Editions Du Progres Relié D'occasion état correct 01/01/1955 150 pages
Spartacus. 1973. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 98 + 47 + 47 pages - rousseurs sur le second plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Editions Sociales. 1972. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. partiel. décollorée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 456 pages - papier jauni - 2ème plat absent - rousseurs sur le 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Présentées et annotées par Gilbert Badia - Traductions de l'allemand par Gilbert Badia et Jean Chabbert - Traductions de l'anglais par Paul Meier. Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Editions Sociales. 1971. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, 2ème plat abîmé, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. XX + 591 pages + XX + 418 pages - rousseurs sur les 1er plat - 2ème plat absent - adhésif sur le 1er plat du tome 1 - quelques planches en noir et blanc - quelques dessins en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 846-Lettres, correspondance littéraire
Publiée sous la responsabilité de Gilbert Badia et Jean Mortier. Classification Dewey : 846-Lettres, correspondance littéraire
EDITIONS DU PROGRES. 1955. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 2 TOMES: 729 + 585 pages - 1 manque sur la jaquette des 2 tomes.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 300-SCIENCES SOCIALES
Classification Dewey : 300-SCIENCES SOCIALES
Editions sociales. 1982. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 279 pages. Signature sur la page de titre. . . . Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Précédé de Karl Marx Thèses sur Feuerbach - Introduction de Jacques Milleau - Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Editions du Progrès. 1973. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 406 pages - signet conservé - jaquette conservée - quelques planches en noir et blanc.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Berlin, Verlag Neuer Weg GMBH., 1946, in-8vo, Original-Broschüre.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
L’Herne, coll. « Théorie et stratégie », n° 5 1970 In-8 cartonné 20 cm sur 13,5. 661 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Traduit et présenté par Roger Dangeville Bon état d’occasion
10/18. 1975. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos fané, Papier jauni. 315 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Traduction et présentation par Kostas Papaioannou. Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
L'Herne. 1970. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 616 pages - 2ème plat asbent - 1er plat tâché - adhésifs sur les plats et sur le dos - dos absent renforcé avec une feuille blanche et de l'adhésif.. . . . Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria
Traduit et présenté par Roger Dangeville. Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria
SOCIALES. 1968. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. 154 pages- nombreux soulignements dans le texte sans réelles conséquences sur la lecture. . . . Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Spartacus. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 98 pages + 47 pages + 47 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique
Frankfurt a. M., 1845. 8vo. Contemporary black half calf. Professionally rebacked. Title-page somewhat dusty and re-hinged. VIII, 335, (1) pp.
Incredibly scarce first edition of one the most significant political publications of the 19th century, the first joint work of Marx and Engels, leading to a life-long association that would change the world. ""The Holy Family"" is one of the most fundamental works in the history of communism and contains the first formulations of a number of fundamental theses of dialectical and historical materialism. For instance, it is here that the idea of mass/the people as the actual maker of the history of mankind is put forth for the first time and here that Marx shows that communism is the logical conclusion of materialistic philosophy.The work became incredibly influential and caused great uproar. Lenin claimed that it was this work that laid the foundations for scientific revolutionary materialist socialism.At the end of August, 1844, Engels passed through Paris,on his way to Manchester. It was here that he met Marx (then for the second time).Marx suggested that the two of them should write a critique of Young Hegelian trend of thought then very popular in academic circles. They decided to co-author the foreword and divided up the other sections between them. Engels had already finished his chapters before leaving Paris after 10 days. Marx had the larger share of work, which he completed by the end of November 1844.The general title, ""The Holy Family"", was added at the suggestion of the publisher Lowenthal, being a sarcastic reference to the Bauer brothers and their supporters."" ""The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Critique. Against Bruno Bauer and Co."" is the first joint work of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. At the end of August 1844 Marx and Engels met in Paris and their meeting was the beginning of' their joint creative work in all fields of theoretical and practical revolutionary activity. By this time Marx and Engels had completed the transition from idealism to materialism and from revolutionary democratism to communism. The polemic The Holy Family was written in Paris in autumn 1844. It reflects the progress in the formation of Marx and Engels's revolutionary materialistic world outlook.In ""The Holy Family"" Marx and Engels give a devastating criticism of the subjectivist views of the Young Hegelians from the position of militant materialists. They, also criticize Hegel's own idealistic philosophy: giving credit for the rational element in his dialectics, they criticize the mystic side of it.The Holy Family formulates a number of fundamental theses of dialectical and historical materialism. In it Marx already approaches the basic idea of historical materialism - the decisive role of the mode of production in the development of society. Refuting the idealistic views of history which had dominated up to that