Hisao TAKI - Kenji KANEKO - Yoko YAMASAKI - Ryosuke MASUDA - Naoto MOCHIZUKI - Hideo FUKUI - [ ] Louis Fransen :
Reference : 47192
.: S.l. ( Japan ), Arrow Art Works , 2010, in-folio, 37 x 26,5 cm, 127 pp, publisher's cased binding with illustrated dust wrapper. Bi-lingual edition with texts in English and Japanese. Louis Fransen was a painter-designer of modern mural arts ( stained glass - ceramics) for public places who died in 2010. Louis Fransen (born in Hoogstraten in the province of Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium in 1929 - died in Odawara ) came to Japan in 1957 as a Roman Catholic Scheutist missionary and became the leading designer of large mural art works and stained glass in Japan, and director of the Modern Mural Arts Institute..
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2013 Hardback, IV 237 p., 65 b/w ill. 170 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9781909400153.
The activities of Rogier van der Weyden (1399/1400-1464) were much wider in scope than the well-known painted oeuvre that has been the subject of so many publications. This book, with its focus on stone sculpture in Brussels at the time that Rogier was established there, an area of art history that to date has been little explored, offers a fresh and fascinating look at the context in which Brussels?s famous city painter operated. Bart Fransen leads you through a network of stoneworkers and craftsmen, from the stone quarry to the sculptor?s workshop, to discover a number of remarkable but unknown or misjudged sculptures now in churches, an abbey, a beguinage, a museum?s reserve collection and a castle chapel. With the various case studies in mind he goes on to examine Rogier van der Weyden?s direct involvement in sculptural projects, turning to the evidence revealed by archival documents, drawings and sculpture itself. The result is a highly readable and plentifully illustrated book that re-establishes the close relationship between the various art forms that existed in the fifteenth century. Bart Fransen holds a doctorate in Art History from the Catholic University of Leuven. He is currently head of the Centre for the Study of the Flemish Primitives, a specialized research unit and part of Belgium's Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) in Brussels.. Distinguished Contributions to the Study of the Arts in the Burgundian Netherlands (HMDC 2)
Till-Holger Borchert , Peter Carpreau , With contributions by Inigo Bocken, Jordan Marie Booker, Till-Holger Borchert, Peter Carpreau, Marjan Debaene, Mark Derez, Bart Fransen, Valentine Henderiks, Stephan Kemperdick, Didier Martens, Gust Van den Berghe, and Michiel Verweij.
Reference : 62422
, Hannibal Books, 2023 Hardcover 260 pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9789464666816.
A contemporary view of the masterly works of Dieric Bouts This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had both feet in his world: it is perhaps that we seem unable to understand his work. This book includes comprehensive essays and shorter texts that focus on specific works by the Flemish master, outlining the social, intellectual, and artistic context in which Bouts worked. They highlight his oeuvre from new angles and offer new perspectives on works that are now more than five centuries old ? through a radical confrontation with the visual culture of today. The result is a more nuanced image of the great artist from Leuven. Dieric Bouts regains his place in the history of art as the eye-expanding maker of images that he was. This book is published on the occasion of the impressive retrospective at M Leuven from 20 October 2023 to 14 January 2024. Dieric Bouts (ca. 1410/20-75) is one of the most elusive figures in the history of Western art. Flemish primitive of the second generation, painter of silence such are the labels that are usually attributed to him. But was the Master of Brabant not more than that? This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had both feet in his world: it is perhaps that we seem unable to understand his work. This book includes comprehensive essays and shorter texts that focus on specific works by the Flemish master, outlining the social, intellectual, and artistic context in which Bouts worked. They highlight his oeuvre from new angles and offer new perspectives on works that are now more than five centuries old ? through a radical confrontation with the visual culture of today. The result is a more nuanced image of the great artist from Leuven. Dieric Bouts regains his place in the history of art as the eye-expanding maker of images that he was. This book is published on the occasion of the impressive retrospective at M Leuven from 20 October 2023 to 14 January 2024. Edited by Peter Carpreau. With contributions by Inigo Bocken, Jordan Marie Booker, Till-Holger Borchert, Peter Carpreau, Marjan Debaene, Mark Derez, Bart Fransen, Valentine Henderiks, Stephan Kemperdick, Didier Martens, Gust Van den Berghe, and Michiel Verweij.
, Brepols Publishers, 2006 hardcover, 458 pages ., 316 b/w ill. 195 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm, English. ISBN 9782503517438.
