P., Deterville, 1811, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en pleine basane, toutes tranches dorées, fers dorés sur les plats (reliures de l'époque), (plats épidermés et frottés avec petits manques de peau en bordure du premier plat au tome 2), T.1 : 15pp., 405pp., T.2 : (2), 443pp., (1pp.), 6 planches dépliantes numérotées 1 à 6
----- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Descriptions are given of an improved method for conducting the analysis of organic compounds, a chemical method for the preparation of sodium and potassium and the experiments made with the large battery of the Ecole Polytechnique" ---- "The work of Volta inspired many chemists to investigate the chemical effects of the voltaic pile. Gay-Lussac and Thénard were among this number. They were influenced particularly by the news in the winter of 1807-1808 of Davy's isolation of potassium and sodium by the use of the giant voltaic pile at the Royal Institution. Napoleon ordered the construction of an even larger pile at the Ecole Polytechnique and Gay-Lussac and Thénard were placed in charge of it... Although Davy seems to have exhausted the most obvious possibilities, Gay-Lussac and Thénard's report does contain the suggestion that the rate of decomposition of an electrolyte depends only on the strength of the current (and not, for example, on the size of the electrodes) and they used chemical decomposition as a measure of electric current thirty years before Faraday. The Institute's prize of 3000 francs for work in the field of galvanism was awarded to Davy in December 1807 and to Gay-Lussac and Thénard in December 1809... Gay-Lussac and Thénard's really important contribution stemming from Davy's work was their preparation (announced to the Institute on 7 March 1808) of potassium and sodium in reasonable quantities and by purely chemical means. Davy's method of electrolysis had produced only tiny amounts of the new metals...". (DSB V p. 320) ---- Partington IV**2313/ARM1A
Paris : Déterville, 1811 2 volumes in-8, XV-405-(4)-443-(1) pages et 6 planches dépliantes. Broché, couverture muette d'origine (défraîchie).
Piqûres éparses, cerne clair par endroits. Edition originale. "The most important of Gay-Lussac's larger publications, which did much to improve the methods of organic analysis." (Duveen p. 237).
Paris, Deterville, 1811. In-8 de [4]-443 pages, demi-basane brune, dos lisse orné de filets dorés, pièces de titre et tomaison verte.
Orné d'une planche (n°6) dépliante. Édition originale. Second et dernier volume seul. 3 petits chocs au dos.
Reference : 7639
P., Bernard, 1807/1817, 3 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en pleine basane racinée, dos ornés de fers et filets dorés, étiquettes de titres et de tomaisons rouge, tranches jaspées (reliures de l'époque), (cachets de la bibliothèque de la société de Jésus dans la marge des pages de titres dont le fonds scientifique fut vendu à l'hotel Drouot en 1984), T.1 : (2), 4pp., 382pp., 1 TABLEAU DEPLIANT, 1 PLANCHE DEPLIANTE, T.2 : 3 feuillets non chiffrés, pp. 6/498, 1 TABLEAU DEPLIANT, 2 PLANCHES, T.3 : 6pp., (1), 618pp., 1 TABLEAU DEPLIANT
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE provenant de la bibliothèque de la Société de Jésus dont le fonds scientifique fut vendu à l'hôtel Drouot en 1984 ---- EN FRANCAIS DANS LE TEXTE N° 215 : "En 1807, BERTHOLLET fonde avec LAPLACE la Société d'Arcueil qui se réunit régulièrement pour discuter des grands problèmes scientifiques de l'époque. LA SOCIETE D'ARCUEIL a regroupé les savants les plus éminents de cette première moitié du XIXe siècle et, malgré sa durée très courte, CELLE-CI DOIT ETRE RETENUE COMME LE HAUT LIEU DE LA SCIENCE DE CETTE EPOQUE. Une simple liste des savants membres de la Société d'Arcueil suffit à témoigner de son importance : BERTHOLLET, LAPLACE, Alexandre de HUMBOLDT, J.B. BIOT, THENARD, GAY-LUSSAC, Pyrame de CANDOLLE, COLLET-DESCOLTILS, Amédée Barthélémy BERTHOLLET (le fils), Etienne-Louis MALUS, François ARAGO, J.E. BERARD, CHAPTAL, Pierre-Louis DULNG, Siméon-Denis POISSON. La collaboration d'un tel groupe de savant fut très fructueuse et donna lieu à un grand