HEIREMAN K. ( chief editor ) - AALST 1973 DIRK MARTENS (Exhibition catalogue) :
Reference : 1044
Aalst, Stedelijk Museum, 1973, In-8°, 288 pp + 119 pl. h.t., sewn, original stiff wrapper. (Exhibition catalogue on the first printer of the Low Countries, contains a bibliography of his output.). Text in Dutch. Boek in het Nederlands. Curious detail: the exhibition was organised by a total of four committees totalling several hunderd persons. Their reduced list comprises 12 pp.
"0. Mechelen, in-8°, 24 x 15,5 cm, 71 pp, stapled, orig. cover. (not illustrated). Important exhibition on the family of architects Keldermans, who built several important late gothic cathedrals and town halls in the Low Countries; e.g. Mechelen, Alkmaar, Bergen-op-Zoom, Antwerpen, Hoogstraten a.o. The exhibition showed archival material from many parts of the Low Countries."
1989 Haarlem, Joh. Enschede en Zonen, 1989, 245x305mm, unpaginated, numerous illustrations. Grey blind stamped cloth. In cardboard slipcase. Fine copy. First edition of this catalogue published on the occasion of an exhibition in the Beyerd gallery in Breda. One of 150 copies with 1 original signed and numbered photograph added.(104009)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
2. 20 x 25 cm, 95 pp with coloured & b/w ill., orig. wrappers, bibliography. (Exhibition catalogue of embroidery).
GALERIE STUDION 44 - BRUXELLES 1977 Exhibition catalogue - Catalogue d'Exposition :
Reference : 11217
Brussel, 1977, In-4°, 27 x 21 cm, 165 pp, numer. b/w & some coloured ills., sewn, orig. stiff wrapper. Exhibition of 122 african sculptered objects out of Belgian private collections. All sculptures are illustrated. Bi-lingual text (Dutch & French). (African art). Catalogue of the exhibition of 1977 at the Studio 44 galery in Brussels.
" Antwerpen, Amberes, Kathedraal, 1995, in-4°, 533 pp, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper. Bi-lingual exhibition catalogue; Spanish - Dutch."
Houston, Texas, 1976, in-8°, square format, 22,5 x 21,5 cm, 512 pp, colour and b/w ill., index, bibliography. Softcover . With extensive sections on graphic art, architecture, furniture design etc. The original catalogue of the epoch making Art Nouveau exhibition.
Antwerpen , MAS Books, 2011 3 volumes in box,
Exhibition catalogue VOLUME 1; Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Inzichten en Vergezichten | Insights and Panoramic Views . / VOLUME 2; The Making of the MAS / VOLUME 3; BEELDDENKEN MEESTERWERKEN VAN HET MAS Vijf eeuwen beeld in Antwerpen
, Musée d?Art moderne de Troyes. Snoeck , 2017 softcover, 184 pages, 122 Illustrated. 24 x 29 cm. 1,2 kg; fine / bon etat! Texte en Francais Exhibition catalogue. ISBN 9789461613936.
L?exposition « Un autre Renoir » du musée d?Art moderne de Troyes s?inscrit dans le cadre de l?Année Renoir dans l?Aube en Champagne en 2017. Elle accompagne l?ouverture au public de la maison de la famille Renoir à Essoyes, commune natale de son épouse, Aline Charigot. Se composant d?une cinquantaine d??uvres issues majoritairement de collections publiques françaises, cet événement offre une relecture de la carrière d?un des artistes français majeurs des xixe et xxe siècles. Le parcours thématique interroge le mythe qui s?est construit autour de Pierre Auguste Renoir et propose de redécouvrir son travail par des sujets peu connus telle sa représentation par lui-même et d?autres artistes, la nature morte, sa pratique de la sculpture ou son lien à Picasso. Est également mise en valeur, pour la première fois, l?influence d?Essoyes sur sa vie et sur son ?uvre au travers des personnalités d?Aline Charigot, de Gabrielle Renard et du thème de la représentation de la femme dans la nature.
2. Brussels, Musée Communal des Beaux-Arts d'Ixelles, in-4°, stencilled, kept in plastic binding, with printed front-cover, ca. 100 pp + 16 pp ill. Catalogue of an exhibition which tried to reconstuct the original exhibition of La Cambre (L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et des Arts Visuels) which was organized in 1928.
"4. Detroit 1960, thick in-8°,orig. wrapp., 467 pp,ill.,indices, bibliography. Important exhibition of paintings of the Flemish primitive painters, manyof those exhibited are from American collections; with a bibliography of more than 1000 items. (Comblen-Sonkes No.189)."
