14 books for « fox robert »Edit

‎Fox (Robert)‎

Reference : 52844


ISBN : 2850258342

‎Photographies de Guerre‎

‎Hazan, coll. « Pavés » 2002 In-8 broché. Jaquette neuve. Livre neuf.‎

‎ Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )


Reference : 202104895


‎The Hulton Getty Picture Collection. Camera in Conflict. Armed conflict. Bewaffnete Konflikte. Conflits armés. ‎

‎Köln, Könemann, 1996 ; in-4, 420 pp., reliure pleine toile, jaquette imprimée. Nombreuses photographies en noir et blanc et en couleurs.‎

Phone number : 06 87 32 55 92

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : RO60105644


ISBN : 3829028628


‎Könemann. 1999. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Pliures. 351 pages. Photo en noir et blanc en frontispice. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Texte en 3 langues. Jaquette déchirée.. Avec Jaquette. . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 386-Marine‎

‎The Hulton Getty Picture Collection. English, Deutsch, Français. Classification Dewey : 386-Marine‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )


Reference : RO60141381


ISBN : 3895082171

‎CAMERA IN CONFLICT, Armed Conflict / Bewaffnete Konflikte / Conflits Armés (The Hulton Getty Picture Collection)‎

‎Könemann. 1996. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 420 pages. Photo en noir et blanc en frontispice. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Texte sur 2 colonnes. Texte en anglais, allemand, français. Grand In-4°. Couverture se détachant. Annotations en page de faux-titre (ex-libris).. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎The Hulton Getty Picture Collection. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎FOX, Robert‎

Reference : 4686


‎The Hulton Getty Collection. Liners, the Golden Age. L'Âge d'or des paquebots.‎

‎ 1999 1 Kôln, Könemann, 1999, fort in-4° oblong relié toile rouge sous jaquette illustrée éditeur. ‎

‎Nombreuses illustrations. ‎


Phone number : 02 35 98 63 06

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎FOX Robert :‎

Reference : 58142

‎The Inner Sea. The Mediterranean and its People.‎

‎.: New York, Knopf, 1993, format in-8°, nice copy of the first edition, hardback with original dust jacket. Fine, no library markings. (nearly mint)..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )

‎FOX Robert - Clive Harvey :‎

Reference : 35153

‎Liners. The Golden Age. The Hulton Getty Picture Collection.‎

‎".: 3. Köln, Germany, Könemann, 1999, oblong in-4°, 352 pp with over 330 photographs . Three lingual; English, French, German. Publisher's red cloth with dustwrapper."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Leone (Charles A.), ed. - Arthur Cronquist - Ernst Mayr - Robert R. Sokal - Marcel Florkin - Alan A. Boyden - Bradley T. Scheer - William C. Boyd - Hans Laufer - William Glenn and William E. Prather - E.A. Bell and L. Fowden - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner - Tom J. Mabry - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston - Otto Moritz - Richard N. Lester - : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche - Chih H. Wang - Konrad Bloch - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan - G.W. Brown - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves - Charles G. Sibley - Kenneth R. Porter - James L. Wittliff - Morris Goodman - M.R. Irvin - Arthur E. Duve - Frank Dolyak - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn - Wayne Frair - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West - P.H.A. Sneath - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd - Miyoshi Ikawa - C.K. Williamson - Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox - William B. Hebard - Thomas C. Cheng - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum - Bob G. Sanders - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks - Alan A. Boyden - In memoriam Philip Newmark‎

Reference : 64125


‎Taxonomic Biochemistry and Serology , International Conference on Taxonomic, Biochemistry, Physiology and Serology, held at the University of Kansas, September, 1962‎

‎The Ronald Press Company Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1964 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full green clothes, no dust-jacket fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 738 pages‎

