HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) s3 :
Reference : 7976
.: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1947-1954 , unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. complete in six series (exact collation provided on request). This periodical was the precursor to '' Quadrum ''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl . With articles on pre-1800 painting but also on the actual art scene such as the Biennale of Venice, special issues were devoted to James Ensor, L'Art au Congo Belge (art in Congo ,Sculpture) , the art film ( two issues).
HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) s2 :
Reference : 7975
".: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1947-1954 , unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. Complete in six series. Added are 2 special issues which were published outside the series numbering; Le Fantastique dans L'Art Belge de Bosch à Magritte. Numéro spécial (de la revue) Les Arts Plastiques. Juin 1954. La XXVIIe Biennale de Venise et L'Art Chinois, October 1954 (the ultimate issue). Hommage à la Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts Bruxelles 23 juin 1953 Complete set of this periodical (exact collation provided on request). This periodical was the precursor to '' Quadrum ''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl . With articles on pre-1800 painting but also on the actual art scene such as the Biennale of Venice, special issues were devoted to James Ensor, L'Art au Congo Belge (art in Congo ,Sculpture) , the art film ( two issues)."
HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) Série 1 (1947) :
Reference : 7977
".: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1947, unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. Complete first series consisting of 6 physical issues; 1, 2, 3-4 , 5-6, 7, 8-9 (= December 1947). Text in French. In all six series were published. This periodical was the precursor to '' Quadrum ''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl."
HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) Série 2 (1948) :
Reference : 30685
".: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1948 , unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. Complete second series (deuxième série), consisting of 6 physical issues; 1- 2, 3-4 , 5-6, 7-8 , 9-10 , 11-12 (= December 1948). Text in French. In all six series were published. This periodical was the precursor to ''Quadrum''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl."
HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) Série 3 (1949) :
Reference : 30686
".: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1949 , unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. Complete third series (troisième série), consisting of 6 physical issues; 1- 2, 3-4 , 5-6, 7-8 , 9-10 , 11-12 (= December 1949). Text in French. In all six series were published. This periodical was the precursor to ''Quadrum''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl .."
HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) Série 4 (1950) :
Reference : 30687
".: 0. Bruxelles, in-8°, 1950 , unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. Complete fourth series (quatrième série), consisting of 6 physical issues; 1,2,3,4,5,6 (= nov.-décembre 1950). Text in French. In all six series were published. This periodical was the precursor to ''Quadrum''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl."
HAESAERTS Luc - Paul HAESAERTS - René MICHA - E. GOLDSCHMIDT - Albert DASNOY - Paul FIERENS - Marcel SCHMITZ (editors) s1 :
Reference : 38732
".: 0. Bruxelles, 1945, small in-4°, 17 x 12 cm, (Les Carnets du Seminaire des Arts) issues 1-6 (missing is issue 6); some issues have a dustsoiled cover. (Les Arts Plastiques), in-8°, 1947-1954 unbound, original issues as published with the original wrappers. Added are 3 special issues which were published outside the series numbering; Le Fantastique dans L'Art Belge de Bosch à Magritte. Numéro spécial (de la revue) Les Arts Plastiques. Juin 1954. La XXVIIe Biennale de Venise et L'Art Chinois, October 1954 (the ultimate issue). Complete set of this periodical (except one issue of the precursor). This periodical was the precursor to ''Quadrum''. It was directed by Luc and Paul Haesaerts, Paul Fierens , Marcel Schmitz , R. Cogniat , G. Diehl . With articles on pre-1800 painting but also on the actual art scene such as the Venice Biennale, special issues were devoted to James Ensor, L'Art au Congo Belge (art in Congo, Sculpture) , the art film (two issues)."
Bruxelles, Editions de la Connaissance, 1947 (N° 1). in-8°, 48 [8] p., photographies in texte N&B, broche, couverture illustree.
Tres bel exemplaire de ce numero tete de serie. [AR-2] Contributions de H. LAVACHERY, P. HAESAERTS, J. CASSOU, E. LANGUI.
Bruxelles, Editions de la Connaissance, 1949 (N° 1-2). in-8, 88 pages, photographies in texte N&B, broche, couverture illustree.