The fourth volume examines all the works attributed to masters with provisional names from the 1470s to the first half of the 16th century (Master of the Joseph Sequence, Master of the Magdalen Legend, Master of the Orsoy Altarpiece, Master of the Saint Barbara Legend, Master of the Saint Catherine Legend, Master of the Saint Lucy Legend, Master of the Saint Ursula Legend, Master of the View of Saint-Gudule, Master of 1473). It was towards 1900 that anonymous works were first grouped, on the basis of stylistic affinities, around certain paintings presenting particular characteristics. Each group is attributed to an anonymous master named after the painting (the eponymous work) which forms the basis for this group. These ensembles serve to give direction to the work of art historians, in the hope of identifying these anonymous painters at a later date. Some of these groups, to which new works have been added over past decades, appear fairly heterogeneous, and merit critical reexamination in the light of modern analysis methods. Like the three previous volumes, it is published in English and abundantly illustrated with colour photographs of the investigated paintings, detail photographs and comparative material. Each of the nineteen paintings has been submitted to exhaustive and detailed examination following a scientific research method which has been fully established over the years. This includes, on the one hand, examination of the supports and the original frames, dendrochronological analysis, infrared reflectography, stereomicroscopic observation, radiographic analysis, ultraviolet fluorescence imaging and, where possible, examination of paint samples and, on the other hand, historical, iconographic and stylistic analysis, dating, attribution and bibliography. Information is drawn from documents in the museum?s archives and supplemented with material held at the Royal Institute for the Study and Conservation of Belgium?s Artistic Heritage (IRPA/KIK) and the Centre for the Study of Fifteenth-Century Painting in the Southern Netherlands and the Principality of Liege. Each group of paintings attributed to a master with a provisional name is introduced with a short status quaestionis evoking the origins of the grouping and the principal publications relating to it. In their notices on the individual paintings, the authors have based their research on comparing them as closely as possible with the works around which each ensemble is grouped. Certain paintings in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are themselves eponymous works. In these cases the authors have made every effort to document these reference works as thoroughly as possible.
Pietermaritzburg, Anreith, 1981 Illustrated cardboard cover b/w, 205 x 185mm., 230pp., profound b/w illustration. ISBN 0620052414.
South-African edition. With dedication. In good condition.
P.-I. Fransen, L. De Coninck, B. Coppieters 't Wallant, R. Demeulenaere (eds.);
Reference : 35837
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XXXII+567 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503052052.
Apres le commentaire paulinien des 'Douze Peres', voici une nouvelle realisation de l'equipe autour de dom P.-I. Fransen, concernant cette fois le plus important des ouvrages exegetiques de Florus. Le volume de l'expositio ex operibus Augustini auquel les editeurs ont donne la priorite, le troisieme des quatre tomes prevus, couvre la section II Cor. - Phil., par laquelle debute ce qui subsiste du manuscrit original, Lyon, Bibliotheque municipale 484 (L). A partir de ce point on peut profiter directement des decouvertes de L. Holtz (Revue Benedictine, 2009) concernant la genese de l'expositio. En plus d'une analyse du manuscrit L, l'introduction de ce tome comprend une etude de l'orthographe de Florus basee sur la partie de L qu'il a copiee lui-meme et sur les annotations et corrections de sa main dans une quinzaine de codex. Parmi les quatre apparats au pied de chaque page de l'edition, signalons surtout celui qui fait etat des modifications apportees au texte des manuscrits-sources. Le volume se termine par un index des passages augustiniens dont la section II Cor. - Phil. est composee. Languages: Latin, French.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2020 Hardcover, X+430 pages ., 220 x 280 mm,. English. ISBN 9782930054384.
