Hannover, 1599. Small 8vo. Contemporary full vellum. Binding with some wear, especially to extremities. Lower spine restored. Evenly browned throughout. 210 pp.
Extremely scarce first edition of Genitili's highly important ""Two Disputations"", including the first printing of his seminal treatise ""On Lying"", which is of fundamental importance to Gentili's legal system that was based on practice and experience and became extremely influential. ""In his disputation on lying, published in 1599, he defended the use of the ""officious lie"" in cases of ""great necessity"", and insisted that the law should be considered in the light of its ultimate aim, citing the maxim, ""Salus populi suprema lex esto"" (Let the safety of the people be the supreme law)."" (Note: Gentili, Disputationum Duae… 1599). (Kingsbury & Straumann, The Roman Foundations of the Law of Nations. Alberico Gentili and the Justice of Empire, p. 142). Alberico Gentili, the ""Father of international law"" (1552 -1608), was an Italian jurist, tutor of Queen Elizabeth I, and a standing advocate to the Spanish Embassy in London, who served as the Regius professor of civil law at the University of Oxford for 21 years. He was the earliest writer on public international law, and in 1587, he became the first non-English person to be a Regius Professor. Gentili's books are recognized to be among the most essential for international legal doctrines. ""A prominent early modern Italian legal theorist and practicing lawyer, Alberico Gentili is regarded, along with Francisco de Vitoria and Hugo Grotius, as one of the founders of the science of the modern law of nations (ius gentium) and a major figure in the development of international relations. He designed a solid and autonomous framework for the law of nations based on three pillars: the Greco-Roman idea of natural law, the Justinian compilation of Roman law, and the-then novel Bodinian notion of sovereignty as supreme, perpetual, and indivisible power. Gentili freed the law of nations from excessive scholastic influences and theological importations, avoiding metaphysical developments and overly subtle dialectics. He tried to build a system based on practice and experience. His legal construction is more inductive from events, episodes, customs, and facts, than deductive from unchanged premises. Providing some new arguments, he removed religion as a valid reason for conflict and war, he advocated for the legitimacy of non-Christian regimes, especially the Ottomans, and he tried to fix the tenuous lines of separation between jurisprudence and theology and between the internal forum and external forum of canon law. Neither the pope nor the Roman Catholic Church has a place in Gentili's systematic account. His world-famous saying - silete theologi in munere alieno! - commands the theologian not to be involved in other people's business and was claimed centuries later by the jurisprudence of European public law to argue in favor of the secularization of the law, beyond the limits Gentili himself intended."" (Domingo & Minucci, Alberigo Gentili and the Secularization of the Law of Nations, p. 1). Alberico Gentili was a transitional, erudite, legal thinker and practicing lawyer fully involved in the events of his lifetime and attentive to continuous and profound political and social changes. Educated in the Bartolist method, he gradually evolved to a more integrated jurisprudence, in accordance with the humanist approach. He elaborated a new framework for the law of nations as a part of the law of nature to be applied between and among sovereign states and governed by Justinian Roman law. He also offered a systematic account of two of the most relevant institutions of international relations: diplomacy and war. Gentili's severe critique of religious intolerance" his drawing of a demarcation between the spiritual and the temporal, the internal and the external forum of conscience his separation of functions between theologians and jurists his continuous interpretative effort to find principles of natural law-all of these ideas and attitudes, among others, contributed to the establishment of the theoretical basis of the European modern state and to the building up of an international society of sovereign nations. (Domingo & Minucci, Alberigo Gentili and the Secularization of the Law of Nations, p. 17). First editions by Gentili are exceedingly rare on the market.
Université de Limoges / PULIM, 2012, in-8 br. (15,5 x 24), 659 p., coll. "Cahiers de l'Institut d'Anthropologie Juridique n° 30", traduction, introduction et notes de Dominique Gaurier, état de neuf.
Alberico Gentili (1552-1609) est l'un des précurseurs majeurs de Grotius, dont l'objet principal fut de tenter de trouver les règles juridiques applicables au droit de la guerre. C'est en 1598 que parurent ses Trois livres sur le droit de la guerre en Allemagne, sous les presses de Hanau. Gentili est considérablement plus intéressant que Grotius, dans la mesure où il n'hésite jamais à prendre appui sur les faits contemporains, même s'il ne néglige pas non plus les enseignements de l'histoire ancienne ou biblique. En cela, il reste beaucoup moins abstrait et considérablement plus attachant que son célèbre successeur Grotius. Ce dernier a reconnu, bien que du bout des lèvres, ce qu'il devait à son prédécesseur. C'est en romaniste averti que Gentili explore les règles du droit romain qu'il pense pouvoir s'appliquer au droit des gens, avec les qualités et les défauts que cela entraîne parfois, mais toujours de façon vive et intéressante. Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes.
