Presley Elvis - Kosloff Ira,Scott Winfield,Mann Kal,Mc Farland J. Leslie,Baum Bernie,Creatore Luigi,Weiss George,Blackwell Otis,Schoeder Aaron,Gold W.,Giant Bill,Peretti Hugo,Lowe Bernie,Kaye Florence,Moody Russell,Glenn Artie,James Mark - Mysels Maurice,Schroeder A.,Mc Farland J. Leslie,Mann Kal,Blackwell Otis,Lowe Bernie,Kaye Florence,Giant Bill,Baum Bernie,Gold W.,Scott Winfield,Moody Russell,Glenn Artie,James Mark,Weiss George,Peretti Hugo,Creatore Luigi
Reference : 95624
Big 3 Music Corporation 1970 approx.
Bon état Grand format Guitare,Piano
Les Bingsters,Hélian Jacques,Constantine Eddie - Gold Jack - Marnay Eddy,Gold Jack
Reference : 3169
Partitions sur le Prénom Métropolitaines 1948
Bon état Petit format
( CD Rock - Jefferson Starship ) - Cathy Richardson - David Freiberg - Donny Baldwin - Chris Smith - Jude Gold.
Reference : 30718
Secret Knock Records 2020. CD Digipack au superbe pacakaging rempliée, avec fourreau carton. Excellent album du mythique groupe, seconde mouture du Jefferson Airplaine, avec 7 titres Rock. CD comme neuf, enrichi sur le fourreau, des signatures autographes de Cathy Richardson, David Freiberg, Donny Baldwin, Chris Smith et Jude Gold. Collection personnelle. Obtenu en concert.
Site Internet : Http:// exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
Montmartre édition Partition 1927 "In-4 (17,5 x 27 cm), partition en feuilles pour chant, 4 pages, ""M'amour ! M'amour !"" paroles de Didier Gold, musique de Mario Cazes ; tampon au premier plat, petits incidents sur les bords, assez bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande."
Editions Franchi et Cie Partition "In-4 (17,5 x 27 cm), partition en feuilles pour chant, 4 pages, ""Valse d'une nuit d'été"", créée par Rose Temps, paroles de Didier Gold, musique de Nicola Moleti ; un coin corné, par ailleurs bel état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande."
Paris, Société des Africanistes, Musée de l’Homme 1956 In-4 28,5 x 19,5 cm. Broché, couverture ivoire, report du titre en noir sur le dos et le premier plat, 173 pp., 6 cartes, 3 planches, 1 tableau hors-texte, table bibliographique. Couverture ternie, intérieur frais.
Bon état d’occasion
- Partition. 2 pages.
Partition. Paroles françaises de Didier Gold. Musique d'Abades. Editions Lucien Brulé, 1923.
Short description: In Russian. Gold, Boris Vasilievich. Automobile Design. Moscow: Mashgiz, 1956. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5873655
"Short description: In Russian. Gold, Boris Vasilievich. Ways of development of trucks and buses. Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR, 1938 (Moscow: Typical Trust Polygraphbook ). The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5322376"
Short description: In Russian. Gold, Boris Vasilievich. Anglo-Russian Automobile Tractor Dictionary. Moscow: Gostekhizdat, 1957. Anglo-russkiy avtotraktornyy slovar'. In Russian /Anglo-Russian Automobile Tractor Dictionary . The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6070891
B. Grasset Ligugé impr. Aubin Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1965 271 pages
Paris, Editions Sociales Internationales, "Horizons", 1932 1 volume In-8° (11,7 x 18,7cm) Broché sous couverture orangée. 307p., 2 feuillets. Couverture défraîchie, à la charnière supérieure apparemment recollée; petite découpe à 2 feuilles: à la page de titre, sans atteinte aux mentions imprimées, et à la 1ère feuille de préface, entraînant des petits manques de texte (de 3,5 cm sur 6 lignes).
1ère édition de la traduction, par Ida TREAT (1889-1978) et Paul VAILLANT-COUTURIER, écrivain et homme politique communiste (1892-1937), de "Jews without Money", récit en partie autobiographique publié en 1930 par l'écrivain et militant communiste états-unien Michael GOLD (pseudonyme de Itzok Isaac Granich, 1893 ou 1894 -1967), fils d'immigrés juifs d'Europe de l'Est et chef de file de la littérature prolétarienne états-unienne: vue par un enfant juif, la misère des immigrés entassés dans les taudis de l'East-Side new-yorkais, où même les chats "n'étaient pas les petits animaux ronronnants et satisfaits des riches, mais des parias, des criminels, des monstres. Ils étaient hideux à force de cicatrices et de blessures. [...] Ils étaient si désespérés qu'il leur arrivait de s'attaquer à l'homme. [...] Nous les torturions. Eux, nous torturaient. Commune misère."... Préface de Paul VAILLANT-COUTURIER.
