[Francis Alys] - Pleister, Christopher, Francis Alys, Klaus Biesenbach et al
Reference : 104163
ISBN : 3883758663
Pleister, Christopher, Francis Alys, Klaus Biesenbach et al: blueOrange 2004: Francis Alys. Exhibition: Berlin, Martin-Gropius-Bau, 2004. 84 pages. illustrated throughout in colour. Paperback. 21.5 x 22cms.
Francis Alys, Lynne Cooke, Alejandro Diaz, Tom Eccles, Dario Gamboni, RoseLee Goldberg, Laurence Kardish, Harper Montgomery, Francesco Pellizzi
Reference : 51585
, Public Art Fund, 2004 Hardcover, 159 pages, ENG. edition, 270 x 225 x 20 mm, As New, illustrated in color / b/w. ISBN 9780960848829.
Francis Al s?s action, The Modern Procession, marked the temporary move of The Museum of Modern Art from Manhattan to Queens in 2002. Presented by the Public Art Fund in collaboration with the museum, it was a public parade involving over 100 participants who carried reproductions of some of the museum?s masterpieces and a living representative of contemporary art, Kiki Smith. This hardcover catalogue features extensive photographic documentation of the event as well as contributions and essays by the artist; the then Public Art Fund director Tom Eccles; curator Lynne Cook, among others.
Paris Réunion des Musées Nationaux 2001 1 vol. broché Sans la jaquette. in-4, broché, couv. illustrée, 112 pp., nombreuses reproductions en couleurs. Catalogue de l'exposition organisée au Musée Picasso d'Antibes, avril-juin 2001. Textes bilingues français-anglais. Bon état malgré le manque de la jaquette. Epuisé.