61 books for « gerlach a c »Edit

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‎[GERLACH (Martin)] - ‎ ‎GERLACH (Martin)‎

Reference : 12119

‎Festons und decorative Gruppen, nebst einem Zieralphabet aus Pflanzen und Thieren [...].‎

‎Wien, Gerlach und Schenk, [1898] 1 volume In folio (32 x 40cm) En feuilles en étui demi-basane à coins; 1er plat illustré. 5 feuillets (=10p.), 114 planches. Etui en mauvais état: fentes de charnières, dos et plats frottés, plats salis; incomplet: 34 planches manquantes.‎

‎Peu courant recueil de planches de photogravures de "festons et groupes décoratifs, avec un alphabet décoratif de plantes et d'animaux" de Martin GERLACH, peintre, graveur et photographe allemand (1846-1918): 114 planches en 2 séries (93 sur 126 de la 1ère série et 21 sur 22 de la seconde: 34 planches manquantes), précédées de 2 textes introductifs, de l'historien de l'art allemand Richard GRAUL (1862-1944) et de Martin GERLACH. ‎

Librairie Paroles - Avignon

Phone number : 06 09 18 58 78

EUR240.00 (€240.00 )

‎GERLACH (Martin).‎

Reference : 114306

‎Cartes et Vignettes. Croquis et motifs pour cartes de vins, Lettres de mariage, Billets de félicitations, Programmes et Invitations pour festivals, concerts, bals, chasses et., Cartes-programmes pour fêtes de patinage et de gymnastique, courses de chevaux et de vélocipédes et autres sports, plus une serie de vignettes humoristiques.‎

‎Vienne, Gerlach et Schenk, 1888. Page de titre. 52 planches dont planche 3 - 52 numérotées. (43,5x33 Cm). Demi-toile. Cartonnage imprimé de l'éditeur. Charnières fendues.Coiffes très usées. Coins émoussés. Le livre "Cartes et Vignettes" de Martin Gerlach est une véritable mine d'inspiration pour les amateurs de design et d'art graphique. Publié en 1888 par Gerlach et Schenk à Vienne, cet ouvrage présente une grande variété de croquis et motifs destinés à la création de cartes de vins, lettres de mariage, billets de félicitations, programmes et invitations pour différents événements tels que festivals, concerts, bals, chasses, fêtes de patinage et de gymnastique, courses de chevaux et de vélocipèdes, ainsi que d'autres sports. De plus, le livre propose également une série de vignettes humoristiques. Martin Gerlach, qui a fondé une maison d'édition à Berlin à l'âge de 26 ans, était un dessinateur, graveur et ciseleur de métal talentueux. Son expérience dans la création de motifs et de dessins lui a permis de publier des livres de prototypes et de motifs pour les artistes et artisans. Le succès retentissant de sa publication "L'industrie de la joaillerie et de l'or" à l'Exposition universelle de Vienne l'a incité à s'installer à Vienne, où il a ouvert l'Institut d'art polygraphique en collaboration avec Ferdinand Schenk. Complét de ses 52 planches. ‎

Ultimo Capitulo S.L. - Barcelona

Phone number : +33 973 037 007

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )


