Fisher Jean, Bellour Raymond, Buchloh H.D. Benjamin
Reference : 30047
ISBN : 2858508755
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1996. In-4 broché à l'italienne (29,9 x 23,3 cm), 72 pages, illustrations photographiques en couleurs. Exposition du 22 Mai au 18 Novembre 1996- 440g.- Etat neuf.
2002 Exhibitions International Soft cover
Lili Dujourie: Videos 1972-1981 Softcover, 240 x 150 mm, 122 pp, veel illustraties, zeer goede staat
PLaisance. 1960. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Manque en coiffe de tête, Intérieur bon état. 72 pages. Dos frotté. Coiffen pied abîmée. Ouvrage illustré de dessins et de photos en noir par Roy Glanville. TRaduction de Jacques Damour.. . . . Classification Dewey : 797-Sports nautiques
Classification Dewey : 797-Sports nautiques
Stuttgart: Württenberggisher Kunstverein, 1987 in-4, 120 pages, illustrations. Broché, jaquette, bon état.
Blow-up. Zeitgeschichte. (Stuttgart: Württenberggisher Kunstverein, 1987). [M.C.: Photographie, Allemagne]
Editions " L'Art & Le Monde en Photos " 1972. In-8 broché de 255 pages au format 13,5 x 21,5 cm. Couvertures à rabats avec photo de Hélène Roger-Viollet - Jean Fisher. Belle préface par Jacques Renoult. Dos bien carré. Plats avec infimes brunissures. Intérieur frais. Journal de ce tour du monde effectué par Hélène Roger-Viollet et Jean Fisher. Un des exemplaires hors commerce numérotés ( n° 449 ). Edition originale en superbe état, proche du neuf. Rarissime exemplaire orné d'une superbe dédicace autographe, signée, de Hélène Roger-Viollet et accompagné d'une carte postale ( photo-montage ) avec au verso un dessin du Sahara, et deux dédicaces, signées, des auteurs.
Site Internet : Http:// exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
, Phaidon, 2019 Hardcover, 240 pages, ENG edition, 300 x 260 x 27 mm, As Good as New, dustjacket, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9780714875002.
A leaking can of paint in hand, the artist strolls out of the gallery and drifts aimlessly through the cay, leaving a tral of colour as he goes. So what kind of artwork is the Leak (1995) ? , In one sense it's a painting, but a painting too large for any museum. It's also a performance, though one without an audience. Perhaps most of all, it's an invitation to take the artist's line for a walk, to explore the same path through the city, to breathe the same air and take in the same sights - and in so doing, to eliminate once and for all the division separating art from life. With humour, sensitivity and an acutely personal connection to his subject matter, Francis Al s examines the patterns of various urban sites before weaving his own fables into their tangled social fabric From that point onward, the fables take on a life of their own . A scene as such as a Volkswagen Beetle struggling up a hill in Tijuana (Rehearsal, 1999-2001), a man pushing a block of Ice in Mexico City (Paradox of Prams 1, 1997) or chasing a tornado in the desert (Tornado, 2000-10), or a group of children playing in the streets of Kabul (Reel-Unreel, 2011) can carry, a message that resonates far beyond the work's simple parameters. As the subbtle of his walking piece The Green Line (2004) puts it, "Sometimes doing something poetic can become political, and sometimes doing something political can become poetic". Originally from Belgium but based for the last thirty years in Mexico City, Francis Al s is a truly international artist who has realized works in such diverse locations as Baghdad, Copenhagen, Kabul, Lima, Jerusalem and Tanger. His work has also been exhibited at the world's top museums - including Tate Modern in London, Castello de Rivoli in Turin and the Museum of Modern Art in New York - and featured In the most significant International biennals - Including Gwangju (2009, 2018), Istanbul (1999, 2001, 2015), Sao Paulo (1998, 2005) Venice (1999, 2001, 2007, 2017) and Sydney (2008) as well as in Documenta 13 in Kassel (2012). In the Interwview, Russell Ferguson asks how the artist's identity as a cultural outsider has helped determine the remarkable path of as art over the years Cuauht moc Medina's Survey identifies the threads that run through the east's oeuvre while also sketching a political and social picture of Mexico City, the inspiration and setting for so many of as artworks. In the Focus, Jean Fisher examines the politic, heart of Al s's massive collaborative Land art project When Faith Moves Mountains (2002). In the artist's choice Augusto Monterroso's short tales capture the artist's enduring fascination with the role animals fables play in human society, Artist's writings include a series of short reflections on the everyday details of modern life as well as extracts from logbooks he wrote while working in the Strait of Gibraltar and in Iraq. Finally, In the Update, renown anthropologist MIchael Taussig takes as a starting point the time he spent together with Al s in Afghanistan to discuss the artist's philosophy and his most recent creative endeavours.
BE, Merz - Luc Derycke, 2005 Paperback, 260x210mm, 104p, English/ Dutch (NL) edition . ISBN 907697912X13978.
With small interventions Gert Robijns potters about the construction - that reality is after all - and forces our senses to re-construct the reception of our perception. His search for physical laws that challenge our cultural conventions, produced an impressive series of poetic work, of which this book is the first survey. Door vaak minimale ingrepen scharrelt Gert Robijns op de constructie die de realiteit tenslotte is, en dwingt onze zintuigen tot het her-contrueren van de aannames van onze waarneming. Zijn zoektocht naar fysieke wetten die onze culturele conventies uitdagen leverde een indrukwekkende reeks poetisch werk op, waarvan dit boek een eerste overzicht is.
Salabert 1928
Très bon état Grand format Piano
, London : Kala Press, 1993., Paperback, 255pp., 22x15cm., ills. in b/w. copy in fine condition !! ISBN 9780947753047.