Bourbon-Lancy, Sotty, Moulins, Imprimeries Réunies, 1989. in-8, 417pp.-1f.- dessins en vignettes. Broché.
Troisième édition du troisième (et dernier) volume de cette excellente série, identique à la première. Outre les localités citées ci-dessus : Saint-Aubin-sur-Loire, Mont-Chalmoux, Cressy-sur-Sommeds, Fléty, Semelay, Millay, Chiddes, Préporché. Leurs seigneurs, fiefs, vestiges et trésors. Dessins de L.-G. Du Chariol. - Frais, non coupé.
Bourbon-Lancy, Imprimerie Sotty, 1966 ; in-8, broché. 195 pp.-1f. Parfait état. En partie non coupé
Edition originale ; premier volume sur les trois qui ont parus par la suite. On joint le bandeau rouge d'édition, le bulletin de souscription, ainsi que deux cartes autographes signées adressées à André Guy, Président des Amis de Montluçon.
Fayard 1975 229 pages 1975. Broché. 229 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
BOARDMAN John & LA ROCCA, Eugenio (Textes) - MULAS, Antonia (Photographies) - Gauthier, Marthe (Traduction)
Reference : 80311
1976 Editions Robert Laffont - 1976 - In-4, cartonnage toilé sous jaquette éditeur illustrée - 167 pages - Nombreuses reproductions photographiques en couleurs
Bon état - Jaquette très légèrement frottée
F. Nathan 1980 13x19x2cm. 1980. relié éditeur. 287 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
Bourbon-Lancy, Imprimerie Sotty, 1968, in-8 br. (14 x 22), 302 p., tome 2 seul sur les 3 parus, nombreuses ill. in-t. (dessins, vignettes héraldiques), trace de mouillure angulaire claire au plat sup., intérieur très propre, bon état.
Outre les noms cités, sont traités dans ce tome les villages de Beuvray, Champlevois, Fours, Hiry, La Nocle, La Roche Milay, Maltat, Maulaix, Remilly, Saint-Seine, Savigny-Poil-Fol, Tazilly, Ternant, Thaix. Bibliographie pages 291-298. Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes.
Grgo. Presentaz.di Sonja Duska Barbieri. Prefaz.di Cesare Zavattini. Traduz.di Marthe Gauthier. Gamulin
Reference : lc_53722
Mondadori Ed. - Robert Laffont (15 janvier 1979)
Relié, jaquette illustrée, nombreuses illustrations, comme neuf.
1974 Editions Hachette - 1974 - In-8, broché couverture à rabats - 381 pages - Quelques illustrations en N&B
Bon état - Quelques rares annotations au crayon - Infimes plis de lecture au dos
Reference : 50013
(Paris), 1959. 4to. No wrappers. Fine and clean. The paper: Pp. 1721-22. Entire issue offered pp.: (1597)-1732.
First printing of the seminal paper that first described the cause of Down's Syndrome, trisomy-21, or the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. ""Currently, Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common birth defects, affecting about one in every 750 live births. John Langdon Down first described this condition in the medical literature in 1866, documenting the various symptoms associated with the syndrome but failing to determine their cause. In fact, the cause of DS remained unknown for nearly 100 years following Down's work. Then, in the 1950s [i.e. in the present paper], researchers finally determined the source of DS: the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, a condition often referred to as trisomy 21.Since the discovery of trisomy 21, scientists have made great strides in Down syndrome research."" (Clare O'Connor, in: Nature Education).""As previously mentioned, almost 100 years elapsed between Down's medical description of DS and the discovery of the cause of this condition. But why was this the case? It was certainly not for lack of trying. Many theories for the cause of DS were put forth in the century after Down's publication. Some physicians even made the key observation that older mothers had a higherfrequency of DS babies, and they postulated that the condition was caused by what they termed ""uterine exhaustion."" Gradually, researchers narrowed in on the real cause of DS: achromosomal abnormality. In fact, researchers now realize that older mothers have more babies with DS because the frequency of meiotic nondisjunction increases in women with age.The reason that cytologists in the early twentieth century failed to correctly diagnose DS is almost certainly due to technical limitations. Chromosome 21 is the smallest human chromosome, and procedures for examining human chromosomes were still being developed during the first part of the century. Many early cytologists had, in fact, studied chromosomes from DS patients, but none had been able to detect a supernumerary copy of chromosome 21. A breakthrough finally occurred in 1956, when Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan described a set of experimental conditions that allowed them to correctly identify the number of human chromosomes as 46. Within three years of the publication of this groundbreaking work, Jerome Lejeune in France and Patricia Jacobs in the United States were able to identify a supernumerary copy of chromosome 21 in karyotypes prepared from DS patients. Trisomy 21 is now accepted to be the major cause of DS, accounting for about 95% of cases."" (Clare O'Connor, in: Nature Education).Garrison & Morton: 4962.5
Complet en 2 volumes, état comme neuf, format 14 x 22,5 cm, 204 et 316 pages, édité par l’auteur, imprimé par Sotty à Bourbon-Lancy 1973. 150 dessins inédits de L.G. du Chariol. « Histoire générale et particulière. Blanzy, Charolles, Digoin, Gueugnon, Montceau les Mines, Montchanin, Mont Saint Vincent, Paray le Monial, Perrecy les Forges, avec 196 anciens fiefs en 70 paroisses et leur population. » Saône et Loire. Bourgogne. Régionalisme.
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