2. 20,5 x 15 cm, ca. 60 pp, b/w ill. orig. wrappers. (Exhibition of Flemish expressionism).
2. 26 x 19 cm, 72 nn pp, ills (some coloured), stapled, orig. wrappers. (Exhibition catalogue with prices (not exceeding 12.000 Bf). Volba organised this exhibition to promote the distribution of art at affordable prices. Artists included Jan Burssens, Jo Delahaut, Lod. de Maeyer, G. Camus, O. Landuyt, F. Masereel, Roger Somville).
MUSEUM PLANTIN - MORETUS - Exhibition catalogue - J.E.Goossens - J.E. Buschmann :
Reference : 12173
"6. Antwerpen, Plantin-Moretus Museum, 1926, two in-8° booklets in a paper portfolio (as issued), 19,5 x 12,5 cm, 26 pp ; 24 pp, both booklets with the original coloured wrappers. Rare complete catalogue of an exhibition organised in the Plantin-Moretus Museum of the typographical production of these two leading Belgian publishers. Most of the exhibited books were shown in the Paris Art Deco exhibition in 1925. Very fine typography."
2. Bern, 1980, in-4°, 99 pp, b/w & coloured ills., sewn, stiff wrapper. Exhibition was also organised in Centre Pompidou and in Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. Text in French, German and English.
2. Chaumont, Ville, (1999), 24 x 21 cm, 110 pp, sewn, orig.wrapper, numerous col. ills, (exhibition of posters with a musical theme).
, Musee d'Ixelles, 1988 softcover, couverture d' editeur illustre en couleur, 22,5x20,5cm, 307pp, illustre en couleur et n/b, bibliographie, table des noms.text French.
Le treme Art deco. Formalisme et tendance decoratives. Peintres et dessins, sculptures, ceramiques, verreriers, laques, orfevries, mobilier, ferronneries, tapis. Catalogue des oeuvres exposees.
SÄNGER Reinhard - Brigitte TIETZEL-HELLERFORTH - BRUXELLES 1977 Exhibition catalogue :
Reference : 299
" Bruxelles, 1977, In-4°, 317 pp orig. wrapp. ill. (text in French). (Intresting catalogue which tries to give a synthesis of the German Art Nouveau with contributions of specialists for each section ; e.g. Architecture ; T. Buddensieg, Furniture ; P. Märker, Painting ; G. Bott, Posters ; C. Thon ,further on glas, ceramics, silver etc.; with biographies and a bibliography. (organised for Europalia 1977))."
2. Leuven, 1953, In-8°, 22 x 14 cm, 16 pp, sewn, orig. covers, bilingual (French & Dutch). List of particpants loosely inserted.
2. Berlin, 1972, exhibition catalogue, small ring binder with iron metal covers, name painted on cover, contains ca. 200 perforated leaves which form the catalogue, 17 x 17 cm, (some slight rust, but a good copy).
3. Brussels, 1981, square in-8°, 226 pp, b/w & coloured ills., sewn, original stiff wrapper. Interesting catalogue which describes the cultural and political situation in Belgium during the roary twenties. With essays by Jacques Willequet (on social life), on theatre by Alfons van Impe, on French-belgian litterature by Paul Emond, on applied arts by Norbert Poulain.
SÄNGER Reinhard - Brigitte TIETZEL-HELLERFORTH - Jugendstil. ( Art Nouveau ) - exhibition catalogue Europalia Bruxelles :
Reference : 36010
" Bruxelles, Europalia Deutschland, In-4°, 317 pp black/white illustrations, orig. stiff wrapp. . . Text in French. Textes en français. Interesting catalogue which tries to give a synthesis of the German Art Nouveau with specialist contributions for each section ; e.g. Architecture; T. Buddensieg, Furniture; P. Märker, Painting; G. Bott, Posters; C. Thon, further on glas, ceramics, silver etc.; with biographies and a bibliography. (organised for Europalia 1977)."
Kyoto, 2004, in-4, broché, np. Text in english and japonese. 363 illustrations in color. Bon état.
NB. Nous vous informons que la librairie est fermée pour raison familiale. Les questions et commandes seront traitées endéans deux-trois jours et les envois reprendront le 22 janvier. Merci.
Exhibition Catalogue (edited by Charles Avery & Anthony Radcliffe)
Reference : 100125407
The Council 1978 in4. 1978. Broché.
Bon état de conservation intérieur propre bonne tenue tranche tachetée
Bruxelles, Brachot, 1975, 24 x 14 cm, 16 nn pp, stapled, orig.wrapper, 15 b/w plates, 23 items.