ""Encyclopaedia"" forms the epitome of his work, at the same time as it, to his own mind, constitutes his greatest achievement. Hegel's main aim was to systematically comprise all spiritual and natural knowledge, and thus his philosophy peaks with his all-comprising Encyclopaedia, which remained of the greatest importance to himself throughout his life-time. He kept working on the book, and no less than three different altered editions appeared within his lifetime, the last in 1830, the year before he died, confirming his lasting devotion to this work.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK48,000.00 (€6,437.85 )


Reference : 60930


‎Forelæsninger over Historiens Philosophie. Udgivne af Dr. Eduard Gans. Andet Oplag besørget af Dr. Karl Hegel. Oversatte af S. Kattrup. - [THE MOST INFLUENTIAL DANISH HEGEL-TRANSLATION]‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, 1842. 8vo. Bound in a lovely recent binding of mid 19th century marbled paper. Gilt leather title-label to spine. Spine sunned. A nice, clean, uncut copy. (2), XIII, (1), 466, (4) pp + 1 f. errata.‎

‎First Danish edition of the only of Hegel's works to be translated into Danish until recent times. It is translated from the German second issue, as stated on the title-page. This work has had immence influence on 19th century philosophy, and this only Danish translation was of great importance to Danish philosophy at the time, the time of Kierkegaard. ""I snævreste forstand er den hegelianske periode i dansk filosofi afgrænset til årene omkring 1840 (!), en kort men væsentlig periode i den danske tænknings historie, da det var i denne, at Søren Kierkegaard tog afsæt i sit senere så overvældende forfatterskab."" (""In the most restricted sense the hegelian period in Danish philosophy is limited to the years around 1840 (!), a short, but significant period in the history of Danish thought, as it was in this period that the basis of the later so overwhelming writings of Søren Kierkegaard was founded. (Koch, Den danske idealisme, 2004, p. 219). ""Også blandt de unge historikere fængede Hegel. Det er næppe en tilfældighed, at det eneste af hans værker, der blev oversat til dansk, var hans forelæsninger over historiens filosofi."" (""Also amongst the young historians did Hegel catch on. It is hardly a coincidence that the only one of his works to be translated into Danish were his lectures on the history op philosophy."") ( Koch, Den danske idealisme, 2004, p. 221). The fist English translation did not appear until 1895.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )

‎Hegel (G. W. Friedrich) - Bernard Teyssèdre, ed.‎

Reference : 84049


‎Esthétique de la peinture figurative , Textes réunis et présentés par Bernard Teyssèdre‎

‎Hermann , Miroirs de l'Art Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1964 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur bordeaux, grise et noir In-8 étroit 1 vol. - 185 pages‎

‎2 portraits de Hegel dans le texte 1ere édition de 1964 de cette traduction de Teyssèdre Contents, Chapitres : Introduction et éléments de biographie, 26 pages - Le sens des arts figuratifs, imitation de la nature ou expression sensible de l'idée ? - La peinture, art romantique - La création religieuse, ou le romantisme de l'amour chrétien - Histoire de l'art et cycle de l'amour chrétien, peinture byzantine, italienne, allemande - Dualité de la représentation picturale, idéal et individuel, spirituel et formel - La peinture hollandaise, ou la transfiguration de la vie quotidienne - Par-delà la peinture figurative - Bibliographie - Bernard Teyssèdre est un philosophe et écrivain français né le 30 mars 1930 à Decazeville (Aveyron). Son activité s'est déroulée dans plusieurs domaines qui vont de la création littéraire à la théorie esthétique et à l'histoire de lart. Il a fondé à lUniversité Paris 1 l'UER d'arts plastiques et sciences de l'art, puis l'École doctorale en Arts, esthétique et sciences de l'art. Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages dont les plus récents analysent la relation entre l'imaginaire, la contre-culture et leur contexte historique à propos de deux uvres scandaleuses, L'Origine du monde de Gustave Courbet et les poèmes de Rimbaud dans l'Album zutique. - Après avoir obtenue l'agrégation de philosophie (juillet 1953) il est resté à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure pendant une année supplémentaire, sur proposition de Louis Althusser qui l'avait chargé d'un séminaire sur l'esthétique de Hegel. - En 1958 Teyssèdre a publié aux PUF un petit livre sur L'Esthétique de Hegel. La même année il a été détaché au CNRS. Étienne Souriau, qui avait dirigé son mémoire de maîtrise, lui a proposé dès l'année suivante un poste de « chef de travaux » à la Sorbonne, chargé de préparer à l'épreuve de dissertation les agrégatifs de philosophie. B.T. a poursuivi ses recherches sur l'esthétique de Hegel qu'il a confrontée à celles de Marx et de Lukács, avant de la soumettre à la critique de l'esthétique sémantique anglo-saxonne (source : Wikipedia) couverture tres legerement défraichie avec des traces de pliures, une petite déchirure au bas du mors du plat supérieur, et une petite tache rouge sur le haut du bord droit du plat inférieur, l'intérieur est sinon propre, papier à peine jauni, quelques coins inférieurs de pages cornés, legere petite tache sombre au coin supérieur droit de la derniere page (vierge), cela reste un bon exemplaire de lecture de ce texte assez peu courant sur l'esthétique de la peinture figurative de Hegel, agrémenté d'une introduction de Bernard Teyssèdre, avec une chronologie‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR8.00 (€8.00 )