The outer panels of the Ghent Altarpiece had been overpainted to a considerable extent. The virtuosity of the Eyckian technique and aesthetics remained hardly visible. And yet, this had never been observed before the start of the conservation treatment. By removing the overpaint, the tonal richness and the coherent rendering of light and space once again came to the fore. Especially the suggestion of volumes and the spaciousness of the ensemble gained strength because of the virtuoso play of deep shadows and bright light accents, and not in the least because of the surprising trompe-l'oeil effect of the frames conceived as a stone framework. Or to put it in the words of the comments of one of the experts, dr. Maryan Ainsworth: The paintings live and breathe again in the time of the Van Eyck brothers. The sharp observation skills, the quick, accurate execution, the knowledge, curiosity and ingenuity about all the things that are depicted, are now unveiled after centuries. The profit for the knowledge of and further research into the essence of Eyckian aesthetics is considerable. And finally there is the discovery that the much-discussed quatrain was applied simultaneously with the polychromy of the frames: a real 'coup de foudre' in the discourse of the current art-historical research! The subtleties of the Eyckian technique could also be mapped out in more detail. How the Van Eycks managed to keep the final result and the desired effect in mind during every phase of the execution, from imprimatura to finishing touch. The artists made a statement about the art of painting, giving ?technique? as such a new prominence. The Ghent Altarpiece may be understood at some point as a major showpiece for a highly sophisticated pictorial technique. We hope that this publication of the results of the research and conservation campaign on the exterior of the altarpiece can help future researchers to ask better questions. Questions, and answers, that may produce a more balanced picture of Van Eyck's techniques, methods and materials. Table of Contents Foreword Ludo Collin Preface Hilde De Clercq, Christina Ceulemans Introduction Maximiliaan Martens, Christina Ceulemans, Ron Spronk, Anne van Grevenstein-Kruse Transformations in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries H l ne Dubois Frames and Support: Technique and Structural Treatment Jochen Ketels, Jean-Albert Glatigny, Anne-Sophie Augustyniak Paint and Polychromy: Chemical Investigation of the Overpaints Jana Sanyova, Geert Van der Snickt, H Koen Janssens, Peter Vandenabeele Conservation and Restoration Treatment The Painted Surface Livia Depuydt-Elbaum, Fran The Frames: In Search of Lost Unity Anne-Sophie Augustyniak, Laure Mortiaux The Van Eycks' Creative Process The Paintings: from (Under)drawing to the Final Touch in Paint Marie Postec, Griet Steyaert The Frames: an Exceptional Polychromy Anne-Sophie Augustyniak, Laure Mortiaux, Jana Sanyova The Authenticity of the Quatrain and the other Frame Inscriptions Susan Frances Jones, Anne-Sophie Augustyniak, H l ne Dubois Imagining the Original Display Bart Fransen, Jean-Albert Glatigny Restoring in the Public Eye Bart Devolder Epilogue: Implications and Perspectives Cyriel Stroo, Maximiliaan Martens Documentation Photography before and after Treatment St phane Bazzo, Jean-Luc Elias, Katrien Van Acker Inscriptions on the Exterior Susan Frances Jones, Marc H. Smith The Quatrain: a New Reconstruction Marc H. Smith, Susan Frances Jones, Anne-Sophie Augustyniak Dimensions of Frames and Supports Jochen Ketels, Jean-Albert Glatigny, Anne-Sophie Augustyniak The Ghent Altarpiece: a Bibliography Dominique Deneffe, Jeroen Reyniers Bibliography Project Participants Photographic Acknowledgements Abbreviations Index of Names Index of Works of Art
GLN-964, Ediciones Fax, Madrid 1966
Assez bon
1939 118 p., several graphs & tables, paperbound. Some annotations. Library stamps.
1986 119 p., 41 figs, paperbound. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp). With author’s dedication.
Gembloux, J.Duculot 1946 xxxii + 432pp., non coupé, dans la série "Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis Dissertationes ad gradum magistri in Facultate Theologica vel in Fac. Iuris Canonici..." series II Tomus 37, br.orig., 26cm., bel état, R27583
Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique 1976 279pp., 28cm., br.orig., bel état
Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique 1976 279pp., 29cm., exemplaire du médiéviste belge Raymond Macken avec sa signature et qqs.annotations (en crayon) de sa main, bel état, T75232
Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique 1977 ["publié sous la direction de L. Genicot et P. Tombeur"], 157pp., 28cm., br.orig., bel état, T75596
Turnhout, Brepols 1973-1985 55pp., + joint: 10pp. (mise à jour, 1985), 24cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Typologie des sources du moyen age occidental" fasc.10 (A-III.1*), bon état, R107175
Phillip Van den Bossche, Adriaan Gonnissen, Fabio Benzi, Maria Elena Versari, Valerie Verhack, Nathalie Fransen, Bart Van den Bossche
Reference : 49505
, MUZEE, 2016 Gebonden, Hardcover in slipcase, 318 pag., geillustreerd, NL/ Eng. editie, . neuf ! ISBN 9789074694254.
