Le Livre de Poche Sans date. 5 FREDERICK FORSYTH - Le Vengeur / le livre de poche
Bon état
1971 Librairie Jules Tallandier, Le Cercle du Nouveau Livre, 1971, 1 volume in-8 de 397 pp., broché.
Bon état
Corgi Books 1997 540 pages 17 2x10 6x3 6cm. 1997. Broché. 540 pages. Trapped in a snowbound cabin or on a long flight there's nobody more reliable than Forsyth for guaranteed diversion. His narrative engine is one of the best in the business; his characters spring quickly to life; he blends research and imagination into high drama. Icon is set in the Russia of 1999 where an ultra-nationalist zealot you might recognize from Nightline is about to become head of state. When his dangerous agenda leaks out no Western government wants to take action -- so a private task force including ex-CIA agent Jason Monk is sent in to derail the demagogue. It's all in the grand tradition of previous Forsythe winners from The Day of the Jackal The Odessa File and The Dogs of War through The Fourth Protocol and The Deceiver
Bon Etat
GLN-649, Octopus Books Limited, London, 1986
Janine Montupet ; Sheila Burnford ; Jessamyn West ; Frederick Forsyth
Reference : 1600596964311
GLN-586, Sélection du Reader's Digest 1985
Assez bon
Paul Vialar ; Frederick Forsyth ; Robert Kimmel Smith ; Etienne Lalou
Reference : 1572518054664
GLN-400, Sélection du Reader's Digest 1974
Le Livre de Poche 1982 572 pages poche. 1982. Broché. 572 pages.
Bon état
Mercure De France broché Couverture Illustrée Paris 1973 397 pages en format grand -8
Très Bon État
Livre De Poche broché Bristol illustré 1986 509 pages en format 11 - 16 cm 2-253-03832-6
Très Bon État
Mercure De France broché Couverture Illustrée Paris 1973 397 pages en format grand -8
Bon État
Oscar Mondadori broché Bristol illustré Milano 1986 424 pages en format -8
Bon État
Oscar Mondadori broché Bristol illustré Milano 1988 457 pages en format -8
Bon État