Bel exemplaire. [CA26-4]
Antwerpen, De Sikkel (voor het Ministerie van Onderwijs) 1954 16pp.tekst + 25pp.ills.+ 1 portret, in de reeks "Monografieën over Belgische kunst", gecart. met stofwikkel, [text in Dutch, cart.cover with dustwrapper, VG]
Anvers, De Sikkel 1954 16pp.de texte & 24 illustrations hors-texte + frontispice en couleurs & 1 portrait hors-texte, reliure cart., jaq.ill., 25cm., texte en français, dans la série "Monographies de l'art belge", très bon état, S84815
Bruxelles, Editions de la Connaissance, 1948 (N° 3-4 : La Pinacothèque de Munich). in-8°, 88 [12] p., photographies in texte N&B, broche, couverture illustree.
Bel exemplaire. [AR-2] Contributions de M. FRIEDLANDER, L. VAN PUYVELDE, F. BAUDOUIN, E. LANGUI.
.: 2. Gand, L'Art & La Vie, 1935, in-8°, ca.40 pp, b/w ills., stapled, orig. wrapper (a bit dust soiled). Special issue of the periodical (issue 4 - 1935). This copy is signed by both authors with a dedication to the Flemish art critique Johan de Maeght, dated 8 May 1935.
.: 2. Brussels, Editions du Cercle d'Art, 1943, 24,5 x 17,5 cm, 36 pp with 32 b/w plates, orig. wrappers.
".: Bruxelles, Editions des Cahiers de Belgique, 1932. 19,5 x 14,5 cm, 24 pp + 31 b/w ill. orig. wrapp. (In the series; Collection Peintres et SculpteursBelges No. 10)."
.: Paris, Editions du Chronique du Jour, 1931, in-4°, 25 x 21 cm, 703 pp, b/w ill., publisher's half cloth, illustrated front cover, printed in 1000 numbered copies. Important survey of Belgian painting at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century. a standard work on the subject. Text in French. Spine a bit discoloured, top of spine slightly frayed but the inside fine. Still a fine/good copy.
.: Paris, Editions du Chronique du Jour, 1931, in-4°, 25 x 21 cm, 703 pp, b/w ill., publisher's half cloth, illustrated front cover, printed in 1000 numbered copies. Important survey of Belgian painting at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century. a standard work on the subject. Text in French. A fine copy.
.: Paris, Editions du Chronique du Jour, 1931, in-4°, 25 x 21 cm, 703 pp, b/w ill., publisher's half cloth, illustrated front cover, printed in 1000 numbered copies. Important survey of Belgian painting at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century. a standard work on the subject. Text in French. Spine a bit discoloured, top of spine slightly frayed but the inside fine. Still a fine/good copy. Livre en français. Ouvrage de base sur la peinture flamande de la fin du 19e - début 20e siècle. Bon exemplaire.
SMET, Gustave de - Cahier Sélection - Luc & Paul Haesaerts - André de Ridder - P.G. Van Hecke :
Reference : 51774
.: 2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1928, 26,5 x 19 cm, 136 pp avec des ill. n/b, broché, couverture originale (couverture souill. et un peu picquée). Numéro spécial de la revue avant-garde Sélection, avec des contributions de Luc & Paul Haesaerts - André de Ridder - P.G. Van Hecke..
Les Compagnons de l'Art - Luc et Paul HAESAERTS - [ ] Salon Brussel 1938 :
Reference : 2171
.: 2. Bruxelles, Les Compagnons de l'Art, 1938, in-12°, 16 x 13 cm, 78 pp, ills. noir/blanc, couverture souple d'origine. L'exposition füt organisée par les frères Luc et Paul Haesaerts..
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Luc & Paul Haesaerts - Robert Poulet - Pierre Morhange ...(contributors ) :
Reference : 51932
".: 0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1926, in-8°, original issue as published, ca 80 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit discolored, spine with minor damage (with some loss of paper) . ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by Haesaert ( Peindre...) ; Robert Poulet ( Sous le signe de la nuit). Pierre Morhange ; Van Hecke on Fritz van den Berghe ( with 16 illustrations). ...Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée."
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Luc & Paul Haesaerts - Georges Thialet - Gaston Pulings ...(contributors ) :
Reference : 51933
".: 0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1926, in-8°, original issue as published, ca 80 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit discolored, spine with minor damage (with some loss of paper) . Backwrapper completely detached. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by Haesaert ( L'Architecture hollandaise) ; Philippe Datz ( Eugène , Prince de Danemark ) ..Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée."