166 books for « gogh vincent van »Edit

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‎VAN GOGH ( Vincent ), VAN HUITERT ( Evert ),TILBORGH ( louis ), VAN HEUGTEN ( Sjraar) ‎

Reference : 53945


‎Vincent van Gogh peintures Rijksmuseum/Kröller-Müller /Otterlo‎

‎ 1947 Mila, Arnoldo Mondadori , 1990, In quarto ( 24 x 30 cm ), 292 pp, souple, couverture illustrée, très bon état,tranche très propre,jamais lu, ‎

‎1853-1890 /1990. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )


Reference : 45088


‎Arnoldo Mondadori Arte, De Luca Edizioni d'arte, 1990, CATALOGUE DE L'EXPOSITION À AMSTERDAM, 2 volumes in-folio brochés, 336 + 292 pp. Nombreuses illustrations. OUVRAGES EN FRANÇAIS. TRES BON ETAT‎

Phone number : 06 34 99 23 95

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎GOGH Vincent van :‎

Reference : 15614

‎Vincent van Gogh. ( exhibition catalogue - Antwerpen - Feestzaal, 1955 7 mei. -Vincent van Gogh ).‎

‎.: 2. Antwerpen, In-4°, ca. 100 pp with b/w ills., preface by Ir. Van Gogh, sewn, orig. wr. (loosening).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎GOGH Vincent van - AMSTERDAM 1990 - Exhibition catalogue :‎

Reference : 21303

‎In relation of Van Gogh. In relatie tot Van Gogh. Fotografie van tijdgenoten. Photography by contemporaries. (Exhibition catalogue)‎

‎.: 2. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1990, 26 x 21 cm, 112 pp, sewn, orig. wrapper, ca 66 pp with plates ordered by country and some miscellaneous inclusive plates of members of the Van Gogh family, biographies of Vincent van Gogh and the photographers, index, text in English and Dutch.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎VAN GOGH Vincent Van Gogh. L'Album japonais‎

Reference : 2543

Phone number : 06 82 53 12 00

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎GOGH, Vincent van:‎

Reference : 85556aaf

‎Vincent van Gogh. Peintures.‎

‎Arnoldo Modadori Arte / De Luca Edizioni d’Arte, 1990, in-4to, 292 p.,ill. avec 133 reprod. en couleurs et 133 (en petit) en noir, cartonnage original ill. en couleurs.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎GOGH, Vincent van:‎

Reference : 99681aaf

‎Vincent Van Gogh. Painted with words. The Letters to Emile Bernard.‎

‎New York, Rizzoli, 2011, in-4to, 384 p., richly ill. in full colour, original publ. binding, orig. ill. jacket. New copy.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF25.00 (€26.80 )

‎Gogh, Vincent van. - La Faille, J.-B. de:‎

Reference : 132CB


‎L'Epoque française de Van Gogh.‎

‎Paris, MM. Bernheim-Jeune, éditeurs d'art. 1927. 27,5x22 cm. 13 p., 2 f. Avec de nombreuses illustrations en noir. Broché, couverture rempliée.‎

‎Dos légèrement bruni, sinon bel exemplaire.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF75.00 (€80.39 )

‎GOGH Vincent van - J.G. Gelder (author) :‎

Reference : 15617

‎De Aardappeleters van Vincent van Gogh.‎

‎.: 2. Amsterdam, WB, 1949, in-4°, 14 pp + (14)pp with plates h.t., col. frontispiece, sewn, orig. wrappers.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎GOGH (Vincent van)‎

Reference : 31541

‎Briefe an den Maler Anthon van Rappard. 1881- 1885.‎

‎ In-8, pleine toile grise de l'éditeur, titre en long au dos, illustration sur le plat sup., xiv, 253 p., 10 planches hors texte. Wien, Bermann-Fischer, 1937.‎

‎Exemplaire provenant de la bibliothèque d'Otto Dix, et comportant l'ex-libris de Friedrich Bienert.Très bon exemplaire. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎[LITTERATURE] - GOGH (Vincent van) - ‎

Reference : 201407217

‎Lettres à son frère Théo. ‎

‎Paris, Gallimard, 1990; in-8, 566 pp., br.‎


Phone number : 03 89 24 16 78

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎TRALBAUT, Mark Edo ( author ) - Pierre PERE (publisher - maecenas) - [ ] Vincent van GOGH :‎