Reference : 27959


‎Forelæsninger over Historiens Philosophie. Udgivne af Dr. Eduard Gans. Andet Oplag besørget af Dr. Karl Hegel. Oversatte af S. Kattrup.‎

‎Kjöbh., 1842. 8vo. Nice cont. hcalf w. gilt back. Internally very nice and clean. Old owner's name on t-p., a few leaves w. marginal linings. Excellent copy.‎

‎First Danish edition of the only of Hegel's works to be translated into Danish until recent times. It is translated from the German second issue, as stated on the title-page. This work has had immence influence on 19th century philosophy, and this only Danish translation was of great importance to Danish philosophy at the time, the time of Kierkegaard. ""I snævreste forstand er den hegelianske periode i dansk filosofi afgrænset til årene omkring 1840 (!), en kort men væsentlig periode i den danske tænknings historie, da det var i denne, at Søren Kierkegaard tog afsæt i sit senere så overvældende forfatterskab."" (""In the most restricted sense the hegelian period in Danish philosophy is limited to the years around 1840 (!), a short, but significant period in the history of Danish thought, as it was in this period that the basis of the later so overwhelming writings of Søren Kierkegaard was founded. (Koch, Den danske idealisme, 2004, p. 219). ""Også blandt de unge historikere fængede Hegel. Det er næppe en tilfældighed, at det eneste af hans værker, der blev oversat til dansk, var hans forelæsninger over historiens filosofi."" (""Also amongst the young historians did Hegel catch on. It is hardly a coincidence that the only one of his works to be translated into Danish were his lectures on the history op philosophy."") ( Koch, Den danske idealisme, 2004, p. 221).The fist English translation did not appear until 1895.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 50543


‎Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. - [PMM 283 - THE STATE AS PERFECT ORGANIZATION]‎

‎Berlin, 1821. 8vo. A beautiful and excellently made pastiche binding in brown half calf with richly gilt spine and red gilt leather title-label. Previous owner's name to title-page (dated 1909) and a few light pencil-marginalia, otherwise internally very nice and clean with only occasional minor brownspotting. XXVI, 355, (1) pp. A very fine copy.‎

‎The scarce first edition of Hegel's seminal ""The Outline (or later Elements) of the Philosophy of Right"", the last of Hegel's major works, which represents the culmination of a life-long interest in politics and political phenomena. Hegel was perhaps more than any other German philosopher influenced by the French Revolution, and this masterpiece of philosophy constitutes a grandiose attempt to make freedom the foundation of human society. ""Taken apart from the rest of his system, Hegel's political philosophy has been much misrepresented by totalitarian propagandists. He was, however, one of the most profound and influential thinkers of the nineteenth century. Theology, philosophy, political theory, all have been radically influenced by his system"" Strauss (300), Baur (322), Bradley, Kierkegaard (314), Marx (326, 359), Lenin (392), all came under his spell, and his indirect influence has been limitless."" (PMM 283).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK31,500.00 (€4,224.84 )

‎Serreau (René) sur Hegel‎

Reference : 85007


‎Hegel et l'hégélianisme‎

‎Presses Universitaires de France - P.U.F. , Que Sais-Je ? Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur bleu ciel et jaune In-8 1 vol. - 127 pages‎

‎ 4eme édition, 1971 Contents, Chapitres : Les antécédents de l'hégélianisme et les principes directeurs du système - Les thèmes essentiels du système hégélien - Le problème religieux et la scission de l'école hégélienne - Le problème politique, de Hegel à Marx - L'hégélianisme en Europe au XIXe siècle - Hegel et la pensée contemporaine - Bibliographie sommaire legere tache sombre sur le coin supérieur du plat inférieur, la couverture reste en état correct, papier un peu jauni, quelques lignes soulignées sur 7-8 pages, le texte restant très lisible, cela reste un bon exemplaire de lecture, complet et sain - format de poche‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR5.00 (€5.00 )


Reference : 53640


‎System der Wissenschaft. Erster Theil (all), die Phänomenologie des Geistes. - [ON ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE]‎

