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‎GOULET (Anne-Madeleine)‎

Reference : 569649


‎Poésie, musique et sociabilité au XVIIe siècle : les livres d'airs de différents auteurs publiés chez Ballard de 1658 à 1694.‎

‎ P., Honoré Champion, 2004. Fort in-8, cartonnage d'éd., 908 pp., 8 fig. en n.e t bl. in-texte. ‎

‎ Coin du plat sup. lég. plié, bonne cond. par ailleurs. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Anne-Madeleine Goulet, Michela Berti (eds)‎

Reference : 64473

‎Noble Magnificence. Culture of the Performing Arts in Rome 1644-1740‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 619 pages, Size:230 x 280 mm, Illustrations:16 b/w, 154 col., 6 maps color, 5 musical examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503613123.‎

‎Summary The thirty chapters in this book are based on the work of an international, multidisciplinary team of researchers and archivists brought together for the PerformArt project, funded by the European Research Council from 2016 to 2022. This project investigated the artistic patronage of the great Roman aristocratic families of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries through research in the extant archives. After the accession to the papal throne of Innocent X in 1644, and more so after the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659 - which led to a greater loss of power for the pope in his relations with other European states - the Roman families stepped up their efforts to assert their social preeminence not only through architecture and the fine arts, but also through the ephemeral performing arts: music, theatre, and dance, which were omnipresent throughout the year and especially during the intense period of artistic production that was the Roman Carnival. The search for traces of these spectacles in the archives of these families reveals that their desire to display their magnificence - an ideal well documented in the literature of the period - gave rise to lavish expenditure on a scale that could only be justified by the benefits (if not tangible, then at least symbolic) they hoped to gain. The essays in this book, which draw on social economic history, the history of ideas, and the evolving artistic practices of the time, make a major contribution to our knowledge of courtly societies in Ancien R gime Europe by integrating the performing arts into their analyses in innovative ways. TABLE OF CONTENTS Overture Anne-Madeleine GOULET, Introduction - Prologue: The Roman Context Isabella CECCHINI and Anne-Madeleine GOULET, Some Thoughts about the Roman Context Irene FOSI, Magnificence and the Roman Nobility between the Papacy and Europe I. The Economy of Magnificence Beno t MAR CHAUX, Patrons, Aristocratic Patrimonies and Finance: Reconsidering the Economic Foundations of Private Magnificence in Rome (c. 1650-1700) Isabella CECCHINI, Instruments of Magnificence. Finance and Credit in Early Modern Rome Maurizio PEGRARI, The Costs of Magnificence, the Magnificence of Costs: Nobility, Economics, and Status in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Rome Isabella CECCHINI and Anne-Madeleine GOULET, Celebrating a Wedding in the Lante della Rovere Family: An Exercise in Magnificence (1682-83) Cristina FERNANDES, Portuguese Patronage in Rome and the Economics of Magnificence: La Virt negl'amori by Alessandro Scarlatti at the Teatro Capranica (1721) - Intermezzo I. Into the Family Archives Marco CAVIETTI, Portraying the Family in Household Archives in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Orsetta BARONCELLI, The Computista and the Archivista: Two Key Figures in the Management of Roman Family Archives in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Letizia LELI, Reordering a Family Archive in the Seventeenth Century: The Case of the Lante della Rovere Archive II. Social Values and Moral Principles Aldo ROMA, Education to Magnificence: Aristocratic Schooling and College Academies in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Rome Sarah MALFATTI, Patronage and Pastoral Simplicity in Arcadia: Patronus nullus esto - the Case of Francesco Maria Ruspoli (1707-21) Diana BLICHMANN, Sumptuousness versus Sobriety: Magnificence in the Musical Productions at Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni's Teatro della Cancelleria (1710-12) Valeria DE LUCCA, Ars moriendi in Seventeenth-Century Rome: Staging Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna's Death - Intermezzo II. Some Thoughts on Method Manuela GRILLO and Michela BERTI, Magnificenza as a Paradigm in the Development of a Thesaurus: From Scientific Research to a Difficult Definition, and Back Again III. Conquering and Asserting Magnificence Sara Elisa STANGALINO, Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna 'L'Africano': Military and Artistic 'Campaigns' in Rome and Spain Barbara NESTOLA, 'Donna regale in auree scene t'apre il mondo in teatro': Maria Camilla Pallavicini Rospigliosi and Opera in Rome at the End of the Seventeenth Century Michela BERTI, The Conquest of Magnificence: The Performing Arts and the Social Ascent of the Vaini Family Huub VAN DER LINDEN, Boxes at the Teatro Capranica in 1732: Occupants, Financial Dealings, and Social Visibility - Intermezzo III. Brokers of Magnificence in the Noble Household Natalia GOZZANO, Maestri di casa: Masters of Roman Magnificence in the Old Regime Alexandra NIGITO, The Christmas Cantata in Rome: Papal Munificence and Self-promotion by the Majordomo (1676-1740) milie CORSWAREM, The Art of Appropriation: Girolamo Colonna and the Festivities Held at Rome for the Coronation of Ferdinand IV as King of the Romans (1653) IV. Magnificence on Stage Gloria GIORDANO, 'Si fatto di nuovo ma impiegandovi molte cose del vecchio': The Artifice of Magnificence in the Choreographic Episodes at the Seminario Romano Valentina PANZANARO, Monumentality and Magnificence: Dance and Dramaturgy in Seventeenth century Roman Visual and Musical Sources Jos Mar a DOM NGUEZ, Gloria GIORDANO, Chiara PELLICCIA, Beyond Magnificence: The Caduta and its Imagery in the Performing Arts in Seventeenth-Century Rome Teresa CHIRICO, Magnificence in Miniature: The Puppet Theatre of Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni in the Palazzo della Cancelleria (1694-c. 1712) - Intermezzo IV. The City as a Stage. The Roman Scene in the Early Eighteenth Century Antonella FABRIANI ROJAS, Nobility, Spectacle, and Competition: Reflections on Francesco Valesio's Diario (1700-42) V. The Glories of Fame: Reputation, Circulation, Market Chiara PELLICCIA, The Colonna Family and the Performing Arts in Villeggiatura at Marino lodie ORIOL, From the Reputation of the Artist to the Magnificence of the Prince: The Borghese Family and its Musicians in the Eighteenth Century Giulia VENEZIANO and Margaret MURATA, Rome, Naples, Opera and the 1720s in Rome Glossary Maps General Bibliography Sources and Archival Documents Names of Individuals and Communities Titles of Works Place Names‎


