Bruxelles Le cri éditions 1999 Essais rassemblés et présentés par Goy-Blanquet - in8 broché 177pp - couverture illustrée - très bon état (petit coup oblique à la couverture voir scan)
Très bon
Auden Wystan Hugh Kirsch Arthur Goy-Blanquet Dominique
Reference : 514037
ISBN : 2268047415
Editions du Rocher 2003 465 pages 26x16x4cm. 2003. Broché. 465 pages. petites marques sur tranche
Très Bon Etat
Crick Mark Collectif Reznikov Patricia Goy-Blanquet Dominique Vitrier Antoine
Reference : 45206
ISBN : 9782917559031
Editions Baker Street Editions 2008 127 pages 20x15x2cm. 2008. Relié. 127 pages.
French édition - Le livre qui n'a jamais été lu présente de TRES petites marques de stockage sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais du reste en très bon état d'ensemble. Expédition soignée depuis la France dans un emballage adapté
Crick Mark Collectif Reznikov Patricia Goy-Blanquet Dominique Vitrier Antoine
Reference : 45371
ISBN : 9782917559031
Editions Baker Street Editions 2008 127 pages 20x15x2cm. 2008. Relié. 127 pages.
French édition -. Expédition soignée depuis la France dans un emballage adapté
Crick Mark Collectif Reznikov Patricia Goy-Blanquet Dominique Vitrier Antoine
Reference : 100067383
ISBN : 9782917559031
Editions Baker Street Editions 2020 127 pages 15x20x2cm. 2020. Broché. 127 pages.
Crick Mark Collectif Reznikov Patricia Goy-Blanquet Dominique Vitrier Antoine
Reference : 100075839
ISBN : 9782917559031
Editions Baker Street Editions 2020 127 pages 15x20x2cm. 2020. Broché. 127 pages.
French édition - Livre issu de déstockage JAMAIS LU pouvant présenter des petits plis cornes marques de manipulation sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en très bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée
Armand Colin 2004 128 pages 2004. 128 pages.
Armand Colin 2004 128 pages 2004. 128 pages.
COLIN. 2004. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 122 pages. De nombreuses phrases surlignées et soulignées au feutre et au stylo.. . . . Classification Dewey : 370-Education
Classification Dewey : 370-Education
GOY-BLANQUET Dominique, MARIENSTRAS Richard, (dir.),
Reference : 49286
ISBN : 2859250115
Presses de l'UFR de langues Université Picardie, collection Sterne, 1998, 300 pp., broché, très bon état.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
Grivelet Michel Martinet Marie-Madeleine Goy-Blanquet Dominique
Reference : 100057594
ISBN : 2700728106
Editions Aubier 1992 14x21x4cm. 1992. cartonné. 511 pages. Bon Etat
Armand Colin, CAPES - Agrégation, CNED, 2004, 122 pp., broché, comme neuf.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 456 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503601311.
Summary The phrase 'Jus Uncommon' summarizes England's claim to independence from Europe, a claim supported by its unique legal system and Elizabethan theatre, and their strong interconnexion. Elizabethan tragedy begins at the Inns of Court. It was no mere coincidence, but a result of the long history of intersecting processes of law, politics, and theatre. This book sets out to contextualize and explore such legal and literary intersections, charting the emergence of Elizabethan legal culture from its various English and European sources over the course of the four hundred years running from Magna Carta to Shakespeare. It encompasses the major strands of legal history and culture that formed the background to Elizabethan political drama, republican tradition, theories of monarchical sovereignty,?European and English theories of?imperium,?pedagogical and rhetorical practices of the Inns of Court,?legal-antiquarian research, parliamentary privilege, and Tudor political pamphleteering. Legal texts, discourses, and social practices constructed a pervasive intellectual culture from which Elizabethan drama - like Shakespeare's - emerged. Shakespeare is not the central object of this study, but he is central to its argument. What he knew about law was what collective memory had stored from centuries past at home and abroad. The issues, characters, themes, theories, and metaphors dramatized by the Elizabethan playwrights followed the way opened at the Inns. Emblematic figures of lawyers-writers and their Senecan patterns paved the way to Gorboduc and to Shakespeare's histories. TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial Note Introduction : Law or Liberty? Part I. Jus uncommon. Freedom of the State Chapter 1. Dreams of Empire Early Steps to Singularity Clashes of Jurisdictions Sacred Monarchy Chapter 2. England's Mixed Polity English Democrats Good Counsel Model Parliaments Right of Conquest Chapter 3. Rival Law Codes Roman Law The Common Law of the Realm Emergence of the Inns Upward Mobility Part II. Fair Trial. Freedom of Magistrates Chapter 4. Learned Counsel A Display of Legalism The Courtly Muses of Europe Chapter 5. Divorcing Rome King's Conscience King's Printer King's Games Chapter 6. Fortune's Wheels Common Prayers Heretics on Trial 'Something Tawdry'. The Political Pageant 'An Axe or an Acte'. The Execution of Justice Part III. The Conscience of England. Freedom of Speech Chapter 7. The Languages of Law The Legal Nursery Won in Translation Chapter 8. Theatres of Law Dramatic Justice Political Tragedy Chapter 9. Lawyers in Parliament 'Shall Cassandra Bee Punished?' The Liberties of the House Clean and Unclean Money The Lawyer's Glasses of Governance Chapter 10. Kings do but Play Us Lawyers in Resistance A Parliament of Voices Conclusion. 'This Magnificent Theatre of Heaven and Earth' Select Bibliography Index of Acts, Statutes, and Treatises Index of Plays, Poems, Dialogues, and Masques General Index
[Shakespeare] Dominique Goy-Blanquet Michel Grivelet Marie-Madeleine Martinet:
Reference : 13609
Aubier, 1988. In-8, cartonnage souple illustré. Quelques illustrations en noir.
lettres réunies par Dominique Goy-Blanquet .
Reference : c9-31
ISBN : 9782362800481
2014, éditions Thierry Marchaisse, Format roman (in-8), broché, 148 pages , Audin,Banu, Bergounioux, Bonnefoy, Cixous, Darras, Di Nota, Dupont, Edwards, Ellrodt, Enthoven, Jouet, Le Boeuf, Manguel, Ost, Pachet
Phone number : 04 96 21 81 64
Richard Marienstras ; Textes edites et presentes par Dominique Goy-Blanquet
Reference : 78419
ISBN : 2070138895
Editions NRF Gallimard Bibliotheque des idees 2012
in8, broche, 2012, 460p, etat correct d'usage, contours un peu frottes, coins legerement corne, petits chocs en quatrieme de couverture, passages soulignes, surlignes et/ou annotes, Editions NRF Gallimard, Coll. Bibliotheque des idees