HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) s3 :
Reference : 7976
.: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1947-1954 , unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. complete in six series (exact collation provided on request). This periodical was the precursor to '' Quadrum ''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl . With articles on pre-1800 painting but also on the actual art scene such as the Biennale of Venice, special issues were devoted to James Ensor, L'Art au Congo Belge (art in Congo ,Sculpture) , the art film ( two issues).