Reference : 52957

‎VAN GOGHIANA - privately published art yearbook. Complete set in 23 volumes.‎

‎.: Antwerpen, privately published by P. Peré, 1953 - 1977, 23 volumes small in-8°, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, between 70 and 120 pp, in black/white illustrated publisher's cased binding (except first volume and the last two which have a different binding). Rare complete set of this art periodical ( yearbook), published by the Antwerp art maecenas Paul Peré. It contains studies by his friend the Flemish art historian Mark Edo Tralbaut, who published extensively on Vincent van Gogh. The studies were published as a New Year's gift to Peré's business relations. Most of the articles deal with Vincent van Gogh and his relations with other artists. Articles are between 10 and 100 pp long and are written in Dutch or French. 15 of the issues deal directly with Van Gogh. Others are devoted to Zadkine (sculptor) , Frans Masereel (graphic artist) , Craeybeckx (politician), all intimate friends of the author and to Jakob Smits , Armand Guillaumin (contemporary painters to Van Gogh). 1) 1953 Vincent van Gogh en Charles de Groux. (larger in-8°, publisher's cloth, this copy with a splitted spine ) 2) 1956 Van Gogh & Gauguin 3) 1957 Van Gogh & Rembrandt. 4) 1958 Picasso - Stravinsky 5) 1959 Lyrica & Pictura (Wagner & Fantin Latour , Redon , Renoir , Van Gogh ) 6) 1960 Jakob Smits. 7) 1961 Da Capo (Picasso - Zadkine) 8) 1962 8 x Van Gogh 9-21) 1963-1975 Van Goghiana vol. I - X 11) 1965 Zadkine poète 17) 1971 Armand Guillaumin 19) 1973 Frans Masereel 22) 1976 Henri de Braekeleer (stiff wrapper) 23) 1977 (Lode Craeybeckx) en toen...(stiff wrapper). A complete set of these 23 publications is extremely rare and diffficult to assemble.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )

‎VAN GOGH (Vincent) ‎

Reference : 7170


‎ Correspondance complète de Vincent Van Gogh enrichie de tous les dessins originaux‎

‎ 1960 "Traduction de M. Beerblock et L. Roelandt. Introduction et notes de Georges Charensol "Chez Gallimard et Grasset, 1960, bien complet de ses 3 tomes.format in-4. Reliures pleine toile vert tilleul, premier illustré d’un fac-similé de la signature de Van Gogh,Importants volues de 580 - 563 - 530 pp., 207 reproductions . Tirage limité à 7000 exemplaires, avec une maquette de Massin. Dans son coffret en parfait état . ‎

Phone number : 06 12 23 97 16

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )

‎TRALBAUT, Mark Edo ( author ) - Pierre PERE (publisher - maecenas) - [ ] Vincent van GOGH - Henri Van De VELDE :‎

Reference : 52966

‎"Van Goghiana II -- Henry van de Velde et Vincent van Gogh .... (9th volume in the series of private editions by Paul Peré; a New Year gift for 1964)"‎

‎.: Antwerpen, privately published by P. Peré, printed by Lloyd Anversois, 1964, small in-8°, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 111 pp. Publisher's cased binding, illustrated in black/white. Texts in Dutch and French. In all 22 volumes were published (from 1956 until 1977). They contain studies by the Flemish art historian Mark Edo Tralbaut, who published extensively on Vincent van Gogh, and whose archives remain now in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The publications deal with Van Gogh and/or his contemporaries and/or the reception of his paintings. Henry Van De Velde published already in 1893 letters by Van Gogh in the Flemish avant-garde periodical ''Van Nu en Straks''.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎ Paul de Moor - Vincent van Gogh‎

Reference : 63703


‎, Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), 2024 PB+, 220 x 170 mm, 48 p, 35 Kleurenillustraties, Leeftijdsgroep: 10+ , . ISBN 9789461618917.‎

‎Wat als Vincent van Gogh plots inziet dat hij. zelf een zonnebloem is? Of d nkt dat hij er een is? Dit boek verhaalt over en staat te midden van de overdonderende zintuiglijke wereld van de Nederlandse kunstenaar van wie geweten is hoe dun de lijn tussen realiteit en droomwereld wel was. Leefde en werkte hij op een dun koord tussen waarheid en fantasme? Betrad hij een andere, misschien wel een hogere frequentie? Op welke manier kwamen alle beelden en waarnemingen zo verhevigd bij hem binnen - en weer naar buiten, op zijn doeken? En hoe verhield de kunstenaar, maar ook geliefde zoon, broer,. en dus misschien wel zonnebloem zich tot de wereld en zijn naaste omgeving? In dit rijkelijk ge llustreerde, po tische boek cre ert auteur Paul de Moor een immersieve ervaring voor kinderen vanaf 10 jaar in de wereld van Van Gogh, in woord en beeld. Als gevierd jeugdauteur introduceerde hij kinderen en jongeren tot de artistieke universums van o.a. Roger Raveel, Francis Al s, Micha l Borremans, Luc Tuymans en Raoul De Keyser, en nu dus ook Van Gogh.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.50 (€22.50 )

‎VAN GOGH Vincent‎

Reference : S94053


‎Correspondance complète de Vincent Van Gogh, enrichie de tous les dessins originaux [3 volumes]‎

‎Paris, Gallimard-Grasset 1960 Ouvrage complet en 3 volumes: 580,[iii] + 563,[ii] + 531,[v] pp. avec illustrations en couleurs et en n/bl contrecollées (dont 182 hors-texte), reliures uniformes d'éditeur en toile (dos peu décolorés), sous emboitage toilé d'éditeur, tirage numéroté et limité à 7000 exemplaires: ceci port le no. 1996/7000, 28cm., bon état, poids total: 6.6kg., [Contient ca. 1000 lettres de Vincent Van Gogh, de la période de 1872 à 1890. Traduction de M. Beerblock et L. Roelandt, avec introduction et notes de Georges Charensol], S94053‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Institut Néerlandais de Paris - Vincent van Gogh‎

