Bruxellis [Brussels], Apud Franciscum Foppens 1721 [10] + 333 + [7]with 19 engraved armorial bearings (of abbeys and bishops, engraved by Harrewijn) + frontispice (engraved by Harrewijn) + 3 folding plates ("La ville de Bois-le-Duc", "L'abaïe de Tongerlo", "L'église cathédrale de S.Jean l'évangéliste à Bois-le-Duc"), 1st edition, modern cart.cover and endpapers, some foxing, good condition, text in Latin, [content: history of the diocese of 's-Hertogenbosch, with a description of a.o. the abbeys of Tongerlo, Postel, Berne, Corsendonck, Hoydonck, ], R76942