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EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Anne-Madeleine Goulet, R my Campos, Mathieu da Vinha, Jean Duron (eds)‎

Reference : 65900

‎foyers artistiques la fin du r gne de Louis XIV (1682-1715). Musique et spectacles‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 446 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:24 b/w, 7 col., Languages: French, English. ISBN 9782503586199.‎

‎Summary Les demeures aristocratiques de Paris et d' le-de-France ont g n ralement t per ues comme des lieux p riph riques, p les reflets de la cour de Versailles. En r alit ,?les h tels particuliers du Marais, o dominaient les sociabilit s f minines, la r sidence de Philippe d'Orl ans au Palais-Royal, celle de la princesse de Conti Versailles, les pavillons de plaisance b tis entre Versailles et Paris,?les demeures?du duc et de la duchesse du Maine Sceaux ou?encore?du roi d'Angleterre en exil Saint-Germain-en-Laye, s'imposaient comme autant de foyers artistiques fort dynamiques, ouverts au th tre et la musique.? Le pr sent ouvrage,?qui prend en consid ration ces diff rents lieux d'activit artistique comme un ensemble la fois compl mentaire et concurrent,?enqu te sur leur hi rarchie, leur fonctionnement concret ainsi que sur les?relations qu'ils entretenaient avec la cour.?Il?met en lumi re la tension entre le mod le versaillais, toujours prompt imposer une norme artistique, et le d veloppement?d'autres espaces de cr ation entre 1682 et 1715. En illustrant?la facult des musiciens provinciaux s'ins rer dans les milieux artistiques de la capitale, en cernant l'identit de ceux qui fa onnaient les go ts de leur poque et en consid rant aussi les strat gies discursives et politiques qui visaient constituer en foyers certains lieux de production et de performance alternatifs la Cour, il?propose une image plus compl te de la vie musicale et spectaculaire de la France? ?la fin du r gne de Louis XIV. TABLE OF CONTENTS R my Campos et Anne-Madeleine Goulet - De la pertinence de la notion de foyer pour l' tude de la musique et des formes spectaculaires Paris et Versailles (1682-1715) La Cour, les cours David Hennebelle - La grande d pense et le fracas . Recherches sur l' conomie mat rielle des patronages artistiques de l'aristocratie au tournant des XVIIe et XVIIIe si cles Don Fader - Monsieur and Philippe II d'Orl ans : A Cultural Influence Beyond their Residences Tarek Berrada - La musique dans les appartements : Mlle de Guise, le roi et les princes de Cond Thomas Vernet - Musique et th tre dans la maison de ville de Marie-Anne de Bourbon Conti Versailles Catherine Cessac - Les Nuits de Sceaux : derniers feux du Grand Si cle ? Laurent Lemarchand - Les arts entre Paris et Versailles : le Palais-Royal de Philippe II d'Orl ans ou l'absolutisme r nov Des musiciens en partage Jean Duron - Composer pour les nouveaux foyers : la fureur des musiciens d' glise au cr puscule du Grand Si cle Marie Demeilliez - Les coll ges, des foyers pour la musique et la danse de th tre Thomas Leconte - De la cour la ville : les musiciens du roi face l' mergence de nouveaux foyers cuturels Catherine Massip - Amateurs, professionnels : foyers et professionnalisation progressive des artistes (1680-1715) Un esprit nouveau Christian Biet - Foyers, chaufooirs, chaleur et h t rog n it des publics au theatre. La s ance comme contre-pouvoir ? Thierry Favier - Foyers et dynamique des genres musicaux la fin du r gne de Louis XIV Nathalie Berton - Le Mercure galant, un r v lateur et un passeur de r pertoire : l'exemple du petit op ra Guy Spielmann - Le th tre de soci t , foyer de cr ation ( ?) Louis Delpech - Abends zu einer Concert de Musique eingeladen : aspects musicaux du s jour parisien de Friedrich August II de Saxe (1714-1715) Foyers r els, foyers imaginaires Mathieu da Vinha - F tes priv es entre Versailles et Paris : l ments pour une typologie Anne Pi jus - Une galanterie tr s politique : l'image des foyers artistiques dans le Mercure galant Laura Naudeix - Foyers et territoire : l'espace de la musique dans la Comparaison de la musique italienne et de la musique fran aise de Le Cerf de la Vi ville Barbara Nestola - L'art d'assembler, le choix de partager : la collection de musique italienne des Stuart en France (1689-1718) Tatiana Senkevitch - The Making of Taste: Rembrandt and French Painting in the End of the Reign of Louis XIV Rebekah Ahrendt - L'activit des foyers musicaux et th traux en Europe vers 1700. Une enqu te en coulisses Perspectives Jean Boutier - Pour continuer l'enqu te Index des noms propres‎


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