2 books for « h stanley allen »Edit

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‎H. Stanley Allen‎

Reference : 9587

‎Photo electricity‎

‎1913 Longmans, Green and co reliure cartonné éditeur, 222p. bon état‎

‎Livre en anglais. The liberation of electrons by light. Table : the early experimenters - the emission of negative electrons en a vacuum - the velocity of electrons - the photo-electric current in gases at various pressures - photo electric substances - the influence of temperature en the photo electric discharge - the influence of the caracter of the light on the photo electric discharge - theories of photo electric action - photo electric fatigue - fluorescence and phophorescence - photo chemical actions and photographiy - index. ‎

Phone number : 04 76 97 79 28

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )
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‎ALLEN (Stanley H.)‎

Reference : 5999


‎Photo-electricity. The liberation of electrons by light with chapters on fluorescence and phosphorescence, and photo-chemical actions and photography‎

‎N.Y., Longmans, 1913; un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 7pp., (2), 221pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- Early experimenters - The emission of negative electrons in a vacuum - The velocity of the electrons - The photo-electric current in gases at various pressures - Photo-electric substances : solids and liquids - Photo-electric substances : gases and vapours - The influence of temperature on the photo-electric discharge - The influence of the character of the light on the photo-electric discharge - Theories of photo-electric action - Fluorescence and phosphorescence - Photo-chemical actions and photography - etc ** 5999.M5DEP‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )
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