Sulgen, Niggli, 1992 250 x 220 mm, 231 pages. with ills. Chronology, Bibliography and Index. Hardcover. Text in German, English and French language. ISBN 9783721202236.
The social and technical evolution of the last 150 years, strongly influenced by the Industrial Revolution, has drastically modified the form of chairs. The change in the aesthetic concept of furniture and interior space reflected a different way of life and has given us interesting information about new community life styles. In the publication the last trends of the chair evolution have been added totalizing 118 examples with their designers and their manufacturers chronologically presented with a text and drawings. L'evolution technique et sociale de ces 150 dernieres annees, fortemente influencee par la revolution industrielle, a profondement modifie la conception des sieges. Cette modification de l'esthetique du mobilier et de l'espace interieur, reflet de l'expression d'un mode de vie, nous fournit des informations interessantes sur les progres de la collectivite. Dans la publication figurent les dernieres tendances de l'evolution du siege, au total 118 modeles avec leurs createurs, leurs fabricants, presentes chronologiquement par l'illustration et le texte.