Londres, Reeve, Benham and Reeve, 1849. Livre en anglais. Deuxième édition. Un volume relié in-8, 233 x 157 mm pour (xviii) 428 pp. Reliure en cuir bleu marine à coins du XXe siècle, dos à nerfs, nom d'auteur et titre en caractères d'imprimerie dorés, fleurons dorés, date en queue, filets dorés en coiffe et queue. Contreplats et gardes marbrés à motifs verdoyants de tons peinture mélangée. Tranchefile. Gravure des montagnes de la Serra dos Orgões en frontispice. Préface et table des matières en début d'ouvrage. Carte du Brésil en hors-texte avant la première page du premier chapitre. Surintendant des jardins botaniques royaux anglais de Ceylan, George Gartner a voyagé dans les districts aurifères et diamantifères du nord-est du Brésil de 1836 à 1841. Voici le commentaire de Borba de Moraes 346 : "Gardner est arrivé au Brésil en 1836 et y est resté jusqu'en 1841. Il a passé deux ans à Rio et dans les environs, puis s'est rendu à Pernambuco via Bahia, puis a commencé son long voyage à travers les « sertões » de Ceara, Piauhi, Goyaz et Minas Geraes et est revenu à Rio. La grande importance de ses voyages réside dans les descriptions qu'il donne d'une région jusqu'alors entièrement inconnue des voyageurs européens. Son livre est comparable aux meilleurs ouvrages publiés sur le sujet. Gardner était botaniste et a dirigé le jardin botanique de Ceylan jusqu'à sa mort en 1849, à l'âge de trente-sept ans."
Quelques rousseurs, aux premières pages en particulier, sans perte au texte. Reliure solide, dos élégant.
Deva George Nate Rubin Robin Gierhart Tony Medlin Laura Stone Chris Gardner Nicholas Brendon Tom Towles Barak Epstein Blair Rowan Deva George Nate Rubin
Reference : 78729
ISBN : 3760166343836
Emylia 2010 19x14x1cm. 2010. DVD.
ZONE 2 EUROPE - Le dvd présente des marques d'utilisation mais reste en tres bon état d'ensemble - Expédition soignée sous blister dans une enveloppe à bulles depuis la France
Reference : 43848
Washington, The White House, 1962. Lex8vo. Typewritten manuscript with blue wrappers. Leaves stapled in left margin. A bit of sunning, mostly to wrappers. 59 pp.
Original White House Report on a various number of different drugs and their effect, usage and addictability. The report was created by the request of President John F. Kennedy and was meant to support the President's Advisory Commission on Narcotics and Drug Abuse.""Public concern over the problem of drug abuse, which had been relatively dormant during the 1940s and 1950s, flared again during the 1960s. The intensification of national concern resulted in increasing pressure for federal initiatives in the area. In response to this development, a White House Conference on Narcotics and Drug Abuse was convened in 1962, which resulted in the establishment of the President's Advisory Commission on Narcotics and Drug Abuse on January 15, 1963."" (Abadinsky. Drug use and abuse, p 65.)""The President released a document entitled ""Progress Report"" [The present report] which had been produced by eight doctors (three M.D.'s, four Ph.D.'s, and one who held both degrees) designated as an Ad Hoc Panel on Drug Abuse to confer with the White House Science Advisor and give advice on what should be done. The members of this panel could not be faulted for their collective eminence, but none of them had theretofore been closely identified with drug-abuse problems, so their findings were developed from what might be termed a slightly fresh viewpoint. They started from the hypothesis that nearly all compulsive drug abusers could be rehabilitated, by which they meant withdrawn from drugs and re-established in society, since they found drug abuse was inevitably a manifestation of some underlying psychological or physiological disorder.Accordingly they rejected proposals for imposing long prison sentences on drug offenders, on the one hand, and for placing addicts on any kind of maintenance regime, on the other. Instead they urged lengthy and extensive parole supervision in all cases, following the pattern that had been developed (not surprisingly) in California."" (King, The Drug Hang Up, p. 232).The report drew several conclusions regarding why people use drugs, one of them being: ""Growth of ""long-hair"" and beatnik cults which experiment with the use of psychotic drugs to achieve group cohesiveness and personal nirvana."" (p. 14).