London, John Lane The Bodley Head, 1925, in-8, 242 p. Reliure toile verte décorée en noir et orange dans un style de broderie suédoise, titre-auteurs-éditeur au dos en lettres dorées, couverture conservée mais non reliée, frontispice coul., ill. en noir in- et hors-texte de Cora Gordon. Piqûres éparses sur les tranches et la page de titre, autrement belles conditions.
John Lane The Bodley Head Limited, London 1925 - SIGNED by both authors! The observations and stories of this book are based on the authors' travels. Color and B&W plates as well as drawings are scattered throughout the text. Small pencil on front & back pastedowns and prelims. Blue cloth covered boards are good; Edges of text block are dusty. Inside pages are tanned, yet free of marks. 236 pp + 4 pp of ads. 6.25 x 9.75 inches."Two Vagabonds in the Balkans" is an account of their journey through Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro, and gives a vivid and unforgettable picture of that little-known and picturesque part of Europe. The illustrations are as racy and as full of humour as the text.’ Contents : I. Paris To Sarajevo II. Sarajevo III. First Bosnian Explorations IV. A Digression Upon Travelling V. Upon A Bosnian Farm VI. A Mountain Walk VII. In A Moslem Village VIII. Pochades Ix. Konjic X. Mostar XI. Capljina XII. Korcula.
cartonnage bleu bon etat,rousseurs eparses, Envoi autographe des auteurs.
George G. Harrap & Co Ltd. 1931. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Intérieur acceptable. 300 pages. Dessin en couleur en frontispice. Illustré de nombreux dessins en noir et blanc dans le texte. Dos taché. Annotations au dos du premier plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Illustrated by the authors. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon