4 books for « francesca baldassari »Edit

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‎Francesca Baldassari‎

Reference : 59719

‎Masterpiece of the Florentine Seventeenth Century: Francesco Lupicini's David and Goliath‎

‎, Rob Smeets, 2016 Hardcover, 53 pages, ENG / ITA, 270 x 245 mm, in New condition, with illustrations in colour., dustjacket has some scratches on the backside, but book itself is in New condition ISBN 9788889024812.‎

‎The painting on copper portraying David with the head of Goliath offers, for its outstanding quality, a significant addition to the catalogue of the Florentine painter Francesco Lupicini (Firenze 1591-Saragozza 1656). This artist is still obscure, even to specialists, and has been so far neglected by art historical investigation, despite the works emerged over the last three decades reveal an unusually creative originality and considerably high quality. Lupicini?s difficult emergence from obscurity could be related to the fact that Filippo Baldinucci (1625-1696), the official biographer of Florentine painters, fails to mention him, even briefly, in the pages of his Notizie. [Francesca Baldassari]‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Francesca Baldassari‎

Reference : ART2363M



‎1999 / 229 pages. Relié avec jaquette. Editions Federico Motta.‎

‎Très bon état.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎BALDASSARI, Francesca‎

Reference : 107168


ISBN : 887179169X

‎Cristoforo Munari‎

‎Milano, Frederico Motta Editore 1998 Texte en italien. In-4 30,5 x 23,5 cm. Reliure éditeur marron, sous jaquette à l’identique illustrée en couleurs, 231 pp., abondamment illustré de reproductions en couleurs et en noir & blanc, sommaire, catalogue, bibliographie, index des noms. Exemplaire en bon état.Tavole dentro e fuori testo in bianco e nero e a colori. ‎

‎Volume specializzato sul pittore sei-settecentesco di nature morte Cristoforo Munari; diviso in sezioni tra cui: lo stile e i soggetti, dipinti autografi, opere di attribuzione incerta, opere respinte, dipinti citati ma perduti o non identificati con certezza. Ouvrage spécialisé sur le peintres de natures mortes Cristoforo Munari, qui vécut entre XVIIème et XVIIIème; le volume est divisé en sections dont: style et sujets, peintures signées, tableaux d’attribution incertaines tableaux rejetés comme n’étant pas attribuables à l’auteur, peintures dont ont garde trace écrite mais qui sont perdues ou non identifiées avec certitude. Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR54.00 (€54.00 )
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