Hartwell (R.M.), ed. - Mathias (Peter), ed. - H. Heaton - - P. Deane - E. A. Wrigley - E. W. Gilboy - F. Crouzet
Reference : 101524
Methuen and Company , Debates in Economic History Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1970 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white and blue wrappers, illustrated by a endgraving In-8 1 vol. - 186 pages
3rd edition, 1970 Contents, Chapitres : H. Heaton : Industrial revolution - R. M. Hartwell : The causes of the industrial revolution : An essay in methodologie - P. Deane : The industrial revolution and economic growth : The evidence of early british national income estimate - E. A. Wrigley : The supply of raw materials in the industrial revolution - E. W. Gilboy : Demand as factor in the industrial revolution - F. Crouzet : England and France in the eighteenth century : A comparative analysis of two economic growths near fine copy, wrappers very lightly yellowing, inside is fine, slightly-yellowing, clean and unmarked