1900 Firenze. Italy.N. P. n. d. (ab. 1900). 4to. oblong. Or. illust. wrapper with cord binding. With 40 full-page photographic plates. Captions in Italian.bon état.
Firenze, Societa editrice Fiorentina, sans date, (ca. 1940-50), gr. in-8vo, tiitre + 24 p. + carte géographique lithographiée couleur, dépliante ‘Pianta di Firenze. Emplata e corretta dal Geom. M. Mattioli. G. Birga dis’, brochure originale illustrée.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Arte e arte applicata nel liberty fiorentino. Art World Media, Milano, 1990. In-8, brossura, pp. 37,124, con 88 tavole a colori nel testo. Catalogo della mostra tenuta a Firenze nel 1990. In buono stato (good copy).
.: 19. Firenze, Alinari photographers, 1938 , photography album, in-folio, 36,5 x 26,5 cm, (4)nn pp ( printed title and printed dedication ) + 45 original photographs (364 x 262 mm ) each with a semi transparent serpent with a printed caption. Bound in full brown leather, with a large gilt lily , symbol of the city of Florence, as supra libro on the front cover. Kept in a matching all leather box which is lined with brown watery silk. The box shows some wear, but the whole is a very good state of preservation. The original photographs are printed on thick paper. Beautifully produced album by the famous Florence photographers Alinari. This album was clearly destined to be given to Adolf Hitler when he visited Florence on May 9th 1938. The second page is an ex-dono dedication to Hitler - his name printed in red and in large type- '' A Adolf Hitler ricostruttore della Germania amico e ospite nostro Firenze offre queste immagini di bellezza e di gloria da secoli care anche al cuore e all'intelligenza del popolo tedesco''. We presume, that for a reason unknown to us, this album was never presented to Hitler. From news footage of that day we could see that Hitler was given another book when he visited the tournament at Boboli Gardens. The album has a printed ex-libris on the first paste down '' A crowned eagle, facing left, in a guirlande circle in the upper part of a framed mirror. Unfortunately we can neither read nor identify the name which is written in the mirror.
Tipografia All'insegna Di Dante - Presso Giuseppe Molini Firenze 1817 - 1831 11 tomes reliés en 5 volumes forts in-8 ( 225 X 145 mm ), plein veau vert empire, dos lisses ornés de caissons décorés de fers romantiques et monogrammés au dos du chiffre J. B. couronné ( Marquis ), important décor rocaille sur chacun des plats. 550 planches hors-texte finement gravées, certaines dépliantes. La série complète comprend 13 volumes, notre collection est incomplète du volume 3 de la série 1 et du volume unique de la série 2. Quelques rares planches présentent des rousseurs, les autres sont très fraîches, Bel exemplaire dans une reliure très décorative. Notre exemplaire comporte: - Volume 1: Série 1, tomes 1, 192 pages, ( Tipografia all'insegna di Dante, 1828 ) et 2, 171 pages ( Presso Giuseppe Molini, 1824 ). 91 planches.- Volume 2: Série 3, tomes 1, 278 pages et 2, 200 pages. ( Presso Giuseppe Molini, 1817 et 1820 ). 129 planches.- Volume 3: Série 3, tomes 3, 178 pages et 4, 165 pages. ( Presso Giuseppe Molini, 1821 et 1833 ). 119 planches.- Volume 4: Série 4, tomes 1, 203 pages, 2, 264 pages et 3, 267 pages. ( Presso Giuseppe Molini, 1817, 1819 et 1824 ). 157 planches.- Volume 5: Série 5, tomes 1, 302 pages et 2, 214 pages. ( Presso Giuseppe Molini, 1824 et 1831 ). 54 planches.
Mostra dei restauri sulle opere d'arte del Museo Archaeologico di Firenze danneggiate dall'alluvione del 4 novembre 1966.
Reference : 15106
Firenze, 1969 122 p., 45 planches N/B hors-texte, broché. 16 x 22
Florence : coi tipi della Galileiana, 1836 In-8, 16 pages. Broché, couverture muette d'origine.
Cachet annulé.
Firenze E La Toscana Dei Medici Nell'Europa Del Cinquecento
Reference : 510136
Alinari scala 1980 410 pages in8. 1980. Broché. 410 pages. Couverture usagée Intérieur bon
Etat Correct
".: 0. Gent, De Backer, 1973, in-f°, 186 pp , publisher's cloth; printed in 1000 copies. Published as Volume VII in the series; Opera Pharmaceutica Rariora, editor Dr. L.Van de Wiele."
.: 2. Firenze, E. Sborgi, in-8°, 1910 , 16 nn pp, loose leaves kept together by a silk tie, printed on thick vellum lile paper, cover and 10 pages printed in chromolithography, cover is also embossed, last printed page is a calender for the year 1911. Apart from the silk tie which is a bit defrayed a very fine copy. With a private ex-dono on title, dated Noël 1910. Remarkable choice of paper and printing process.
23 Giugno 1982-6 Giugno 1983. Introduz.di Franco Borsi. Catalogo della Mostra: Firenze
Reference : 74937
Sansoni Ed. 1982 Livre en italien. In-4 relié. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
2/5-7/10/1979. Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. Ente Autonomo Teatro Comunale di Firenze. Catalogo della Mostra: Forte Belvedere
Reference : 79750
De Luca Ed. 1979 In-4 broché. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Florence, 1989 1683 p. en numerotation continue, nombreuses illustrations, 3 vol. brochés 20 x 27
Florence, 1998 24 p., nombreuses illustrations en couleur, broché. 22 x 24
.: 2. Florence, De Marinis, 1913, large in-4°, 153 pp + 24 plates h.t. (mostly folding), stapled, orig. wrappers. (slightly soiled and dusty, back damaged).
".: Offenbach sur le Mein, chez J. André, s.d. ( ca. 1794), in-folio, 31,5 x 24,5 cm, the two parts ; violino primo , pictural engraved title + 13 pp of engraved music ; violino secondo , pictural engraved title + 13 pp of engraved music . Plate number 705 . Each part sewn and without a wrapper (disbound, removed from a convolute, title pages rather seriously soiled, inside is clean). Not in Lesure, Musique imprimée avant 1800 dans les Bibliothèques publiques de Paris. Not in Schnapper ( British Union Catalogue). See W. Matthäus ; Musikverlag Johann André pp. 269. Probably first edition.."
".: Berlin, Chés J.J. Hummel , avec Privilége du Roi ; à Amsterdam au Grand Magasin de Musique et aux Adresses ordinaires., s.d. (ca. 1790), in-folio, 31,5 x 24,5 cm, the two parts ; violino primo , pictural engraved title + 11 pp of engraved music ; violino secondo , pictural engraved title + 11 pp of engraved music . Plate number 458 . Each part sewn and without a wrapper (disbound, removed from a convolute, nice copies). Not in Lesure, Musique imprimée avant 1800 dans les Bibliothèques publiques de Paris. Schnapper ( British Union Catalogue). Vol. I pp. 383."
Londra, T. di Bagster e Thoms 1828. In-8o, 1060 pp., blind stamped contemporary calf binding, part of back loosening is missing, morocco title, water stain on some pages. His first publication of the New Testament in Tuscan was in 1771 in Stamperia Reale di Torino.
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330
Wood engraving, Roma 1795, des. by Matteini and engr. by Morghen, 40 X 35 cm the engraved surface, margins, fixed on hard paper.
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330