P., choell, 1811, un volume in 8 relié en pleine basane , dos orné de fers et filets dorés, filets dorés sur les plats, tranches jaspées (reliure de l'époque), (petite épidermure sans gravité au dos), 6pp., 397pp.
---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- PREMIERE EDITION SEPAREE des trois premières sections du second volume du célèbre traité publié par GALL et SPURZHEIM : "Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général..." ---- GALL et SPURZHEIM, attaqués sur certaines de leurs doctrines, ont estimé devoir publié séparément cette partie de leur monumental traité ---- SEPARATE PRINTING of the first three sections of volume 2 of authors' principal work : "Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général..." ---- "GALL and his pupil SPURZEHIM introduced the theory of localization of cerebral function and made the first attempt to map the cerebral cortex... They established the fact that the white matter of the brain consists of nerve fibers and that the gray matter of the cerebral cortex represents the organs of mental activity. They were the first to demonstrate that the trigeminal nerve was not merely attached to the pons, but that it sent its root fibers as far down as the inferior olive in the medulla. In addition, they confirmed one and forever the medullary decussation of the pyramids". (MacHenry p. 146) ---- Haymaker - Hunter & Macalpine - Postel & Quetel - DSB V**6967/H5