FOXE John (& SEYMOUR Hobart, revised, corrected and condensed by)
Reference : R61338
London, Edinburgh and Dublin, A. Fullarton s.d. [+/-1850] xxxii + 1082pp.+ frontispice (portrait of author) with some plates out-of-text, full-leather binding with title and decorations in gilt, marbled edges, 26cm., VG, ["with a preliminary dissertation on the difference between the church of Rome that now is, and the ancient church of Rome than then was with a memoir of the author, by his son. A new edition with five appendices, containing accounts of the massacres in France, the destruction of the Spanish Armada: the Irish rebellion in the year 1641, the gunpowder treason; and a tract showing that the execution of papists in Queen Elizabeth's reign were for treason and not for heresy"]