Reference : 43611


‎Ein Weg zur experimentellen Prüfung der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld [in: Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 7, 1921:] (+) Der experimentelle Nachweis des magnetischen Moments des Silberatoms [in Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 8, 1922] (+) Der experimentelle ... - [DISCOVERY OF SPATIAL QUANTIZATION - THE STERN-GERLACH EXPERIMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921 & 1922. 8vo. Entire volumes 7-9, 1921 and 1922, of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in three contemporary half cloth bindings over marbled boards, volumes 7 and 8 in uniform bindings, volume 9 slightly differing, with more gilding to spine. Tiny marginal dampstain to the first leaves of vol. 9, and large library-stamp to front free end-papers of volumes 7-8, otherwise, all three volumes fine, clean, and tight. All three title-pages with library-stamp. Pp. 249-53" 110-11 349-55. [Entire volumes: VI, 414 pp IV, 419 pp." IV, 412 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Gerlach's seminal papers in which the first spatial quantization, atomic magnetic moments, was first presented. With these papers, the first clear proof for the spin of the electron appeared, profoundly influencing the world of physics. The discovery of the deflection of particles is often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics and demonstrates that electrons and atoms have inherent quantum properties.Spatial quantization had been introduced merely as a theoretical concept by Sommerfeld in 1916, but no one before Stern had ever empirically demonstrated its existence, and some physicists even considered it to be nothing more than a mathematical tool. In his 1921-paper Stern proposed an empirical test:""The idea for the experiment proposed by Stern was simple enough. A beam of silver atoms is produced by letting silver evaporate in an oven with a small opening. The beam is collimated and travels in X direction until it falls on a glass plate. Between collimators and plate an inhomogeneous magnetic field is produced. It points in y direction and also changes its strength as a function of y. If the atoms possess a magnetic moment, the field pulls them away from the X axis. If the moments are oriented at random, there will be a broadening of the beam. But if spatial quantization exists with just two possible orientations, then the beam will be split in two. Half the atoms are pulled in the positive and half in the negative y direction. It should be treated as a spinning top with a magnetic needle in its axis."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).In November 1921, Stern and Gerlach observed a broadening of the beam, its size increased from 0.1 mm till 0.3 mm when the field was turned on. ""This result proved that silver atoms possess a magnetic moment. With a still better collimated beam in February 1922 where the splitting of the beam into two was observed. Spatial quantization was established."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).Only after the birth of quantum mechanics it became clear that the atoms themselves are not turned, but that their quantum mechanical wave function assumes one of its possible values in the apparatus. The discovery penetrated all aspects of physics"" it was documented that electrons are responsible for the hyperfine structure of the spectroscopic lines and more generally that the direct observation of the spin of the electron is the most clear evidence of quantization in quantum mechanics.The three volumes also contains the following papers of interest:1. Born, Max. Über elektrostatische Gitterpotentiale. Bd. 7. pp. 124-140.2. Born, Max. Zur Thermodynamik der Kristallgitter. Bd. 7. pp. 217-248.3. Geiger, H. Reichweitemessungen an alfa-Strahlen. Bd. 8. pp. 45-58.4. Brody, E. & Max Born. Bemerkungen zy unseren Abhandlungen ""Über die Schwingungen eines mechanischen Systems mit endlicher Amplitude und ihre Quantelung"" [...] . Bd. 8. Pp. 205-208.5. Heisenberg, Werner. Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte. Bd. 8. pp. 273-297.6. Bohr, Niels. Der Bau der Atome und die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. Bd. 9. pp. 1-67.And many others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,000.00 (€938.85 )