Ange Gentili.Montpellier, 1880.In-4 broche,66p.,bon etat Thèse/dissertation medecine :sans couvertures,l'auteur est né à Vico en Corse
envoi autographe signé page de titre,bon etat
ISTITUTO POLIGRAFICO DELLO STATO/ Collection Itineraires des musees et monuments d'Italie N°1,3, 32, 53, 87. entre 1955-1970. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 87 + 132 + 178 + 130 + 191 PAGES - Herculaneum & Ostie : un plan dépliant chacun - Nombreuses illustrations et photos noir/blanc, dans et hors texte - Herculaneum : quelques pages volantes. . . . Classification Dewey : 708-Galeries, musées, collections d'art
La villa imperiale de Piazza armerina, de Gino Vinicio Gentili (41 illustrations et 1 plan), 1ere edition, traduit par olivier guyon + Herculaneum, d'Amedeo Maiuri (9 illustrations dans le texte et 72 hors texte), 4e edition revue et completee, traduit par olivier guyon + Les champs phlegreens du sepulcre de virgile a l'antre de cumes (histoire & monuments), d'Amedeo Maiuri (94 illustrations), traduit par Ch. Belin + Ostie, de G. Calza & G. Becatti (88 illustrations), 5e edition, traduit par olivier guyon + Pompei, d'Amedeo Maiuri (18 illustrations dans le texte et 114 hors texte), 11e edition, traduit par olivier guyon // MINISTERIO DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE, direzione generale delle antichita e belle arti - Collection Itineraires des musees et monuments d'Italie N°1 (ostie),3 (pompei), 32 (les champs phlegreens), 53 (herculaneum), 87 (villa imperiale de piazza armerina) Classification Dewey : 708-Galeries, musées, collections d'art
BRISSON Barnabé [BRISSONIUS], CISNER Nicolaus [CISNERIUS], REUSNER Nicolai & Ieremias, GENTILI Scipione
Reference : J57532
Hanoviae, apud Guilielmum Antonium 1600 [2bl] 255 [9] pp., full vellum (slightly cracked at spine), 16cm., some usual use but overal VG, [bound together with 3 other works. I: CISNER Nicolaus, "Commentarius ad Tit. Institutionum Imperialium de actionibus: item & de exceptionibus, cum praefatione Nicolai Reusneri, recognitus opera & fide Jeremiae Reusneri", Albinum, Spirae Nemetum apud Bernardnum, 1588, [16] 169 [7] pp., II: CISNER Nicolaus, "Micolai Cisneri de iure usucapionum commentarius ad tit. Pandectarum seu Digestorum de usurpationibus & usucapionibus. Adiunctis aliquot iurisconsultorum N.Reusneri, ob Giphani, G.Obrehti disputationibus quibus tota usucapionum materia breuiter quidem continetur. Editus opera & studio Ieremiae Reusneri Leorini", Albinum, Spirae Nemetum apud Bernardum, 1588, 192pp., & III: GENTILI Scipione, "Scipionis Gentilis iuriscos. De alimentis liber singularis, ad orationem Divi Marci", [Francofurti], apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, Claudium Marnium & Jo.Aubrium, 1600, [16] 118 [1bl] [1] pp.]
Phone number : +32476917667
DONATI (Angela), GENTILI (Giovanni) [a cura di]
Reference : 599843
ISBN : 9788882158439
Milano, SilvanaEditoriale, 2005. In-4 broché, couv. rempliée ill., 335 pp., très nb. ill. photogr. en n/b. et en coul. dont plusieurs à pleine pp., texte en italien sur 2 colonnes, 19 contributions, bibliographie.
Excellente condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
Rome, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1958 In-8, rel. pleine toile éd. sous rhodoïd, 218 pp., bibliogr.
Introduction, traduction et appendice en italien. Texte grec commenté en latin. Dos et plats insolés. Bel ex par ailleurs. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Arles, Actes Sud, 2012. Grand in-4 carré, rel. de l'éd. pleine-toile marine, sous jaquette et coffret illustr. en couleurs, 431 pp., nombr. reprod. dans le texte ou à pleine-page en couleurs, bibliogr., index. Discret ex-libris au tampon.
