Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XXI+293 p., 17 b/w ill. + 68 colour ill., 190 x 290 mm. ISBN 9782503523477.
The story of Rinaldo and Armida, where love conflicts with duty, magic plays a role, and morality wins the day, lends itself to being dramatised, and a number of librettists adapted it for the stage in the 17th and 18th centuries. In France, where the ballet de cour was the prime dramatic entertainment, the earliest adaptation of Tasso for the theatre was the Ballet du Roy danced by Louis XIII and his courtiers in the Salle du Louvre on Sunday, 29 Janary 1617. The fifteen-year-old King chose the subject from several proposed to him by Etienne Durand, the designer placed in charge of the occasion. La Delivrance de Renaud. Language : French, English.