Fusenig, Thomas: Lambert Lombard. Peintre de la Renaissance: Liège 1505/1506 -1566. Exhibition: Liege, Musée de l'Art Wallon, 2006. 534 pages, 349 colour and 131 monochrome illustrations. 30cms. Celebrating Lombard's 500th anniversary, this exhibition presents some 180 exhibits including paintings, drawings and etchings. The works presented illustrate his working methods, and his constant study, copying antique sculptures, medieval and contemporary paintings. Displays his eight canvases of the cycle of Virtuous Women, originally from the former Cistercian convent of Herkenrode as well as his eight paintings from the life of St Denis, which originally hung in the high altar of St Denis in Liege. Reassesses many attributions, including a recently discovered portrait, through technical research. Text in French.
Celebrating Lombard's 500th anniversary, this exhibition presents some 180 exhibits including paintings, drawings and etchings. The works presented illustrate his working methods, and his constant study, copying antique sculptures, medieval and contemporary paintings. Displays his eight canvases of the cycle of Virtuous Women, originally from the former Cistercian convent of Herkenrode as well as his eight paintings from the life of St Denis, which originally hung in the high altar of St Denis in Liege. Reassesses many attributions, including a recently discovered portrait, through technical research. Text in French
[Hans von Aachen] - Fusenig, Thomas, Alice Taatgen (eds)
Reference : 092186
ISBN : 9783422069718
Fusenig, Thomas, Alice Taatgen (eds): Hans von Aachen: Court Artist in Europe 1552-1615. Exhibition: Aachen, Suermont-Ludwig-Museum, 2010. 300pp with 200 colour and 20 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 30x25cms. Monographic exhibition devoted to the Dutch master Hans von Aachen, active around 1600. Greatly influenced by Italian styles, which he combined to good effect with Dutch realism, his mythological, allegorical and religious works stand the test of time and 100 of his works are brought together here.
Monographic exhibition devoted to the Dutch master Hans von Aachen, active around 1600. Greatly influenced by Italian styles, which he combined to good effect with Dutch realism, his mythological, allegorical and religious works stand the test of time and 100 of his works are brought together here. Text in English
Reference : 11253
, Gent, Ludion, 2002., Gebonden, originele geillustreerde uitgeversplatten in kleur, 25x30cm, 400pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w., personenregister, bibliografie. ISBN 9789055444311.
Hans Vredeman de Vries en de renaissance. Tentoonstelling Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen: 2002/09/14 - 2002/12/08. Van Hans Vredeman De Vries (1526-1609) zei Vasari dat hij een grootmeester was op het gebied van het perspectief. Zijn naam wordt immers als geen andere geassocieerd met de bloei van de Renaissance-architectuur in Nooird-Europa. Dit berust echter niet op Vredemans activiteiten als architect - van zijn bouwwerken is immers nauwelijks iets bewaard gebleven -, maar op de enorme invloed van zijn grafiek, die in grote oplagen in Europa en, door het vroege kolonialisme, wereldwijd verbreid raakte. Zo verkocht hij artistieke modelbladen voor architecten, maar ook voor beeldhouwers, goudsmeden, schrijnwerkers en andere ambachtslieden. Deze polyvalente meester ? geboren in Leeuwarden, maar vooral werkzaam in Antwerpen ? maakte gebruik van de handelscontacten van deze havenstad om zijn ontwerpen te verspreiden van Mexico tot Koningsbergen (Kalingrad) en zo zijn stempel te drukken op de bouw van kastelen en kerken, de aanleg van paleistuinen en parken, de vervaardiging van wandtapijten, meubels, juwelen en zo meer. Een bijzonder boek over de buitengewone invloed van het werk van Vredeman De Vries, wiens oeuvre vandaag bekender is dan zijn naam.
FUSENIG Thomas ( editor ) - Alice TAATGEN - Heinrich BECKER ( co-authors) :
Reference : 42480
Berlin, München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2010, in-4°, 278 pp, publisher's illustrated cased binding, text in German. Published on the occasion of an exhibition in the Suermondt-Ludwig museum in Aachen.
Thomas Fusenig unter Mitarbeit von Alice Taatgen und Heinrich Becker
Reference : 23997
DE, Kunstverlag, 2010 296 Seiten mit 234 farbigen und 17 schwarzweissen Abbildungen, 24 x 28,7 cm, Hardcover . Text in German. . ISBN 9783422069718.
Hans von Aachen, an artist uniting Dutch tradition with Italian innovation, painted elegant and humorous mythological and allegorical scenes, religious themes and virtuous portraits. The catalogue presents more than 100 paintings, drawings and prints from all over Europe and the US. Nach uber zehn Jahren in Rom, Florenz und Venedig ging Hans von Aachen als Virtuose an die Hofe der kunstliebenden Fursten in Munchen und Prag. Kaiser Rudolf II. machte ihn zum Hofkunstler und adelte ihn. Leben und Werk verkorpert den intensiven Austausch kunstlerischer Ideen im Herbst der europaischen Renaissance.
, BAI -Museum Mayer Van Den Bergh, 2016 Hardback, 280x210mm, 192p, 200 colour illustrations, English edition. With new CD GRAINDELAVOIX Antwerp World Premieres anno 1600. ISBN 9789085867265.
Expo: 17/6/2016 - 16/12/2016, Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerpen. 450 years ago, anecdotes that we would now relate via social media were shared in churches, then the most important places for meeting up with others. In 2016, Museum Mayer van den Bergh is presenting for the first time a selection of church interiors that speak to us about daily life in that period. As well as being places of liturgy, churches were where people celebrated, grieved, paraded, begged, gossiped and even played. Everyday life played out within. And this can be seen in paintings on the subject made in such great quantity in Antwerp in the 16th and 17th centuries. These church interiors are not only masterpieces of perspective, but also present fascinating scenes of existing or lost churches replete with splendid indoor vistas, every corner revealing to us daily life. Museum Mayer van den Bergh is bringing together a number of these church interiors for the first time. This beautifully illustrated catalogue introduces the reader to locations that were the places to meet in the 16th and 17th centuries.