Galons & Ganses de Coton. Étiquettes Tissées . Henri CAEN & Frère. (Ancienne Maison Louis Caen ) . (trade catalogue with textile samples) :
Reference : 45032
.: 16. Paris, Henri Caen & Frère, s.d. (ca. 1910) , in-4° album , 28 x 18 cm, original boards with blindstamped title '' Galons de Coton, fabrication française'' on the front cover. Contains 19 leaves, arranged in two columns on both sides of the leaves are monted approx. 800 samples of galons and braids, mostly coloured. Complete, only 1 (!) sample seems to be missing. Loosely inserted are two pricelists ( polycopied on the company's letter head.) Notwithstanding some wear at the album's boards still a finely preserved sample catalogue. The mostly coloured sample still fresh and bright.