Reference : 44872


‎Ein Weg zur experimentellen Prüfung der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld [in: Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 7, 1921:] (+) Der experimentelle Nachweis des magnetischen Moments des Silberatoms [in Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 8, 1922] - [DISCOVERY OF SPATIAL QUANTIZATION - THE STERN-GERLACH EXPERIMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921 & 1922. 8vo. Entire volumes 7-8, 1921 and 1922, of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in two uniform contemporary half cloth bindings over marbled boards. Library-stamp to title-pages, otherwise, both volumes fine, clean, and tight. Pp. 249-53" Pp. 110-11. [Entire volumes: VI, 414 pp" IV, 419 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Gerlach's seminal papers in which the first spatial quantization, atomic magnetic moments, was first presented. With these papers, the first clear proof for the spin of the electron appeared, profoundly influencing the world of physics. The discovery of the deflection of particles is often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics and demonstrates that electrons and atoms have inherent quantum properties.Spatial quantization had been introduced merely as a theoretical concept by Sommerfeld in 1916, but no one before Stern had ever empirically demonstrated its existence, and some physicists even considered it to be nothing more than a mathematical tool. In his 1921-paper Stern proposed an empirical test:""The idea for the experiment proposed by Stern was simple enough. A beam of silver atoms is produced by letting silver evaporate in an oven with a small opening. The beam is collimated and travels in X direction until it falls on a glass plate. Between collimators and plate an inhomogeneous magnetic field is produced. It points in y direction and also changes its strength as a function of y. If the atoms possess a magnetic moment, the field pulls them away from the X axis. If the moments are oriented at random, there will be a broadening of the beam. But if spatial quantization exists with just two possible orientations, then the beam will be split in two. Half the atoms are pulled in the positive and half in the negative y direction. It should be treated as a spinning top with a magnetic needle in its axis."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).In November 1921, Stern and Gerlach observed a broadening of the beam, its size increased from 0.1 mm till 0.3 mm when the field was turned on. ""This result proved that silver atoms possess a magnetic moment. With a still better collimated beam in February 1922 where the splitting of the beam into two was observed. Spatial quantization was established."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).Only after the birth of quantum mechanics it became clear that the atoms themselves are not turned, but that their quantum mechanical wave function assumes one of its possible values in the apparatus. The discovery penetrated all aspects of physics"" it was documented that electrons are responsible for the hyperfine structure of the spectroscopic lines and more generally that the direct observation of the spin of the electron is the most clear evidence of quantization in quantum mechanics.The three volumes also contains the following papers of interest:1. Born, Max. Über elektrostatische Gitterpotentiale. Bd. 7. pp. 124-140.2. Born, Max. Zur Thermodynamik der Kristallgitter. Bd. 7. pp. 217-248.3. Geiger, H. Reichweitemessungen an alfa-Strahlen. Bd. 8. pp. 45-58.4. Brody, E. & Max Born. Bemerkungen zy unseren Abhandlungen ""Über die Schwingungen eines mechanischen Systems mit endlicher Amplitude und ihre Quantelung"" [...] . Bd. 8. Pp. 205-208.5. Heisenberg, Werner. Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte. Bd. 8. pp. 273-297.And many others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 49490


‎Ein Weg zur experimentellen Prüfung der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld [in: Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 7, 1921:] (+) Der experimentelle Nachweis des magnetischen Moments des Silberatoms [in Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 8, 1922] - [DISCOVERY OF SPATIAL QUANTIZATION - THE STERN-GERLACH EXPERIMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921 & 1922. 8vo. Bound in two uniform contemporary. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Vol. 7, 8 & 9, 1922. All three volumes offered. Both with library stamp to title page and light wear to extremities. A fine set. Pp. 249-53" 110-11 349-55. [Entire volumes: VI, 414 pp IV, 419 pp." IV, 412 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Gerlach's seminal papers in which the first spatial quantization, atomic magnetic moments, was first presented. With these papers, the first clear proof for the spin of the electron appeared, profoundly influencing the world of physics. The discovery of the deflection of particles is often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics and demonstrates that electrons and atoms have inherent quantum properties.Spatial quantization had been introduced merely as a theoretical concept by Sommerfeld in 1916, but no one before Stern had ever empirically demonstrated its existence, and some physicists even considered it to be nothing more than a mathematical tool. In his 1921-paper Stern proposed an empirical test:""The idea for the experiment proposed by Stern was simple enough. A beam of silver atoms is produced by letting silver evaporate in an oven with a small opening. The beam is collimated and travels in X direction until it falls on a glass plate. Between collimators and plate an inhomogeneous magnetic field is produced. It points in y direction and also changes its strength as a function of y. If the atoms possess a magnetic moment, the field pulls them away from the X axis. If the moments are oriented at random, there will be a broadening of the beam. But if spatial quantization exists with just two possible orientations, then the beam will be split in two. Half the atoms are pulled in the positive and half in the negative y direction. It should be treated as a spinning top with a magnetic needle in its axis."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).In November 1921, Stern and Gerlach observed a broadening of the beam, its size increased from 0.1 mm till 0.3 mm when the field was turned on. ""This result proved that silver atoms possess a magnetic moment. With a still better collimated beam in February 1922 where the splitting of the beam into two was observed. Spatial quantization was established."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).Only after the birth of quantum mechanics it became clear that the atoms themselves are not turned, but that their quantum mechanical wave function assumes one of its possible values in the apparatus. The discovery penetrated all aspects of physics"" it was documented that electrons are responsible for the hyperfine structure of the spectroscopic lines and more generally that the direct observation of the spin of the electron is the most clear evidence of quantization in quantum mechanics.The three volumes also contains the following papers of interest:1. Born, Max. Über elektrostatische Gitterpotentiale. Bd. 7. pp. 124-140.2. Born, Max. Zur Thermodynamik der Kristallgitter. Bd. 7. pp. 217-248.3. Geiger, H. Reichweitemessungen an alfa-Strahlen. Bd. 8. pp. 45-58.4. Brody, E. & Max Born. Bemerkungen zy unseren Abhandlungen ""Über die Schwingungen eines mechanischen Systems mit endlicher Amplitude und ihre Quantelung"" [...] . Bd. 8. Pp. 205-208.5. Heisenberg, Werner. Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte. Bd. 8. pp. 273-297.6. Bohr, Niels. Der Bau der Atome und die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. Bd. 9. pp. 1-67.And many others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,000.00 (€938.85 )

