, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 253 pages, Size:170 x 240 mm, Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503584683.
Summary In the recent past, critical discussions concerning notions such as 'cultural area' and 'area studies', as well as their relativizations by means of conceptions that avoid splitting clearly identified areas (inter alia, 'third space', 'hybridity', 'diaspora', or 'cosmopolitism'), drew attention to the long history of cultural territorialization. This book attempts to open the history of philosophy to reflexive and globalizing tendencies elaborated in the field of 'world history'. From the seventeenth century onward, in both modern Europe and North America, historical sciences-notably philosophical historiography and cultural history-colonized both the past (or national pasts) and the 'rest' of the world. The contributions gathered in the present volume address both phenomena to the extent that they have been linked with modern historicization of philosophy, sciences, and culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS CATHERINE K NIG-PRALONG / MARIO MELIAD / ZORNITSA RADEVA (Albert-Ludwigs-Universit t Freiburg) Preface I. Continents of Thought, Global Exchanges CATHERINE K NIG-PRALONG (Albert-Ludwigs-Universit t Freiburg) How Historians of Philosophy Invented Europe's Philosophical Nature JULIE BRUMBERG-CHAUMONT (CNRS, PSL, LEM Paris) l'Est (et au Far-Ouest) de la logique, rien de nouveau ST PHANE VAN DAMME (European University Institute Firenze) Enlightenment's Frontiers: did Mohawks have a philosophy? II. Intellectual Imperialism LENA SALAYMEH (Tel Aviv University) Goldziher dans le r le du bon orientaliste. Les m thodes de l'imp rialisme intellectuel IVA MANOVA (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) The Creation of Philosophical Nations under the Soviet Regime: "Restoring the Historical Truth" about the Peoples of Asia in Philosophy III. Formations of Political and Ethnical Spaces UELI ZAHND (Universit de Gen ve) Civilized Scots? Climate, Race and the Barbarian North in Early Modern Scottish Philosophy DELPHINE ANTOINE-MAHUT (ENS de Lyon) Une philosophie fran aise sans philosophie fran aise. L' clectisme de Victor Cousin MARIO MELIAD (Universit t Siegen) G opolitique de la raison. Sur la pratique de l'histoire de la philosophie l' cole de Victor Cousin GIANLUCA BRIGUGLIA (Universit de Strasbourg) Aristot lisme politique m di val et lieu naturel de la d mocratie selon l'historiographie de Walter Ullmann IV. Intellectual Boundaries and Disciplinary Geographies CECILIA MURATORI (University of Warwick) Science or "Sad Trash"? Aristotelian Lineages in the Historiography of Animal Magnetism SAMUEL L Z (ENS de Lyon) Contr ler le territoire philosophique coups de canon. L' clipse de l'histoire compar e de Joseph-Marie Deg rando (1772-1842) l'or e d'une juridiction de l'incomparable
Paris, Chapelot, 1903 in-8, XVIII-255 pp., 6 croquis dépl., demi-basane noire, dos lisse, filets dorés (reliure de l'époque). Dos frotté, qqs épidermures. Cachet (annulé).
Paris, Chapelot, 1903 in-8, XVIII-255 pp., 6 croquis dépl. et détachés, in fine, bradel cartonnage de papier marbré magenta, couv. cons. (reliure moderne). Page de titre défraîchie
Paris, Chapelot et Cie, 1901 in-8, IX-347 pp., 2 cartes dépliantes, demi-basane verte, dos lisse (reliure de l'époque). Dos taché. Cachet (annulé).
, Gallimard, 2024 Hardcover, Couverture reliee, 456 pages, Texte en Francais, Illustrations en couleurs en noir & blanc nombreuses illustrations dans et hors texte. 28-26CM. ISBN 9782073073037.