‎few figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, x, Text, 728 pages - 1. Principles of systematics : Arthur Cronquist : The old systematics - Ernst Mayr : The new systematics - Robert R. Sokal : The future systematics - 2. Perspectives in molecular taxonomy : Marcel Florkin : Perspectives in comparative biochemistry - Alan A. Boyden : Perspectives in systematic serology - Bradley T. Scheer : The uses of comparative physiology - William C. Boyd : Modern ideas on races, in the light of our knowledge of blood groups and other characters with known mode of inheritance - Hans Laufer : Macromolecular patterns in development and evolution - William Glenn and William E. Prather : The Bio-Courier project : Comparative immunobiological analyses for interplanetary explorations - 3. Taxonomic biochemistry of plants : E.A. Bell and L. Fowden : Studies on amino acid distribution and their possible value in plant classification - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner : Comparative chemistry of Baptisia : Problems of intraspecific hybridization - Tom J. Mabry : The betacyanins, a new class of red-violet pigments, and their phylogenetic significance - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins : Paper chromatographic studies in the aloineae, II. The rigidae and redusae sections of haworthia - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston : Patterns of variation among several kinds of chemical constituents of baptisia leucophaea var. laevicaulis - 4. Taxonomic serology of plants : Otto Moritz : Some special features of serobotanical work - Richard N. Lester : Comparative immunochemistry of the tuber-bearing species of the genus solanum - Comparative serological studies with the families cornaceae (dogwood) and nyssaceae (sour gum) - 5. Comparative biochemistry of animals : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan : Enzyme structure and its relation to taxonomy - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche : Diversity of phosphagens - Chih H. Wang : Comparative glucose catabolism in biological systems - Konrad Bloch : Comparative aspects of lipid metabolism - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger : A comparative study of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in olfactory regions of the brain - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan : The comparatove enzymology of triosephosphate dehydrogenase - G.W. Brown : Urea synthesis in elasmobranchs - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves : Coherence and variation in macromolecular structures in phylogeny - Charles G. Sibley : The characteristics of specific peptides from single proteins as data for classification - Kenneth R. Porter : Chromatographic comparisons of the parotoid gland secretions of six species in the Bufo valliceps group - James L. Wittliff : Venom constituents of Bufo fowleri, Bufo valliceps, and their natural hybrids analyzed by electrophoresis and chromatography - 6. Taxomonic serology of animals : Morris Goodman : Problems of primate systematics attacked by the serological study of proteins - M.R. Irvin : Some aspects of immunogenetics in relation to taxonomic problems - Arthur E. Duve : An immunological comparison of seven species of birds from four orders based on skeletal muscle antigens - Frank Dolyak : Intraspecific variations among chicken plasmas - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano : Serological relations of toad populations of the Lake Michigan area - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn : Quantitative serological correspondence of ungulates by gel diffusion - Wayne Frair : Turtle family relationships as determined by serological tests - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach : Immunochemical analysis of the phylogeny of lens proteins - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West : The serological specificity of hemolymph antigens in various stages of insect development - 7. Molecular taxonomy of microorganisms : P.H.A. Sneath : Comparative biochemical genetics in bacterial taxonomy - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd : Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition in the enterobacteriaceae : An evolutionary sequence ? - Miyoshi Ikawa : Cell-Wall composition in relation to the classification of lactic acid bacteria - C.K. Williamson : Serological classification of viridans streptococci from the respiratory tract of man - 8. Taxonomic electrophoresis of animals : Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox : Electrophoresis in taxonomic studies illustrated by analyses of blood proteins - William B. Hebard : Serum-protein electrophoretic patterns of the amphibia - Thomas C. Cheng : Comparative electophoretic studies on the sera of marine and fresh-water mollusks - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum : An electrophoretic survey of rattlesnake venoms - Bob G. Sanders : Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins of three trout species and the resulting hybrids within the family salmonidae - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks : Serum-protein electrophoresis in mammals : Significance in the higher taxonomic categories - Appendix : Honors presentation to Alan A. Boyden : Professor - In memoriam Philip Newmark - Index no dust-jacket, else fine copy, no markings‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences - Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini - Alexei Kojevnikov - John Krige - Ana Simoes and Kostas Gavroglu on Charles Alfred Coulson‎

Reference : 100931


‎Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences - Volume 29, Part 2 (1999) , (Laboratories, workshops, and sites. Concepts and practices of research in industrial Europe, 1800-1914 - Freedom, collectivism, and quasiparticles : Social metaphors in quantum physics - The Ford Foudation, European physics and the Cold War - Quantum chemistry qua applied mathematics. The contributions of Charles Alfred Coulson (1910-1974)) ‎

