, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 455 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:33 b/w, 12 col., 19 tables b/w., 23 musical examples, Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503603308.
Summary Music in the Carolingian World stems from a conference honoring the career and wide-ranging research of Prof. Charles M. Atkinson, leading scholar in early-medieval studies and author of the award-winning monograph, The Critical Nexus (2010). The volume brings together seventeen essays to explore the broad ramifications of music as an arena of study in early-medieval culture; taken together, they manifest the status of music not just as a field of research, but as a metadiscipline that embraces numerous fields and specializations in medieval studies, including philosophy, theology, literature, philology, paleography, liturgy, education, political and institutional history, as well as the practice, theory, and transmission of chant and related musical repertories. The essays are grouped into the four thematic categories of Verbum, Numerus, Ars, and Cultus, bookended by three keynote essays that touch in different ways on the theme of metadisciplinarity. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ? Graeme M. Boone Prolegomena ? Charles M. Atkinson Verbum Virgil and Music in the Carolingian World ? Jan M. Ziolkowski Glimpses of Carolingian Latin Song: A Laon Verse Collection Reconsidered ? Sam Barrett Resonet coram te rex: Reflections on the Role of the King in Early Proses and Tropes ? Gunilla Iversen Numerus Musica ex numeris ? Michel Huglo?, edited and translated by Barbara Haggh-Huglo; appendices by Manuel Pedro Ferreira and Barbara Shailor Symbolic and Rhetorical Use of Numbers in Arabic and Hebrew Writings on Music ? Amnon Shiloah? Medieval Readings of the Division of the World Soul (Timaeus 35b-36b) in Latin Philosophical Commentaries ? B atrice Bakhouche Keynote 1 Placing Music in Carolingian Monastic Culture ? Patrick J. Geary Ars The Liberal Arts and Study of the Bible in the Carolingian Age ? David Ganz The Ars musica in Glosses and Commentary Traditions from the Carolingian Period ? Mariken Teeuwen ?Let Schools be Established ?? For What? The Meaning of Admonitio generalis, cap. 70 (olim 72) ? John J. Contreni Les plus anciens t moins des notations fran aises conserv s dans les collections de la Biblioth que nationale de France ? Marie-No l Colette To Speak Well and to Sing Wisely: Liturgical Chant and Carolingian Correctio ? Susan Rankin The Poet as Historian: Walahfrid Strabo on the Shaping of Office Repertory ? Felix Heinzer The Responsories of Easter Week: On the Development of the Office Antiphoner in the Ninth Century ? Andreas Pfisterer Textual and Melodic Variance in Carolingian Chant ? Rebecca Maloy Keynote 2 The Meta-Nexus Underlying Disciplina musica ? Calvin M. Bower Bio-Bibliography of Charles M. Atkinson Works Cited General Index Index of Manuscripts