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‎Fol, H. et al.‎

Reference : IT35428


‎Collection of 19 reprints and papers on Tunicata.‎

‎1877-1892 20, 4, 23, 12, 4, 4, 5, 4, 18, 22, 25, 48, 3, 21, 52, 53, 112, 16, 64 p., 15, 2 figures, 30 lithographed plates, contemporary black half calf (spine gilt) with marbled boards. Marbled end-papers. One of the reprints has the small library stamp of F. Lahille. Several annotations in pencil and pen by Lahille in the text. Fernand Lahille (1861-1940) was a French zoologist who also wrote on Tunicates. He teached in Toulouse but traveled to Argentina in 1893, where eventually he became director of the Museum de La Plata.Included are: Fol, Ueber di Schleimdrüse oder den Endostyl der Tunicaten / Mingazzini, Sulla rigenerazione nei Tunicati / Kowalevsky & Barrois, Matériaux pour servir a l’histoire de l’Anchinie / Fischer, Synascidies du département de la Gironde... / Pizon, Four papers on Botryllidés / Sheldon, Note on a Ciliated Pit of Ascidians....; an Account of the Anatomy of Cynthia rustica / Garstang, On some Ascidians of the Isle of Wight / Brooks, The Anatomy and Development of the Salp-Chain / Della Valle, Contribuzione alla storia naturale delle Ascidie Composte del Golfo di Napoli (con descrizione alcune specie nuove) / Garstang, Note on a new and primitive type of Compound Ascidian / Garstang, Report on the Tunicata of Plymouth / Julin, Les Ascidiens des côtes du Boulonnais / Seeliger, Eibildung und Knospung von Clavelina lepadiformis / Joliet, Etudes anatomiques et embryogéniques sur le Pyrosoma giganteum.... / Seeliger, Die Entstehung des Generationswechsels der Salpen / Seeliger, Zur Entwicklungsgescichte der Pyrosomen.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR160.00 (€160.00 )

‎Le Fol, Sébastien et al‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9782262101169

‎Les lieux de pouvoir : une histoire secrète et intime de la politique‎

‎Perrin (3/2024)‎


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