Lepoutre (G.) et Sienko (M.J.), eds. - C.A. Kraus - M.C.R. Symons - M.J. Sienko - R. Catterall - C. Moreau - J.L. Dye - D.S. Berns : - W.L. Jolly, C.J. Hallada and M. Gold - K.S. Pitzer - J. Jortner, S.A. Rice and E.G. Wilson
Reference : 75228
W.A. Benjamin , Mémoires et Travaux de l'Université Catholique de Lille Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1964 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, full black clothes grand In-8 1 vol. - 320 pages
quelques figures dans le texte en noir et blanc 1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : C.A. Kraus : Foreword - M.C.R. Symons : Metal ammonia solutions, an introduction - M.J. Sienko : On the coexistence of liquid phases in metal-ammonia systems, and some surface tension studies on these solutions above their consolute points - R. Catterall : The mechanical properties of metal-ammonia solutions - C. Moreau : Propriétés thermodynamiques des solutions métal-ammoniac - J.L. Dye : Electrochemical properties of metal-ammonia solutions : e.m.f. and transference numbers - D.S. Berns : Electrochemical properties of metal-ammonia solutions, conductance and thermoelectric properties - W.L. Jolly, C.J. Hallada and M. Gold : The absorption spectra of metal-ammonia solutions - K.S. Pitzer : Nuclear and electron resonance spectra and optical reflection spectra of metal-ammonia solutions - J. Jortner, S.A. Rice and E.G. Wilson : Theories and models of electron binding in solution - Discussion finale et appendice ex-library copy, number on the bottom of the spine, few stamps and marks inside, the text remains clean, it's still a good reading copy
Édition du Pélican blanc, s.d. (1945). Plaquette in/8 (22 x 18 cm) couverture illustrée, illustrations en noir de Colette Rodde, 16 f. n.p.
SELECTION DU READER'S DIGEST. 2001. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 559 pages - nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et en monochrome dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 944-Histoire de France varia
Classification Dewey : 944-Histoire de France varia
1928 un magazine, broché (agraphé) grand in-quarto (22,5 x 30 cm), couverture et intérieur orné de dessins, lithos cubistes par Lozowick et Hugo Gellert (illustrations: cubistic cityscapes by Lozowick and Hugo Gellert) et photographies en noir, légères rousseurs sur la première de couverture (lightly redness marks on the cover), 24 pages, June 1928 New York New Masses Editor,
(Recognizing the need for a magazine that would continue the nonsectarian legacy of the Liberator, the former editors of the Liberator and the Masses founded New Masses in 1926. Like its predecessors, this monthly publication was aimed at liberals sympathetic to the plight of workers.(21) From May 1926 to June 1928, New Masses (May 1926-January 12, 1948) attempted to combine its desire to create an artistic renaissance in America with its sympathy for workers, a union that was reflected in an editorial board that was nearly divided between former editors of the Liberator and the Masses and writers committed to the revival of American letters. In the "prospectus" of the proposed magazine, which was initially to be titled "Dynamo," the organizers set forth its many objectives: The publication will represent no special school of literature or art, and will welcome the expressions of all schools. . . . It will regularly interpret the activities of workers, farmers, strikers, etc., but in such a way as to bring out the general human and cultural significance of particular movements. For it believes that a deeply human interpretation of any event is better than propaganda. . . . It must strike its roots strongly into American reality. It must not be afraid of slang, moving picture |sic~, radio, vaudeville, strikes, machinery or any other raw American facts. Its job will be to assimilate these facts of life into art and satire. It must maintain the highest standard of art and literature of which its editors are capable, but it must also be sympathetic to any crudeness which is the expression of something young, vital and as yet groping and undeveloped. . . . At least half of the pages will consist of pictures. These will be cartoons of our current political and social events, drawings of American life and also, though not ever predominantly, pictures that have no "journalistic" value but are based on the emotion of art.(22) Gold, one of the six original editors, denied that "I, or anyone else, demands of young American writers that they take their 'spiritual' commands from Moscow" and stated that it was "not a magazine of Communism or Moscow, but a magazine of American experiment." He characterized New Masses as "the bridge" to the discovery of "the world of revolutionary labor."(23) Initially, the illustrations were selected by the entire executive board, although Gellert, an ardent supporter of Russia, and John Sloan, a liberal sympathetic to workers, served as art editors.(24) During the first two years, pictorial images in New Masses reflected its diverse goals. The magazine's proletarian orientation was set forth in Gellert's design for the cover of its first issue of May 1926; it showed the head of a miner printed in black, white, and red. Images of dishwashers, linemen, miners, construction workers, and pneumatic-drill workers--the last two quintessential images of American workers--appeared frequently in drawings by David Burliuk, Gan Kolski, Lozowick, Jan Matulka, Morris Pass, Ribak, Robinson, and William Siegel. These images depicted workers actively engaged with machines, as in J. Pleush's cover design for the October 1927 issue. Social criticism was generally confined to satirical captions accompanying drawings and cartoons, such as the caption to Gropper's drawing of a group of socialite women hearing a report of their charitable works: "Ladies, it gives me great pleasure to announce that we have saved 5,000 starving children in the past year. And we hope there will be more next year" (July 1926: 14). Similarly, I|sidore~ Klein titled a drawing of an assembly line in a boiler factory Ballet Mecanique and added the caption, "This Antheil is a genius. Since introducing his theory of orchestration into the boiler factory, our profits have almost doubled" (May 1927: 24). Abstract and semiabstract compositions appeared regularly on the covers or as illustrations: cubistic cityscapes by Lozowick ..RARE last Number But The Most cubistic...) Revue d'art CUBISTE associant le travail ...En bon état malgré le petit défaut signalé (very good condition in spite of the small defect indicated).
Montreal Siscoe Gold Mines Limited
in-8 d'une 20aine de p. Couverture imprimée. :: Agrafé. Nous avons les rapports pour les années 1929 (première année, en anglais seulement); 1930; 1932; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1946; 1949; et 1951.
Sphere (3/2024)
Lafon, Michel (1/2025)
Gallimard (3/2023)