‎Bamberg u. Würzburg, bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt, 1807. 8vo. Contemporary full paper binding with gilt title- and tome- label to spine. Minor wear to extremities. Internally totally fresh and clean. A small paper flaw to blank bottom of title-page. A splendid copy in completely original condition. (8), XCI, (3, - errata), (1, - half-title), 765, (1), (2, -adverts) pp.‎

‎The very rare first edition, in a splendid copy, of Hegel's first major work, ""Phenomenology of Spirit"", in which he gave the first systematic account of his own philosophy. The Phenomenology of Spirit can be read as the itinerary of human reason. It traces the development of the categories of reason from the basic categories of sense perception to the manifestations of absolute spirit as religion, art, and philosophy. As the historical coming into being of reason coincides with the genesis of its self-awareness, the Phenomenology of Spirit also offers a justification of the human condition. The importance of Hegel's work for the development of modern thought cannot be overestimated. The dialectical structures which keep in place Hegel's thought shall determine the trajectory of Marx and - through the lectures of Alexandre Kojève - the course of modern French philosophy. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK115,000.00 (€15,424.03 )

‎HEGEL Friedrich (BACKES Catherine, HEGEL G.W.F., et autres)‎

Reference : 93589

‎Hegel. Cahier de l'Arc, N° 39.‎

‎Paris, L'Arc, 1969. 18 x 23, 108 pp., broché, très bon état.‎

‎L'Arc, revue trimestrielle.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎HEGEL (G.W.F.).‎

Reference : 119356

‎Philosophie de la nature de Hegel. Traduite pour la première fois et accompagnée d'une introduction et d'un commentaire perpétuel par A. Véra.‎

‎Paris Librairie philosophique de Ladrange 1863-1866 3 vol. relié 3 vol. in-8, demi-basane rouge, dos à nerfs, XII + 628, (4) + 440 et (4) + 574 + (2) pp. Edition originale française. Dos un peu frottés. Rousseurs. Quelques passages soulignés au crayon et à l'encre. Exemplaire convenable, en reliure d'époque.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

‎G.W.F. Hegel - Ad Verbrugge Arie leijen‎

Reference : 64066

‎Hegel een inleiding ‎

‎, Boom uitgevers , 2002 Softcover 301 pagina's. ISBN 9789053527771.‎

‎Bijna tweehonderd jaar na de uitkomst van Hegels hoofdwerk de Ph nomenologie des Geistes blijft zijn denken onverminderd fascinerend. Zijn invloed op de geschiedenis van de filosofie is groot en strekt zich tot aan hedendaagse debatten, zoals rond Fukuyama's these over het einde van de geschiedenis. Deze bundel vormt een toegankelijke en gedegen inleiding in zijn denken, waarin de belangrijkste thema's van zijn werk aan bod komen: van zijn logica en natuurfilosofie tot aan zijn filosofie van staat, kunst en geschiedenis. Aan deze bundel werkten Nederlandse en Vlaamse Hegel-kenners mee, waaronder de vorig jaar overleden Nijmeegse hoogleraar Ludwig Heyde aan wie deze bundel is opgedragen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Jankélévitch S. Teyssèdre Bernard‎

Reference : DJE69AP


‎Hegel. Esthétique de la peinture figurative : . Textes réunis et présentés par Bernard Teyssèdre‎

‎Hermann Mesnil impr. Firmin-Didot et Cie Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1964 187 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : alb0d630226de40bb70

‎Hegel H.W.F. Lectures on aesthetics. In 2 volumes./Gegel G.V.F. Lektsii po estet‎

‎Hegel H.W.F. Lectures on aesthetics. In 2 volumes./Gegel G.V.F. Lektsii po estetike. V 2 tomakh.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )


Reference : alb3f3b234b1cee49bc

‎Hegel G.W.F. The Science of Logic. In 3 Volumes/Gegel G.V.F. Nauka logiki. V 3 t‎

‎Hegel G.W.F. The Science of Logic. In 3 Volumes/Gegel G.V.F. Nauka logiki. V 3 tomakh. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )


Reference : albfcd184153b25a783

‎Hegel H.W.F. Lectures on the history of philosophy. In 3 books./Gegel G.V.F. Lek‎

‎Hegel H.W.F. Lectures on the history of philosophy. In 3 books./Gegel G.V.F. Lektsii po istorii filosofii. V 3 knigakh.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )


Reference : QWA-18533

‎Science de la logique. Livre troisième - Le concept ‎

‎Librairie Philosophique Vrin, 2016, in-8 br., 329 p., coll. "Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques", présenté, traduit et annoté par Bernard Bourgeois, 2 planches h.-t. (fac-similé, photo), état de neuf. ‎