nombre de travaux en commun. A THENARD et GAY-LUSSAC, nous devons la préparation du sodium et du potassium en grande quantité par des moyens chimies ; à HUMBOLDT et GAY-LUSSAC des études sur le magnétisme terrestre. En 1808, GAY-LUSSAC donne sa loi sur la combinaison des gaz en volume, selon laquelle les gaz se combinent entre eux avec des rapports volumétriqaues simples. Une grande partie du premier volume est consacrée aux travaux de THENARD sur les éthers et sur la bile. MALUS découvre la polarisation de la lumière par réflexion. HUMBOLDT étudie la géographie des plantes. BIOT publie un mémoire sur la vitesse du son. DULONG découvre le chlorure d'azote" ---- NORMAN N° 1971**7639/ARB3
Reference : 46377
Paris, J. Klostermann, 1810. Contemp. hcalf. Spine gilt. Slightly rubbed. A few scratches to binding. Small stamps on verso of titlepage.In: ""Annales de Chimie, ou Recueil de Mémoires concernant la Chemie"" Tome 75. 336 pp. a. 2 folded engraved plates. Some scattered brownspots. The papers: pp. 27-77, 129-175, 256-263, 264-273, 274-289 a. 290-316.
First French version of Davy's ""The Bakerian Lecture for 1809. On some new Electrochemical Researches, on various Objects, particularly the metallic Bodies, from the Alkalies, and Earth, and on some Combinations of Hydrogene. Read November 16, 1809."", together with the controversy papers by Davy and Gay-Lussac & Thenard.""Mr. Davy having from the commencement of his electro-chemical researches, communicated the several steps of his progress to the Society (The Royal Society), takes the present opportunity of reporting the results of his further inquiries under four principal heads. First, on the nature of the metals of the fixed alkalis. Second, on the nature of Hydrogen and composition of ammonia. Thirdly, on the metals of the earth"" and Fourthly he makes a comparison between the antiphlogistic doctrine, and a modified phlogistic hypothesis.""(Abstract). He further gives arguments for considering potassium and sodium, which he discovered in 1808, as a element.""""Gay-Lussac had a slight rivalry between himself and the creation scientist Sir Humphry Davy. Davy was chemically preparing Potassium and Sodium through an electrical current, and this made Gay-Lussac and Thénard envious of his success. They too decided to perform the same task, but they had no battery at their disposal as Davy had, so they had to form another way to chemically prepare the two elements. In 1808, they used a red-hot iron fused to potash, the water-soluble form of a manufactured salt containing potassium, to perform this task, a method that Davy admitted had its advantageous qualities. Gay-Lussac and Thénard were successful in preparing Potassium, and continued to make a full analysis of its chemical properties, and began to use it for their own experiments. In 1809, Davy performed the same task, using it to reduce Boron in Boracic acid.""
Reference : 43299
Paris, Chez Mad. Ve. Bernard, 1808 Contemp. hcalf., gilt spine. Some scratches to binding.. Verso of titlepage and plates with small stamps.In: ""Annales de Chimie"" Vol. 68. - 358 pp. a. 3 engraved plates. (The entire volume offered). Gay-Lussac's a. Thenard's paper: pp. 169-174.
First announcement of the results that they had obtaines by treating boric acid with potassium, showing that acid is composed of a combustible substance and oxygen. ""Before regarding their proof (of the existance of a new element) as complete Gay-Lussac and Thenard wished not only to decomposed boric acid, but to recompose it. On November 30 of the same year they were able to state in the 'Annales de Chemie et de Physique"" (the paper offered) that ""the composition of boracid s no longer problematical. In fact, said they, ""we decompose and we recompose this acid at will"" (Weeks ""Discovery of the Elements"", p. 160). - Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"", 1808 C. - Bunch, 1808.The volume contains other importent paper, Davy's famous paper on electrolysis in first French translations, Gayton-Morveau""Description d'un hygrometre pour le gaz..."", d'Arcet ""Observations sur la potasse et sur la soude préparées à l'alcool"" etc.