Petite décoloration sur un côté du coffret, bel exemplaire. - Frais de port : -France 10,8 € -U.E. 13 € -Monde (z B : 23 €) (z C : 43 €)
Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1979. In-8 carré rel. pleine toile orange éditeur, dos lisse, titre noir au dos et plat sup., XLV-242 pp., bibliographie, index. (Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum teubneriana).
Texte grec, préfacé et annoté en latin. Très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 4,95 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Descritti e illustrati dal Cav. Pietro Gentili, Direttore della Fabbrica degli Arazzi in Vaticano. Tip. Sociale, Roma, 1897. In-4 gr., bross. (mancanze al dorso), pp. 107, testo su due colonne (in italiano e in francese), con 6 tavv. a colori fuori testo. Seconda edizione. In buono stato (good copy).
GENTILI, Augusto; ROMANELLI, Giandomenico; RYLANDS, Philip and NEPI SCIRE, Giovanna;
Reference : 24900
Boston/ New York/ London, Bulfinch Press, 2002 Bound, bleu cloth with gold impression,, ENG. edition, Illustrated dustjacket, 305 x 260 x 60 mm., 607pp., colour illustration throughout., with carbon protection box. ISBN 9780821228135.
Venice, a city that evokes beauty and romance, also serves as one of the greatest "storehouses" of paintings in the world. Featuring an amazing range of art, both in style and period, PAINTINGS IN VENICE traces a path down the grand halls of the Gallerie of the Accademia to numerous sacred churches, private collections, and schools, from the old masterpieces found at the Palazzo Ducale to the great modern artworks in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The book includes many European masters such as Titian, Bellini, Carpaccio, Lotto, and Bosch, alongside such great modern artists Picasso, Leger, Mondrian, and Klimt. Essays by four renowned art historians will run in sections alongside the 600 full-color plates and captions, and there will be biographies of every artist in the backmatter. Book is in very good condition.
"Maria José Machado Santos Sara Pereira et Enzo Biffi Gentili"
Reference : 12867
"2008. Lisbonne (Portugal) Museu da Marioneta Capela do Convento das Bernardas 20 juin -12 août 2008 - Broché 23 cm x 27 cm 127 pages - Textes en portugais et en anglais de Maria José Machado Santos Sara Pereira et Enzo Biffi Gentili - 47 oeuvres d'artistes plasticiens réalisées avec des mannequins en bois articulés - Etat neuf"
Edizioni Charta Srl 2010 60 pages 28x28x2cm. 2010. Cartonné. 60 pages. en anglais italien et français
Bon Etat coins un peu émoussés intérieur propre
Oxford Univ Pr 2011 388 pages 16x3 4x23 6cm. 2011. Cartonné jaquette. 388 pages.
proche du neuf intérieur propre avec sa jaquette
La Libreria Dello Stato Broché Roma 1954 92 pages en format -12 - 41 photographies + 1 tavola fuori testo
Très Bon État
Rome, Imprimerie de la Pace 1878 xiv + 141pp.+ 2 planches dépliantes, 23cm., br.orig. (petit manque de papier au bout du dos) protégée par une couv. de papier cristal, bon état, rare, [Cfr. CSROT 3561 ; "A series of texts on the history of tapestry weaving in Flanders, France & esp. in Italy during the renaissance, with 2 plates showing the weaving of a tapestry], S87610
2014 Skira Hardcover Fine
African Heroes: Samburu-Maasai Hardcover, black binding, dust jacket 245 x 290 mm, 176 pp, numerous illus. ,book is as new,
Collana d'Arte Sidera. Rome, 1959 Edizioni Mediterranee LVI pl., illustré, relié toile éditeur. 28 x 36,5
2014 GOURCUFF GRADEN Soft cover 1st Edition
Le Mythe Cléopâtre catlalogue de l'exposition broché, 28,5 x 24,5 cm, 384 pp, etat superieur
Gentili Augusto,Romanelli Giandomenico,Rylands Philip,Scirè-Nepi Giovanna
Reference : gf689
Mengès Cartonné avec jaquette 2002 In-4 (24 x 30 cm), cartonné toilé avec jaquette, 605 pages, très riche iconographie en couleur in et hors texte ; bords et coiffes de la jaquette très légèrement frottés, par ailleurs intérieur frais et très bel état pour cet ouvrage. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
Paris, Menges, 2000; in-4, 706 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Très bon état sans jaquette sous étuis pleine toile bleue -.
Très bon état sans jaquette sous étuis pleine toile bleue -.
Paris, Menges, 2002; in-4, 605 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Très bon état avec sa jaquette.
Très bon état avec sa jaquette.