Fieggen, Michael C.W.: Traditional French Jewellery. Regional Jewellery: Treasured Witnesses of Rural Life in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Volume I. 2021. 304 pages. Over 1,000 colour illustrations. Hardback. 30x23cms. A comprehensive reference guide to French regional jewellery and its hallmarks. Twenty-one regions are explored including Alsace, Burgundy, Nivernais and the West Indies. Within each region, pieces of jewellery and accessories - including rings, cape clasps and esclavage necklaces - are illustrated and described in detail. Separate sections are dedicated to the identification of regional crosses, with a focus on the Huguenot and Jeannette types. With a section dedicated to the classification of 89 hallmarks. In many cases, the list of assay office symbols have been majorly reassessed.
A comprehensive reference guide to French regional jewellery and its hallmarks. Twenty-one regions are explored including Alsace, Burgundy, Nivernais and the West Indies. Within each region, pieces of jewellery and accessories - including rings, cape clasps and esclavage necklaces - are illustrated and described in detail. Separate sections are dedicated to the identification of regional crosses, with a focus on the Huguenot and Jeannette types. With a section dedicated to the classification of 89 hallmarks. In many cases, the list of assay office symbols have been majorly reassessed. Text in English
Paris, Fieggen Mickael, 2024 hardcover, 191 pages, Illustrated. poin ons fran ais, 22X15CM. ISBN 9782957637621.
Tous les poin ons fran ais pour l'or, l'argent et le platine depuis la R volution, sont illustr s avec des dessins fid les ; beaucoup sont galement accompagn s de photographies. Jamais publi auparavant, un tableau complet r pertorie tous les diff rents, les petites marques secr tes dans les poin ons qui permettent d'identifier la ville dans laquelle un ouvrage tait poin onn . M me les cinquante-huit villes europ ennes occup es par la France entre 1798 et 1814 sont incluses. Les utilisations et les p riodes d'emploi des poin ons sont not es ainsi que les dates d?ouverture et de fermeture de chaque bureau de garantie, pour aider mieux dater les bijoux et largenterie. Ce livre est un compl ment indispensable pour chaque collectionneur et professionnel dans le domaine des bijoux et de l?argenterie.
Paris, 2021, grand in-4 reliure éditeur (304 pages).
Entièrement illustré.