‎Il y a deux siècles, en 1816, Hegel acheva sa théorie générale de l’être en exposant l’identité à soi foncière de cet être, non plus comme le simple être de la différence des êtres extérieurs les uns aux autres, ni même comme l’essence intérieure différenciée de ceux-ci, mais comme le concept se différenciant en eux. L’ontologie hégélienne avérait bien en son contenu final la logique qu’elle avait été d’emblée par sa forme. L’auto-détermination conceptuelle de l’être pris en son sens refonde d’abord scientifiquement les formes logiques traditionnelles en leur totalisation syllogistique, purement pensante ou subjective. Une telle identité à soi en quête d’elle-même renvoie, comme à son fondement, à l’identité à soi réelle de la totalité objective, soudée à elle-même par un lien qui est, en son sens intensifié, de type mécanique, puis chimique, enfin téléologique. Mais l’identité à soi plénière de l’objectivité doit s’identifier à elle-même, se réfléchir en soi comme la pensée de soi originaire de l’être objectif, ce que Hegel appelle l’Idée. Le sens logique achevé de l’être comme Idée se concrétisera réellement lui-même, plus fondamentalement qu’en la nature, dans et comme l’esprit. La logique hégélienne du concept accomplit ainsi dans la science spéculative le but qu’avait visé la métaphysique traditionnelle. Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes. ‎

Librairie de la Garenne - Clichy-la-Garenne

Phone number : 01 42 70 11 98

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Hegel (G. W. Friedrich) - Kostas Papaioannou (ed.)‎

Reference : 87557


‎La raison dans l'histoire - Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire , Traduction nouvelle, introduction et notes par Kostas Papaioannou‎

‎Union Générale d'Editions - U.G.E. , 1018 Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1976 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur bleu ciel, illustrée d'un portrait d'Hegel en vignette In-8 1 vol. - 311 pages‎

‎ nouvelle édition, 1976 Contents, Chapitres : Introduction, 15 pages - Types d'historiographie - L'histoire philosophique - Le concept général de la philosophie de l'histoire - La réalisation de l'esprit dans l'histoire - Le cours de l'histoire - Les conditions naturelles - La partition de l'histoire universelle - Annexe : L'histoire universelle, extrait de La philosophie du droit couverture à peine jaunie, intérieur sinon frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire de ce texte majeur de Hegel - format de poche‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Hegel ‎

Reference : PHI950M


‎Phénoménologie de l’esprit (vol.1 et 2)‎

‎Volume 1 et 2 en trés bon état. Intérieur frais . 1400 pages‎

‎La Phénoménologie de l'esprit n'est pas seulement un ouvrage décisif dans l'histoire de la philosophie : c'est aussi, aux côtés du théâtre de Shakespeare ou de La Divine Comédie de Dante, l'une des oeuvres majeures de la culture occidentale. Achevée dans l'urgence, parue en 1807 dans une Europe agitée par les guerres napoléoniennes, elle eut un succès tardif : en France, il fallut attendre le XX? siècle pour qu'on reconnût en elle le sommet de la philosophie idéaliste allemande - à la fois une remémoration dense et fulgurante de toute la philosophie, et le début d'une nouvelle façon de penser la vie, l'histoire et la pensée elle-même. La présente traduction restitue la dynamique poétique propre à ce moment où s'expose pour la première fois la démarche dialectique de Hegel : en s'attachant à préserver l'économie et la fluidité singulières de la langue de l'auteur, elle offre une nouvelle lecture de ce texte capital.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Alain /Normand Hegel Alain /Normand Hegel‎

Reference : 500021362

ISBN : 9782867391811

‎Guide du comedien 7 édition‎

‎Ediru 270 pages in8. Sans date. Broché. 270 pages.‎

‎Très bon état - L'ouvrage qui n'a jamais été lu peut présenter de légères traces de stockage mais est du reste en très bon état. envoi rapide et soigné dans un emballage adapté depuis France‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR4.00 (€4.00 )


Reference : 18805aaf


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF25.00 (€26.80 )

‎Hegel, Brezis D., Grosos Philippe, Colette Jacques‎

Reference : RO30317746


ISBN : 2707313688

‎Philosophie- N°29- Sommaire: Hegel: Science de la logique, préface à la seconde édition- David Brezis: Kierkegaard et l'équivoque de l'idéalité- Philippe Grosos: Système et systémique, Jacques Colette: Réflexion et temporalité.‎

‎Les Editions de Minuit. 1991. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 94 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎

‎Sommaire: Hegel: Science de la logique, préface à la seconde édition- David Brezis: Kierkegaard et l'équivoque de l'idéalité- Philippe Grosos: Système et systémique, Jacques Colette: Réflexion et temporalité. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )
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