‎University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1999 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 213 pages‎

‎few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1999 Contents, Chapitres : Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini : Laboratories, workshops, and sites. Concepts and practices of research in industrial Europe, 1800-1914 (chapter 3 - chapter 4 - Conclusion) - Alexei Kojevnikov : Freedom, collectivism, and quasiparticles : Social metaphors in quantum physics - John Krige : The Ford Foudation, European physics and the Cold War - Ana Simoes and Kostas Gavroglu : Quantum chemistry qua applied mathematics. The contributions of Charles Alfred Coulson (1910-1974) wrappers clean, with minor folding tracks on the corner and few foxings, inside is clean, no markings, the bottom right corners of the last 4 pages is lightly folded, it remains a very good reading copy - pages 193 to 406‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎British Journal for the History of Science - Robert Fox - Tina Stiefel - Trevor H. Levere - Irena M. MacCabe and Frank A.J.L. James - Masao Watanabe è W.P.D. Wightmann‎

Reference : 26833


‎British Journal for the History of Science - volume 17, part 2, n° 56 - July 1984‎

‎British Society for the History of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1984 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 127 pages‎

‎ Contents, Chapitres : Robert Fox : Presidential address : science,industry and the social order in Mulhouse , 1798-1871 - Tina Stiefel : Twelfth-Century matter for metaphor : the material view of Plato 's Tiraens - Trevor H. Levere : Dr. Thomas Beddoes (1750-1808) : science, medicine in politics and society - Irena M. MacCabe and Frank A.J.L. James : History of science and technology ressources at the Royal Institution of Great Britain - Masao Watanabe : The caloric theory of S.L. Metcalfe - obituary : W.P.D. Wightmann - 1899-1983 - books reviews, received ‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Robert Fox‎

Reference : 100067252


ISBN : 9782850258343

‎Photographies de Guerre‎

‎Hazan 2002 448 pages 15x20x4cm. 2002. Broché. 448 pages.‎

‎French édition - Livre présentant de très légères marques de stockage sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en très bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR18.90 (€18.90 )

‎HORRICKS Raymond; FOX Charles; GREEN Benny; HARRISON Max; HENTOFF Nat; MICHEL Ed; MORGAN Alun; WILLIAMS Martin; TENOT Frank (préf.); PARIS Robert (trad.):‎

Reference : 8998


‎Jazzmen d'aujourd'hui. Thelonius Monk - Miles Davis - J.J. Johnson - Gerry Mulligan - Bud Powell - Gil Evans - Milt Jackson - John Lewis - Max Roach - Art Blakey - Jimmy Giuffre - Dave Brubeck - Charles Mingus - Gigi Gryce - Sonny Rollins - Quincy Jones.‎

‎Paris, Buchet-Chastel / Corrêa, 1960. In-8 broché de 336-[4] pages, couverture illustrée imprimée en deux tons (avec quelques traces de plis et légèrement salie). Intérieur frais, non coupé. ‎

‎Illustré de 11 photographies en noir, hors-texte. Exemplaire enrichi d'un envoi autographe signé de l'auteur à l'écrivain et journaliste de Jazz Hot, spécialiste aussi de science-fiction, Demètre Ioakimidis. ‎

Phone number : +4122 310 20 50

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )


Reference : 19595


ISBN : 582902862X

‎Liners the golden age (l'âge d'or des paquebots).‎

‎ 1999 The Hutton Getty Picture collection Könemann, 1999, texte en français anglais et allemand, 351 pages, in 4 carré reliure éditeur cartonnée et toilée grise, très bon état, avec jaquette illustrée en bon état (quelques frottements et petites pliures).‎

Phone number :

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Robert Fox‎

Reference : MAR601M

‎Liners - The Golden Age, Die Grosse Zeit Der Ozeanriesen, L'âge D'or Des Paquebots‎

‎1999, Könemann. In-4 à l'italienne, relié, jaquette illustrée, 352 pages. Édition trilingue anglais-allemand-français. Riche iconographie n&b. Jaquette légèrement émoussée. Intérieur frais. Bon exemplaire‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )
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