1949 Single sheet (27 x 21 cm) with printed title.A hand-written and signed letter on the Muséum's stationery, dated "2 mai 1949". There is no addressee, but it was found accompanied with offprints of Max Desjardin's "Les Rissoina de l'Ile de Cuba" (16 p., 2 pls, printed wrappers), which was published in the October 1949 issue of the Journal de Conchyliologie. Desjardin was employed by the Muséum at that time, while at the same time Eduard Fischer-Piette (1899-1988) was coworker at the Muséum's invertebrates department and editor of the Journal de Conchyliologie. The letter folded in four, but otherwise in a very good state. One of the offprints of the Desjardin paper is added.
1975 64 p., 8 pls, 4to, paperbound. Unopened copy. Published in: Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
1975 64 p., 8 pls, 4to, paperbound. Unopened copy. Published in: Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
1977. 212 p., 9 figs, 12 pls, paperbound. Unopened copy. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
1977 186 p., 47 figs, 22 pls, 4to, paperbound. Unopened copy. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Mint copy.
1935 62 p., 26 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. Published in: Journal de Conchyliologie.
1994 volume 2. 552 p., 194 figs, 35 maps, 46 pls, paperbound. Very good copy, as new.
1931 31 p., 7 figs (1 folded), 1 map, 4to, paperbound. Published in: Annales de l’Institut Océanographique. With author’s dedication. Ex library Dr. H.C. Redeke (with his signature).
1948-1975 ca. 450 p., num. figs, 32 pls. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp). A few works with author’s dedication.Includes revisions (some major) on the following groups: Streptaxidae, Vertiginidae, Ariophantidae, Achatinacea, Propebloyetia, Acavidae, and mollusques terrestres operculés (+ supplement). Added are two papers on the land molluscs of the Island Europa (between Africa and Madagascar), a paper on the freshwater molluscs of Madagascar, a paper on the molluscs collected by Mr. Soula, Additions aux Mollusques terrestres de Madagscar, Complément aux Mollusques Pulmonés de Madagascar, and two general papers on the molluscan fauna of that island.
1948-1975 Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp). A few works with author’s dedication.Includes the following papers: Sur des Veneridae de l’Océan Indien occidental (44 p., 6 pls) / Revision des Venerinae s.s. (64 p., 8 pls), etc.etc.
1975 74 p., 4 figs, 1 plate, printed wrappers. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp).
1936-1940 ca. 900 p., num. figs, 4 pls, contemporary half cloth over marbled boards, gilt title on spine, marbled end-papers. Some original covers bound in. Very good copy.Collection of about 50 bound papers (offprints) by the (co)workers at the national natural history museum of Paris. The vast majority of papers is on Mollusca. Contains: Les Récifs de coraux / Catalogue des Pectinidae vivants du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle / Le genre Chamostrea de Roissy / Note sur un Céphalopode géant (Architeuthis harveyi) capturé dans le Golfe de Gascogne / Faune et flore marine de la région malouine en 1935 / Oncidiella celtica Cuv. aux îles Chausey / Contributions à la faune malacologique de l'Afrique équatoriale / Note sur le Cytherea Callosa Conrad (Lamellibr.) / Le Cypraea existe-t-il sur la côte occidentale de l'Afrique ? / Liste des mollusques recueillis par la mission Franco-Belge à l'île de Pâques (1934) / Notes sur les espèces lamarckiennes d'Anomalocardia (Lamellibr.) etc. etc.
1994 volume 2. 552 p., 194 figs, 35 maps, 46 pls, paperbound. Very good copy.
1975 74 p., 4 figs, 1 plate, printed wrappers.
1975 78 p., 2 plates, paperbound (printed covers). Published in: Journal de Conchyliologie. With author’s dedication.
1935 62 p., 26 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. Published in: Journal de Conchyliologie.
Éditions du muséum 1969 in4. 1969. Cartonné. illustrations en noir et blanc
très bon état de conservation sous papier de soie intérieur frais pages non coupées
Éditions du muséum 1971 in4. 1971. Broché.
Bon état (BE) pages non coupées sous papier de soie couverture un peu ternie intérieur frais
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 1994, in 4 broché, 552 pages dont 46 pages de planches pleine page en n&b. Nombreuses cartes et figures n&b dans le texte. Couverture un peu défraîchie, et tranches un peu salies, sinon bon état. Photos sur demande / photographs on request.