Lugduni Batavorum, Driehuysen, 1671, un volume in 12 relié en plein parchemin (reliure de l'époque), (mouillures pâles sans gravité dans la marge extérieure des 10 derniers feuillets), 1 TITRE GRAVE, 9 feuillets non chiffrés (18pp.), 427pp., (1pp.)
---- Troisième édition REVUE ET AUGMENTEE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET DU TITRE GRAVE ---- "Although anticipated by Whistler and others in the description of infantile rickets, Glisson's account was the fullest that had till then appeared. He was the first to describe infantile scurvy. Glisson's book on rickets was one of the earliest instances of collaborative medical research in England, combining the observations of Glisson and seven other contributors. G. Bate and A. Regemorter are credited as co-authors. This monograph included an early study of the pathologic anatomy of scoliosis". (Garrison N° 3729 & 4297.91)2369/8307/ARM1A