Springer-Verlag - Springer Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 2004 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's grey printed wrappers, illustrated by a figure grand In-8 1 vol. - 498 pages
161 figures and 12 tables 4th edition, 2004, expanded and revised Contents, Chapitres : Prefaces, List of auhors, Contents, xxii, Text, 476 pages - The tractrix and similar curves - Trajectory of a spinning tennis ball - The illumination problem - Orbits in the planar three-body problem - The internal field in semiconductors - Some least squares problems - The generalized Billiard problem - Mirror curves - Smoothing filters - The radar problem - Conformal mapping of a circle - The spinning top - The calibration problem - Heat flow problems - Modeling penetration phenomena - Heat capacity of system of Bose particles - Free metal compression - Gauss quadrature - Symbolic computation of explicit Runge-Kutta formulas - Transient response of a two-phase half-wave rectifier - Newton's and Kepler's laws - Least squares fit of point clouds - Modeling social processes - Contour plots of analytic functions - Non linear least squares : Finding the most accurate location of an aircraft - Computing plane sundials - Agriculture kinematics - The catenary curve - Least squares fit with piecewise functions - Portfolio problems, solved online - Appendix : Shared knowledge of Maple and Matlab - Index - Index of used commands near fine copy, no markings