‎(GERLACH Martin)‎

Reference : 135333


‎Vienne Instantane - Vienna through a camera. Aufnahmen und Zusammenstellung von Martin Gerlach. Gemeinde Wien, Vienna, s.d. (1900 ca.). Album in-16 gr. (mm. 178x226), tela editoriale, pp. 205, illustrate interamente da fotografie in bianco e nero eseguite da Martin Gerlach. Testo in tedesco, francese e inglese. Quinta edizione rivista e aumentata. Timbro di appartenenza privata, ma ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Samuel Beckett - Hugh Kenner - Lee Gerlach - Homer Swander- Edward W. Loomis - Alan Stephens -Charles. Tomlinson - Russell Mc Clain - Barbara Hull.‎

Reference : 012534


‎Spectrum. Volume IV Winter 1960 Number 1‎

‎Santa Barbara University of California 1960 in-8° Agrafé ‎

‎Samuel Beckett, Hugh Kenner, Lee Gerlach, Homer Swander, Edward W. Loomis, Alan Stephens, harles. Tomlinson, Russell McClain, Barbara Hull. Très bon 0‎

Phone number : 01 42 66 38 10

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎GERLACH, Martin (hrsg).‎

Reference : 71121

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF75.00 (€76.76 )


Reference : R52956

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 4441

‎DE UREN. (genummerd).‎

‎, Vugt, Zolderpers, 1995., Originele uitgeversomslag, omslag licht verkleurd, 17x24,5cm, z.p. ( +/- 35pp), geillustreerd z/w.‎

‎N? 78 van de 100 genummerde exemplaren, gesigneerd door de opdrachtgeefster. Werd gedrukt in opdracht van Joep Baartmans - van den Boogaart ter gelegenheid van haar afscheid als gedeputeerde Welzijn, Educatie en Cultuur van de provincie Noord - Brabant. Geillustreerd met etsen van Gertrui Charpentier.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )


Reference : 4846


‎, s-Hertogenbosch, Noordbrabants Museum, 1967., Softcover, originele uitgeversomslag, 21,5x26cm, z.p., geillustreerd z/w.‎

‎Bijdrage tot de historische en de ikonografische studie van zijn werk.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )


Reference : 9042


‎, 's - Hertogenbosch, Teulings, 1939., Originele uitgeversomslag, 20x27cm, 209pp, goede staat.‎

‎Collectanea Franciscana Neerlandica V, n? 2.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎[foto's : M. Seidel] - ‎ ‎MARIJNISSEN, R.-H.; BLOCKX, K.; GERLACH, P.; PIRON, H.-T.; PLOKKER, J.-H. en BAUER, V.H.;‎

Reference : 54617


‎, Brussel, Arcade, Gebonden, donkerblauw linnen met goudopdruk op rug, geillustreerde stofomslag, 265 x 305mm, 565pp., meer dan overvloedige illustratie in kleur en z/w; sommige platen uitplooibaar.‎

