Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1961. 8vo. Orig. full black cloth, orig. red, white and black dust-jacket, not price-clipped. A very nice, clean, and fresh copy in an excellent dust-jacket with just a tiny bit of soiling and a few small tears to extremities (no loss). An old owner's name in pencil erased from front free end-paper. A few faint marginal notes in pencil. An excellent copy. X, 263, (1) pp.
The hugely important first edition, review-copy with slip laid in, of Hart's seminal main work, a cornerstone of legal philosophy and probably the most important book in legal philosophy of the 20th century.The legal philosopher Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992) is famous for his immensely influential contributions to legal philosophy, including his theory of legal positivism, which is developed on the basis of analytic philosophy. By using the tools of analytic philosophy and philosophy of language, clearly inspired by philosophers like Wittgenstein, in his attempts to solve the problems of legal theory, Hart came to revolutionize the way that jurisprudence and philosophy of law is conducted in especially America and Great Britain, and as such, his work is considered the main reason why English-language theory of law is now accepted as a natural part of philosophy. In 1952 Hart began what is now called his Holmes lecture, Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals"", and it is from this lecture that his masterpiece work ""The Concept of Law"" emerged. The work was first published, as it is here, in 1961, and numerous issues of it later appeared. In 1994 a new, posthumous, edition was published, establishing the lasting influence of the work.""The Concept of Law"" poses the main question, whether all laws can be understood as being coercive orders or moral commands. It analyses the relation between law, coercion, and morality and comes to the conclusion that there is no logically necessary connection between neither law and coercion nor low and morality. Had one assumed such a necessary connection, Hart claims, one would have oversimplified the relation between the three and would have misunderstood the content, purpose, function and application of a number of laws.On this basis, Hart develops a distinction between primary and secondary legal rules, the primary rule being that which governs conduct, and the secondary rule being that which allows alterations of the primary one. He furthermore distinguishes between internal and external points of view of law, and not least, he developed the idea of the Rule of Recognition, a central part of his theory of logical positivism, a meta-rule that underlies any legal system and which differentiates between norms that have authority of law and those that do not. The Rule of Recognition identifies legal validity within the legal system.""The Concept of Law"" must be said to be the most important and original work of 20th century legal philosophy. Though Hart's contribution to the study of jurisprudence and legal philosophy has been enormous in general, ""The Concept of Law"" occupies a seminal place within this study and is considered his absolute masterpiece. Its influence has been enormous, and a huge growth in the quantity of scholarship of the area of jurisprudence and legal thought can be traced directly back to this work. Hart's combination of twentieth-century analytic philosophy with the jurisprudential tradition of Jeremy Bentham has had an immense influence on legal though and continues to have so. Most important legal scholars of the 20th century are influenced by Hart in one way or the other, for instance John Rawls, and Ronald Dworkin, who, however, disagrees with his theories.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953. 8vo. Uncut in the original printed wrappers. Faint fading to extremities of wrappers. Near mint. 28 pp.
First printing of Hart's famous inaugural lecture. In this lecture ""Hart suggested that fundamental legal notions could be elucidated by methods properly adapted to their special character. Hart opposed the quest for definitions of expressions such as ""law"", ""state"", ""right"" and ""corporation"". It is futile, he claimed, to search for a counterpart to such notions in the ""real world"" or to apply the method of definition 'per genus et differentiam': positioning the notion within a glass or generic groups of which it is perceived to be a member, then listing the features which differentiate it from other notions within the same class. A definition of ""law"" as a member of the general class of rules of behavior was rejected in 'The Concept of Law' because the concept of ""rule"" is itself problematic as that of ""law"", in Hart's view."" (Ross, Law as a Social Institution"", Pp. 39-40).The legal philosopher Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992) is famous for his immensely influential contributions to legal philosophy, including his theory of legal positivism, which is developed on the basis of analytic philosophy. By using the tools of analytic philosophy and philosophy of language, clearly inspired by philosophers like Wittgenstein, in his attempts to solve the problems of legal theory, Hart came to revolutionize the way that jurisprudence and philosophy of law is conducted in especially America and Great Britain, and as such, his work is considered the main reason why English-language theory of law is now accepted as a natural part of philosophy.
Clarendon press 1924 290 pages in8. 1924. Relié. 290 pages.
Bon Etat
Club du livre policier 1958 in8. 1958. Cartonné.
Très Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre bonne tenue
Luisde Caralt 1959 in8. 1959. Cartonné jaquette.
livre en bon état intérieur propre jaquette défraîchie bords frottés ex-libris
Calmann lévy 1951 in8. 1951. Broché. Défense de l'Europe : EDefence of the Weste quelques problèmes de la guerre et de la paix traduit de l'anglais par A. Armand. Petitjean et D. Dominique Guillet
Bon état couverture défraîchie intérieur propre
William Morrow Paperbacks 1971 320 pages 13x21x2cm. 1971. Broché. 320 pages.
Bon état bas de tranche un peu ternie intérieur propre ex-libris sur la page titre
Nouvelle revue critique 1935 in8. 1935. Broché.
couverture défraîchie intérieur propre intérieur propre
Fayard 1973 in8. 1973. Cartonné.
Bon état rousseur sur tranche intérieur propre sans jaquette
Garanciere 1989 173 pages in8. 1989. Broché. 173 pages.
Très Bon Etat
Dordrecht 1976 in8. 1976. Cartonné.
Bon état général cependant premier plat taché intérieur frais
New Holland NH 2010 270 pages in4. 2010. Cartonné jaquette. 2 volume(s). 270 pages. livres en anglais
avec emboîtage cartonné livres comme neuf avec leur jaquette
Livre de Poche 1963 444 pages in12. 1963. broché. 444 pages.
Bon Etat coin un peu frottés
Harlequin 1989 152 pages poche. 1989. broché. 152 pages.
couverture usagée
France Loisirs 1997 301 pages in8. 1997. Cartonné jaquette. 301 pages.
Très Bon Etat
Saint clair 1977 in12. 1977. Cartonnage editeur.
Très Bon Etat étiquette collée à l'intérieur de la première de couverture
Marabout 1985 741 pages in12. 1985. Broché. 741 pages.
Bon Etat qq rides dos tranche assez jaunie
Editions des Deux Coqs d'or 1985 130 pages in8. 1985. Relié. 130 pages.
Très Bon Etat
Pan books 1970 505+830 pages in12. 1970. Broché. 505+830 pages.
Etat correct pages jaunissantes tranche jaunie
Rombaldi 1946 in8. 1946. Cartonné.
Etat Correct couverture défraîchie tachée intérieur uniformément jauni sans jaquette
Paris, Schott, 1886; in-4, demi-chagrin grenat, dos orné, non rogn. Titre, VIII pp., 415 pp.- Frontispice et 18 planches hors-texte avec un grand nombre de violons gravés sur bois. Ouvrage rare et très complet: histoire de l’origine du violon, construction, cordes italiennes et autres, luthiers français, italiens, allemands, anglais, anecdotes. Avec un index alphabétique des luthiers. Très bel exemplaire sur papier Whatman Turkey Mill. Il est très frais et bien relié.