1895 79 p., 9 lithographed pls, paperbound (original printed covers). Published in: Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. With author's dedication. We added from the same journal: Giard & Bonnier, 1888. Sur deux nouveaux genres d'Épicarides (Probopyrus et Palaegyce) (25 p., 5 pls, with author's dedication to A. Milne Edwards).
1887 224 p., 30 figs, 10 pls (in photocopy), large 4to, cloth (front cover laid on). Library stamps. Small tear in title-page. Text original, plates in photocopy.
1887 224 p., 30 figs, 10 lithographed pls (several col. or partly col.), large 4to, hcloth (front cover laid on). Library stamps. Small (blank) corner of half-title missing. With both authors’s dedication to Dr. Horst.