Reference : 66410


‎Les sources d'inspiration de Vincent van Gogh - Gravures, estampes, livres, lettres - Documents du peintre - Exposition du 31 janvier au 5 mars 1972, Institut Neerlandais de Paris‎

‎Institut Néerlandais de Paris Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture illustrée ocre illustrée d'une gravure de tisserand petit In-4 carré 1 vol. - 50 pages‎

‎24 planches pleine page en noir et blanc 1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : Sadi de Gorter : Avant-propos - Notice biographique sur Vincent van Gogh - Dr. V.W. van Gogh : Introduction - 144 numéros décrits - 24 planches pleine page en noir et blanc en fin d'ouvrage ‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎VAN GOGH Vincent‎

Reference : 2672


‎ GALLIMARD 1953- fort IN8 br.645p. , ill.in texte ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR22.87 (€22.87 )


Reference : ABE-1690477203720




EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 021426


‎Vincent Van Gogh : Peintures & Dessins‎

‎Amsterdam Musée National Vincent Van Gogh 1973 In Quarto Contient : - Une Notice bibliographique - Vie et Oeuvre - Citations des lettres de Vincent se rapportant aux tableaux - Citations des lettres de Vincent se rapportant aux dessins - Reproductions de Tableaux en couleurs - Reproductions de Dessins et aquarelles , noir et blanc . Beaux Arts . - 122 p. , 600 gr.‎

‎Couverture souple Très Bon État . 1ère Édition‎

Phone number : 04 67 98 96 91

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎TRALBAUT, Mark Edo ( author ) - Pierre PERE (publisher - maecenas) - [ ] Vincent van GOGH :‎

Reference : 52961

‎"Richard Wagner in het vizier van vier grote schilders. Henri Fantin-Latour - Odilon Redon - Auguste Renoir - Vincent van Gogh. -- Les nus feminins en tant que marques de style. (4th volume in the series of private editions by Paul Peré; a New Year gift for 1959)"‎

‎.: Antwerpen, privately published by P. Peré, printed by Wereldbibliotheek - Amsterdam, 1959, small in-8°, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 96 pp. Publisher's cased binding, illustrated in black/white. Texts in Dutch and French. In all 22 volumes were published (from 1956 until 1977). They contain studies by the Flemish art historian Mark Edo Tralbaut, who published extensively on Vincent van Gogh, and whose archives remain now in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The publications deal with Van Gogh and/or his contemporaries and/or the reception of his paintings.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎TRALBAUT, Mark Edo ( author ) - Pierre PERE (publisher - maecenas) - [ ] Vincent van GOGH :‎

Reference : 52967

‎"Van Goghiana III -- e.g. Vincent van Gogh en Anton Romako .... (12th volume in the series of private editions by Paul Peré; a New Year gift for 1966)"‎

‎.: Antwerpen, privately published by P. Peré, printed by Lloyd Anversois, 1966, small in-8°, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 111 pp. Publisher's cased binding, illustrated in black/white. Texts in Dutch and French. In all 22 volumes were published (from 1956 until 1977). They contain studies by the Flemish art historian Mark Edo Tralbaut, who published extensively on Vincent van Gogh, and whose archives remain now in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The publications deal with Van Gogh and/or his contemporaries and/or the reception of his paintings..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎TRALBAUT, Mark Edo ( author ) - Pierre PERE (publisher - maecenas) - [ ] Vincent van GOGH :‎

Reference : 52968

‎"Van Goghiana IV -Vincent van Gogh vu par les medailleurs ...(13th volume in the series of private editions by Paul Peré; a New Year gift for 1967)"‎

‎.: Antwerpen, privately published by P. Peré, printed by Lloyd Anversois, 1967, small in-8°, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 110 pp. Publisher's cased binding, illustrated in black/white. Texts in Dutch and French. In all 22 volumes were published (from 1956 until 1977). They contain studies by the Flemish art historian Mark Edo Tralbaut, who published extensively on Vincent van Gogh, and whose archives remain now in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The publications deal with Van Gogh and/or his contemporaries and/or the reception of his paintings..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎TRALBAUT, Mark Edo ( author ) - Pierre PERE (publisher - maecenas) - [ ] Vincent van GOGH :‎

Reference : 52971

‎"Van Goghiana VII -- e.g. Vincent van Gogh et Monticelli ..(16th volume in the series of private editions by Paul Peré; a New Year gift for 1970)"‎

‎.: Antwerpen, privately published by P. Peré, printed by Lloyd Anversois, 1970 , small in-8°, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 117 pp. Publisher's cased binding, illustrated in black/white. Texts in Dutch and French. In all 22 volumes were published (from 1956 until 1977). They contain studies by the Flemish art historian Mark Edo Tralbaut, who published extensively on Vincent van Gogh, and whose archives remain now in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The publications deal with Van Gogh and/or his contemporaries and/or the reception of his paintings.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )
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