Paris, F. Schoell, 1811. 1 vol. in-8° broché, couv. bleue muette, étiquette de titre au dos. Petits manque en tête et en pied au dos, qq. ff. effrangés. Bon exemplaire. (2) ff., 397 pp.
Première édition séparée des trois premières sections du second volume du célèbre traité publié sous le titre Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général (1810), ouvrage fondateur de la phrénologie, c'est-à-dire de la localisation des fonctions cérébrales dans des zones précises du cerveau. Quérard III, 243.
Phone number : 02 47 97 01 40
SCHOELL F.. 1811. In-12. Relié. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. VI + 397 pages - Plats, tranches et contreplats jaspés - Plats et dos frottés - Signet .. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
Paris, F. Scholl, H. Nicolle, 1809. Large 4to. Bound uncut in contemp. (original ?) boards. A nick at bottom of spine. Scratches to coverpaper at top of spine, along fronthinge and lower right corner on frontboard. Stamps on title-page. (4),VII,277,(1) pp. and 1 lithographed plate with 5 figs. showing the brain. Some scattered brownspots, mainly on the first few leaves.
Scarce first edition of the monograph which initiated the new science of ""Phrenology"". Here they introduced in print the idea of the cerebrum as a collection of organs with different psychological functions, and focused the attention on the functions of the cerebral cortex. Broca regarded Gall's work on phrenology as ""the starting point for every discovery in cerebral physiology in our century"". The phrenological doctrine, with its suggestion of localization of the functions of the brain, gave a great impetus to the neurological sciences.""The first publication of importence is the mémoire presented by Gall and Spurzheim as candidates for election to the Insitur de France: Recherches.... 1809 (the item offered). The mémoire was presented on March 14, 1808, and a committee of five, including Pinel, with Cuvier as chairman, was appointed to examine the researches and the doctrine. Whether Napoleon actually interfered is nor certain, althugh it is plain that he was opposed to the doctrine. Cuvier's long negative report of fifty-two pages is cautious and conservative, and shows that his commitee realized that it was dealing with with a difficult and controversial matter."" (Edwin G. Boring).