"Bosc Gau Morel de Vindé de Saint-Martin Yvart Thénard Gay-Lussac et Silvestre"
Reference : 8681
"1817. Paris Imprimerie de madame Huzard 1817 - Broché sans couv. 13 cm x 20 cm 43 pages - Texte de Gau Morel de Vindé de Saint-Martin Bosc Yvart Thénard Gay-Lussac et Silvestre - Bon état"
Reference : 34660
1 vol. in-8 cartonnage marbré de l'époque, Chez Crochard, Paris, 1831, 448 pp. avec 1 planche. Contient notamment : Rapport fait à l'Académie des Sciences sur les moyens à employer pour prévenir la Falsification des actes et le Blanchiment frauduleux des vieux papiers timbrés ; Recherches sur la cause qui produit le Goître dans les Cordilières de la Nouvelle-Grenade (Boussingault) ; Mémoire sur le Soufre hydrogéné ou l'Hydrure de soufre (Thenard) ; Recherches sur quelques combinaisons du Chlore (Soubeiran) ; Recherches sur la Liqueur des Hollandais (Dumas) ; Sur la Réfraction des rayons différemment colorés, dans des cristaux à un et à deux axes optiques (Rudberg) ; Expériences sur la Circulation des liquides dans les tubes de verre verticaux (Dutrochet) ; Nouvelles Recherches sur le Sang (Lecanu) ; Diverses Notices sur les Courans électriques produits soit par d'autres courans, soit par des aimans (Faraday, Becquerel, Ampère, Nobili et Antinori) ; etc...
Rare exemplaire du tome 48 des "Annales de Chimie et de Physique". Bon état
Reference : 44122
(Paris, Crochard, 1821). No wrappers. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago."", tome 16, Cahier 4. Pp. 337-445. (The entire issue offered). Rapport: pp. 389-427.
First printing of the official raport on captain Freycinet's voyage. He sailed from Toulon on 17 September 1817 in L'Uranie with his wife Rose who secreted herself aboard, and who wrote a separate account of the voyage. After refreshing at the Cape of Good Hope and Mauritius he landed at Shark Bay on 12 September 1818 where he set up an observatory, thoroughly surveyed the inlets and the coastal districts and removed the plate left by Willem de Vlamingh, which he had found and re-erected in 1801. He then sailed north to Timor. His accounts and description of the landscape and life and customs of that and other islands in the East Indies captivated the attention of people in Europe much more than his Australian reports, and a widespread interest developed in the expedition. Leaving Timor on 27 November he sailed via the Moluccas, the Carolines, the Marianas, and the Sandwich Islands and reached Port Jackson on 19 November 1819, the scientists on board adding constantly to their store of information on hydrography, botany, cartography and anthropology. After spending Christmas ashore, they sailed on 26 December and, falling in with the westerlies, set a course for Cape Horn.On 13 February 1820 L'Uranie was wrecked on the Falkland Islands" the scientific records and notes were saved before the vessel foundered, but 2500 of the 4175 plant specimens were lost. Freycinet returned to France in November 1820 and died on 18 August 1842.
Reference : 59787
(Paris, Crochard, 1821). No wrappers, as extracted. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago."", tome 16, Cahier 4. Pp. 389-427.
First printing of the official raport on captain Freycinet's voyage. He sailed from Toulon on 17 September 1817 in L'Uranie with his wife Rose who secreted herself aboard, and who wrote a separate account of the voyage. After refreshing at the Cape of Good Hope and Mauritius he landed at Shark Bay on 12 September 1818 where he set up an observatory, thoroughly surveyed the inlets and the coastal districts and removed the plate left by Willem de Vlamingh, which he had found and re-erected in 1801. He then sailed north to Timor. His accounts and description of the landscape and life and customs of that and other islands in the East Indies captivated the attention of people in Europe much more than his Australian reports, and a widespread interest developed in the expedition. Leaving Timor on 27 November he sailed via the Moluccas, the Carolines, the Marianas, and the Sandwich Islands and reached Port Jackson on 19 November 1819, the scientists on board adding constantly to their store of information on hydrography, botany, cartography and anthropology. After spending Christmas ashore, they sailed on 26 December and, falling in with the westerlies, set a course for Cape Horn.On 13 February 1820 L'Uranie was wrecked on the Falkland Islands" the scientific records and notes were saved before the vessel foundered, but 2500 of the 4175 plant specimens were lost. Freycinet returned to France in November 1820 and died on 18 August 1842.