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‎GROVES (Henry)‎

Reference : 20529


‎"Not of the world" - Memoir of Lord Congleton‎

‎ 1884 London, Joh, F. Shaw & Co, 1884, petit in-8 de (2)-136 pp., portrait de Lord Congleton lithographié en frontispice, reliure de l'éditeur à la Bradel de pleine percaline brune, titre doré au dos et sur le 1er plat, bel exemplaire.‎

‎dédicace manuscrite à A. K. (Alicia Kessler, mère du comte Harry Kessler). daté Oct. 2, 1884. ‎

Phone number : +49 9356 6034856

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 4796

‎1. A GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF USING ATOMIC ENERGY FOR MILITARY PURPOSES under the auspices of the United States Government,1940/1945, written at the request of Major General L.R. GROVES, United States army. Publication authorized as of August 1945. Washington, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, 1945, 7pp., 182pp., couvertures imprimées conservées --- 2. The United States and the United Nations report series. THE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF ATOMIC ENERGY. Scientific information transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. June 14, 1946-October 14, 1946. Prepared in the Office of Mr. Bernard M. Baruch, United States Représentative. 6 volumes. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, (2), 195pp., couvertures imprimées conversées --- 3. GRIMALDI (F.S.) - MAY (I.) - FLETCHER (M.H.) - TITCOMB (J.). COLLECTED PAPERS ON METHODS OF ANALYSIS FOR URANIUM AND THORIUM. Geological survey bulletin 1006. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 1954, 7pp., 184pp., 6 planches dont 5 dépliantes sous étui contrecollé au veso du deuxième plat de couverture, couvertures imprimées conservées --- 4. PIGOTT (E.C.). ATOMIC ENERGY in Review volume 1, N° 14, 1954, pp. 354/387‎

‎4 OUVRAGES reliés en un volume in 8 demi-chagrin havane‎

‎---- FIRST EDITION of the first published account of the development of the atomic bomb published the first atomic bomb was exploded over Hiroshima. This report, familiarly known and referred to as the "SMYTH REPORT" is also the first officially published description of the immediate history following Hahn's and Strassmann's discovery of nuclear fission in 1939" ---- Statement of the problem - Administrative history up to December 1941 - Progress up to December 1941 - Administrative history (1942-1945) - Metallurgical project at Chicago in 1942 - Plutonium production problem (February 1943) - Plutonium problem (January 1943-June 1945) - General discussion of the separation of Isotopes - Diffusion separation - Electromagnetic separation - The work on the atomic bomb - Production and utilization of uranium-235 and plutonium 239 - The military effectiveness of the atomic bomb - etc**4796/M1‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )
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