"Infini est le nombre des fous" Eccl siaste, chapitre I, 15 Au commencement tait "l'insens ", pauvre fou d pourvu de sagesse qui se d tourne de Dieu. Rel gu dans les marges, il sort de la sph re religieuse au cours du Moyen ge pour s' panouir dans le monde profane et devenir tour tour celui qui divertit, met en garde, d nonce, inverse les valeurs, voire renverse l'ordre tabli. Reconnaissable ses attributs embl matiques - capuchon oreilles d' ne ou cr te de coq, grelots, clochettes, marotte, costume bariol -, cette figure volue au fil des si cles et s'incarne en de multiples avatars : fous de cour, fous d'amour ou bouffons envahissent alors tout l'espace artistique occidental. Du Moyen ge la Renaissance et jusqu' l' poque moderne, un parcours exceptionnel dans l'art de l'Europe du Nord r unit ici pr s de 350 oeuvres aussi diverses que les personnages qu'elles mettent en sc ne : manuscrits enlumin s, livres imprim s, gravures, tapisseries, sculptures, objets pr cieux ou du quotidien et peintures d'illustres artistes, tels que Bosch, Bruegel, G ricault, Courbet... Sous le regard expert des plus grands sp cialistes, cet ouvrage nous invite r fl chir ce que la norme conserve comme ce qu'elle rejette. Il propose de reconsid rer quelques articulations majeures de l'histoire et de l'histoire de l'art, l'aune de cette figure qui cristallise les inqui tudes et les passions. Une plong e dans un monde de folie qui nous renvoie nous-m mes et notre rapport l'Autre.
Wuppertal , Von der Heydt-Museum, 2023 softcover, 280 pages, 17 24 cm, Illustrated. German text ISBN 9783987410437.
A new beginning, transformation, revolution: society underwent major changes in the 1960s, and so did art. It moved into a radically new direction. The works that were created in the environment of ZERO or Op Art invited the public to participate. Fluxus and happenings attracted the public?s attention through spectacular and provocative actions; they did not confine themselves to the space of the White Cube, but challenged its limits, and called for new ways of thinking and acting beyond the aesthetic experience. The catalog presents the Von der Heydt-Museum?s entire collection of 1960s and 1970s art for the first time, revealing the institution?s collecting and exhibition activities. Owing to its courageous acquisitions, it laid the foundation early on for a significant art collection that was continuously expanded in subsequent years through additional purchases and donations. In this context, the catalog also addresses the question of how to develop a modern museum that engages with social and political issues. This question was debated in Wuppertal at the time, and it is as relevant today as it was then. Including works by Joseph Beuys, Christo, Lucio Fontana, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Roy Lichtenstein, Nam June Paik, Otto Piene, Gerhard Richter, James Rosenquist, Dieter Roth, Jes s Rafael Soto, Jean Tinguely, Cy Twombly, Wolf Vostell, Andy Warhol und vielen mehr and many others
Roland M nig, Michael Philipp, Anna Storm, Ortrud Westheider, Daniel Zamani
Reference : 65263
, Prestel, 2024 Hardback,300 x 240 mm,200 color Illustrations, 240 Pages, English ed. ISBN 9783791377520.
This lavishly illustrated exhibition catalog features 70 career-spanning works by the French avant-garde painter, one of the 20th century's great colorists and a major proponent of Fauvism. This catalog provides a wide- ranging overview of the painter's entire oeuvre: from the first compositions he executed at the beginning of the 20th century, to some of his very last landscapes. Throughout, the book recalls Vlaminck's vital contribution to the development of 20th-century painting.
, Stiftung Saarl ndischer Kulturbesitz, 2019 Hardcover, 227 pages / seiten, ENG / DE. edition, 245 x 180 x 23 mm, NEW / NEU, illustrations in colour / farbe / b/w. ISBN 9783932036996.
For the first time on a broad basis, the exhibition catalogue will show the work of Bruce Nauman and Auguste Rodin in parallel. Auguste Rodin (1840?1917) and Bruce Nauman (*1941) are separated by a century. However, they are closely connected by the fact that they both pursued an innovative and radical approach. They have radically changed not only artistic practice but also our general notion of art. Their artistic concerns and strategies are surprisingly close to one another.
1992 Belser Hardcover
Die Liebe im Zeichen der Rose: Die Handschriften des Rosenromans in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek (Belser Bildgeschichte des Mittelalters) (German Edition) 305 x 225 mm, Hardcover, 64 pp, rijkelijk geillustreerd in goede staat
, Bonnae [Bonn], Sumptibus Adolphi Marci 1860, in-8, demi-basane grenat non coupé, tit. doré sur dos lisse orné de quadruples filets dorés, reliure au chiffre “Université Catholique de Paris”, (coiffes frottées, mors marqués), intérieur frais, [Cet ouvrage provient de l’Institut Catholique de Paris, il peut revêtir, en couverture et/ou à l’intérieur, des marques de bibliothèque], XII-360p.
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