‎Foto's van M. Seidel. Boek is in prima staat.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )


Reference : RO60088729


‎FREYTAGS HILFSBUCH FÜR DEN MASCHINENBAU, Für Maschineningenieure Sowie für den Unterricht an Technischen Lehranstalten‎

‎Julius Springer. 1924. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 1490 pages. Illustré de très nombreux dessins en noir et blanc dans le texte, et sur 3 planches dépliables en fin d'ouvrage. Page de titre découpée, avec un manque sur son bord inférieur. Tranche salie et annotée au feutre (en tête).. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand‎

‎Für Maschineningenieure sowie für den Unterricht an technischen Lehranstalten. Siebente voll. neu bearb. Auflage. Hrsg. von Prof. P. Gerlach. Mit 2484 in den Text Abbild., 1 farb. Tafel und 3 Konstruktionstafeln. Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Gerlach, J. & A.C. van Bruggen‎

Reference : ML28875


‎Streptaxidae (Pulmonata) of the Seychelles Islands, Western Indian Ocean.‎

‎1999 60 p., 27 figs, 1 plate, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. New copy (this title is now out of print).Inserted is a paper by Gerlach ‘’Conturbatia, a new genus of Streptaxidae (Pulmonata) (6 p., 3 figs), and a postcard by Van Goethem congratulating Van Bruggen with this work.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR22.00 (€22.00 )


Reference : 114276aaf


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF40.00 (€40.94 )

‎Gerlach Aurélie‎

Reference : 500082027


ISBN : 9782070656097

‎Qui veut la peau de Lola Frizmuth‎

‎GALLIMARD JEUNE 2013 368 pages 13x2 4x19 8cm. 2013. Broché. 368 pages.‎

‎Très Bon Etat‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR2.50 (€2.50 )

‎Gerlach Aurélie Pauwels Jess‎

Reference : 500074789


ISBN : 9782075088008

‎Anna Z42: Sauver Willix‎

‎Gallimard Jeunesse 2017 64 pages 13x19x1cm. 2017. Broché. 64 pages.‎

‎Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR2.50 (€2.50 )

‎Gerlach, J.‎

Reference : EC40616


‎The Coleoptera of the Seychelles Islands.‎

‎2009 266 p., several figures, 4 coloured plates, paperbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )

‎Gerlach, J. & F. Haas‎

Reference : ES40862


‎Orthopteroidea of the Seychelles islands.‎

‎2007 88 p., 4 figures, 4 coloured plates, paperbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )


Reference : T11316


‎Bijgedachten en Botsingen in Taal‎

‎'s-Hertogenbosch, Teulings' Uitgevers-maatschappij 1939 211pp., in de reeks "Collectanea Franciscana Neerlandica" vol.V-2, mooie staat‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : R23340


‎Soliloquium ignitum cum Deo - Brandende alleenspraak met God (vertaling van A.Bellemans)‎

‎Hasselt/ Bussum, Heideland/Paul Bussum 1947 163pp., 2-kleurendruk, tekst in Nederlands, 18cm., stempeltje, zwarte linnen band, goede staat, R23340‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎ROYEN Gerlach O.F.M.‎

Reference : T54984


‎Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands - deel II‎

‎Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmij. 1948 576pp., 26cm., in de reeks "Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen afd.letterkunde" nieuwe reeks deel LII, orig.omslag (hersteld), tekst en interieur in mooie staat‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎ROYEN Gerlach O.F.M.‎

Reference : T54985


‎Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands - deel I‎

‎Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmij. 1947 361pp., 26cm., in de reeks "Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen afd.letterkunde" nieuwe reeks deel L nr.1, orig.omslag, goede staat‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎ROYEN Gerlach O.F.M.‎

Reference : T60162


‎In andermans vaarwater - een bonte rij in hun doen en laten wat nader beschouwd‎

‎Brussel/ Utrecht, Het Spectrum 1950 112pp., linnen band, stempeltje, 19cm., T60162‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )
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