Jules Schmalzigaug en het kookboek van het futurisme wil een eerbetoon brengen aan het korte maar intense leven van deze Belgische futurist. In 2017 zal het honderd jaar geleden zijn dat Schmalzigaug het leven liet in Den Haag. Hij was de allereerste Belgische schilder die zich kon manifesteren in de kern van een internationale avant-gardestroming: het Italiaanse futurisme: zijn artistieke hoogtepunt bereikte hij in 1914! Deze retrospectieve blikt terug op de korte, maar zeer krachtige futuristische periode die Schmalzigaug in Italie en later als vluchteling in Den Haag heeft doorgemaakt. Geent op de artistieke inspiratie van de Italiaanse futuristen Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra en Gino Severini, genoot zijn authentieke stijl veel respect: zij beschouwden hem als talentvolle zielsverwant en vriend. Deze tentoonstelling brengt het futurisme van Schmalzigaug in dialoog met dat van zijn Italiaanse deelgenoten en met werk van andere Belgische avant-gardekunstenaars, zoals Paul Joostens, Pierre-Louis Flouquet, Prosper De Troyer, Edmond Van Dooren en enkele anderen? die na 1917 kortstondig de invloed van het futurisme ondergingen. Jules Schmalzigaug and the Futurist Cookbook pays homage to the brief but intense life of this Belgian Futurist. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Schmalzigaug's death in The Hague. He was the very first Belgian painter to feature at the heart of an international avant-garde movement: Italian Futurism. In fact, he reached the peak of his artistic career in 1914! This retrospective looks back at the short but extremely powerful Futurist period which Schmalzigaug experienced in Italy and later as a refugee in The Hague. Artistically inspired by the Italian Futurists Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra and Gino Severini, who regarded him as a talented kindred spirit and friend, his authentic style earned a great deal of respect. This exhibition establishes a dialogue between Schmalzigaug's Futurism, that of his Italian associates and the work of other Belgian avant-garde artists such as Paul Joostens, Pierre-Louis Flouquet, Prosper De Troyer, Edmond Van Dooren and others who felt the influence of Futurism for a brief period after 1917.
ANTWERPEN - Stadsbestuur - EENBLADSDRUK - 12 Februari 1731 - Sr. Fransen - Uitbater van een Poeder molen tussen de Slijkpoort en de Roode Poort :
Reference : 53139
.: Antwerpen, ( Petrus Jouret, Stadts-drucker ...in de Gulde Tralie, onderste marge met drukkersnaam weggesneden ) , 1731, in plano, 26 x 16 cm ( marges afgesneden). Met houtgravure titel-vignet en houtgravure initiaal ( 50 x 50 mm), opgeplakt op eigentijdse papieren drager. Herkomst: 18e eeuwse collectie van de Antwerpse Jezuïeten. (Veiling Walter Couvreur). Onderwerp: Het is ten strengste verboden vuurwapens te hanteren in de nabijheid van de poedermolen van dhr. Fransen aan de Slijkpoort.
D'Olne, Pascale; DuBois, Anne; Fransen, Bart; Peters, Famke; Slachmuylders, Roel
Reference : 013295
ISBN : 2503517439
2006 Brepols N.V. Soft cover
The Flemish Primitives IV: Masters with Provisional Names: 4 (Catalogue of Early Netherlandish Painting: Royal Museums of) soft cover: 295 x 215 mm, 458 p, very good condition
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
D'Olne, Pascale; DuBois, Anne; Fransen, Bart; Peters, Famke; Slachmuylders, Roel
Reference : 013392
ISBN : 2503517439
2006 Brepols N.V. Soft cover
The Flemish Primitives IV: Masters with Provisional Names: 4 (Catalogue of Early Netherlandish Painting: Royal Museums of) soft cover: 295 x 215 mm, 458 p, very good condition
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, LXVII+316 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503049335.
C'est le deuxieme volume de la collection dite des Douze Peres. Dans ce volume les extraits des oeuvres d'Ambroise, choisis par Florus, n'occupent pas moins de 70 folios du manuscrit de la Grande Chartreuse, le seul temoin de ce florilege et alignent 411 pericopes. Cette importance n'avait pas echappe au copiste du manuscrit de Sainte Marie des Trois Fontaines qui recopiait l'oeuvre de Florus: il met en premier l'oeuvre d'Ambroise et relegue en fin de volume les oeuvres de Cyprien et de Hilaire (CCCM 193), n'hesitant pas a bouleverser l'ordre de la collection. Languages: Latin, French.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, XCI+457 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503049359.
Ce troisieme volume acheve l'edition d'une oeuvre inedite de Florus de Lyon, son commentaire de saint Paul emprunte a douze Peres de l'Eglise. Alors que les deux premiers volumes ont ete consacres a des Peres bien connus, a savoir Cyprien, Hilaire et Ambroise, ce troisieme volume fait appel a des auteurs moins frequents tel Avite de Vienne, Fulgence de Ruspe, Ephrem latin, Pacien de Barcelone, Theophile d'Alexandrie et autres. Tel un panorama de l'epoque patristique, ce volume presente un echantillonnage qui n'est pas sans interet et qui revele un aspect inhabituel et attachant de la recherche medievale. Languages: Latin, French.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1972 Hardcover. 56 p., incl. 5 p. updating, 156 x 234 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN 9782503360027.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1985 Hardcover. 318 pages ., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN 9782503360447.
Drukkerij van het 1952 in8. 1952. broche. 153 pages. Etat Correct couverture usagée
Drukkerij van het 1952 in8. 1952. broché. 237 pages. Etat Correct couverture usagée