London, MacMillan, 1945, un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile bleue éditeur, 1 PORTRAIT DE TYNDALL en frontispice, 32pp., 404pp., 24 PLANCHES hors texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Childhood and youth (1820-1840) - He becomes a surveyor (1840-1847) - Queenwood college and the university of Marburg (1847-1853) - The royal institutin (1853-1855) - Mountains and galciers (1855-1857) - Friends old and new (1855-1857) - Widening activities (1858-1861) - The second bakerian lecture (1860-1862) - The championship of MAYER (1862-1865) - The third Bakerian lecture (1863-1865) - Death of FARADAY and a visit to ITALY (1866-1868) - An accident, a proposal and a solar eclipse (1869-1870) - More books (1871-1872) - The american visit and a great controversy (1872-1873) - The Belfast adress (1874) - Incursions into biology and medicine (1874-1876) - Courtship and marriage (1876) - Early years of married life (1876-1881) - Radiation, medicine and lighthouses (1881-1884) - Closing years at the Royal institution (1885-1887) - Life at Hilndhead (1888-1890) - Nearing the end (1891-1893) - The great tragedy and after (1893-1894) - Contributions to physics and biology - TYNDALL as a lecturer and writter - TYNDALL as a mountainer**8937/K6