time, Marx and Engels prove that of themselves progressive ideas can lead society only beyond the ideas of the old system and that ""in order to carry out ideas men are needed who dispose of a certain practical force."" (See p. 160 of the present edition.) The proposition put forward in the book that the mass, the people, is the real maker of the history of mankind is of paramount importance. Marx and Engels show that the wider and the more profound a change taking place in society is the more numerous Me mass effecting that change will Re Lenin especially stressed the importance of this thought and described it as one of the most profound and most important theses of historical materialism.The Holy Family contains the almost mature view of the historic role of the proletariat as the class which, by virtue of its position in capitalism, ""can and must free itself"" and at the same time abolish all the inhuman conditions of life of bourgeois society, for ""not in vain does"" the proletariat ""go through the stern but steeling school of labour. The question is not what this or that proletarian, or even the whole of the proletariat at the moment considers as its aim. The question is what the proletariat is, and what, consequent on that being, it will be compelled to do."" (pp. 52-53.)A section of great importance is ""Critical Battle against French Materialism"" in which Marx, briefly outlining the development of materialism in West-European philosophy, shows that communism is the logical conclusion of materialistic philosophy.The Holy Family was written largely under the influence of the materialistic views of Ludwig Feuerbach, who was, responsible to a great extent for Marx's and Engels's transition from idealism to materialism;"" the work also contains elements of the criticism of Feuerbach's metaphysical and contemplative materialism given by Marx in spring 1845 in his Theses on Feuerbach. Engels later defined the place of The Holy Family in the history of Marxism when he wrote: """"The cult of abstract man, which formed the kernel of Feuerbach's new religion, had to be replaced by the science of real men and of their historical development. This further development of Feuerbach's standpoint beyond Feuerbach was inaugurated by Marx in 1845 in The Holy Family."""" (F. Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy.)The Holy Family formulates some of the basic principles of Marxist political economy. In contrast to the Utopian Socialists Marx bases the objective inevitability of the victory of communism on the fact that private property in its economic motion drives itself towards its downfall.The Holy Family dates from a period when the process of the formation of Marxism was not yet completed. This is reflected in the terminology used by Marx and Engels. Marxist scientific terminology was gradually elaborated and defined by Marx and Engels as the formation and development of their teaching progressed."""" (Introduction to the work by Foreign Languages Publishers)""""The book made something of a splash in the newspapers. One paper noted, that it expressed socialist views since it criticised the """"inadequacy of any half-measures directed at eliminating the social ailments of our time."""" The conservative press immediately recognized the radical elements inherent in its many arguments. One paper wrote that, in The Holy Family, """"every line preaches revolt... against the state, the church, the family, legality, religion and property."""" It also noted that """"prominence is given to the most radical and the most open communism, and this is all the more dangerous as Mr. Marx cannot be denied either extremely broad knowledge or the ability to make use of the polemical arsenal of Hegel's logic, what is customarily called 'iron logic.'Lenin would later claim this work laid the foundations for what would develop into a scientific revolutionary materialist socialism."""" (Marx Archive).
Madrid, Ricardo Fé, 1887. 8vo. Contemporary brown half calf with gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine and red paper covered boards. Most leaves evenly browned (due to the quality of the paper) and some brownspotting to last few leaves. Overall a very good copy indeed of this otherwise fragile book. [Socialismo Utopico... :] pp. (1)-91, (1) + frontispiece of Engels; [La Ley de Los Salarios... :] pp. (1)-44 + frontiespiece of Guesde;"" [El Capital:] pp. (I)-LVI, 263 pp.
The exceedingly scarce first Spanish edition of the most important abridged version of Marx's Capital ever to have appeared, published in the same year as what is generally accepted as the first Spanish edition of """"Das Kapital"""" (Zafrilla's abridged version - defectively translated from Roy's French version - which was published in newspaper installments 1886-87).This Spanish translation was made from the French of Gabriel Deville (1854 -1940), the great French socialist theoretician, politician and diplomat, who did more than almost anyone else to raise awareness of Karl Marx's theories of the weaknesses of capitalism - most effectively through the present work, which came to have a profound influence upon the spreading of Marxist thought throughout the Spanish speaking part of the world. """"The epitome, here translated, was published in Paris, in 1883, by Gabriel Deville, possibly the most brilliant writer among the French Marxians. It is the most successful attempt yet made to popularize Marx's scientific economics. It is by no means free from difficulties, for the subject is essentially a complex and difficult subject, but there are no difficulties that reasonable attention and patience will not enable the average reader to overcome. There is no attempt at originality. The very words in most cases are Marx's own words, and Capital is followed so closely that the first twenty-five chapters correspond in subject and treatment with the first twenty-five chapters of Capital. Chapter XXVI corresponds in the main with Chapter XXVI of Capital, but also contains portions of chapter XXX. The last three chapters-XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX-correspond to the last three chapters-XXXI, XXXII, and XXXIII-of Capital."""" (ROBERT RIVES LA MONTE, Intruductory Note to the 1899 English translation).The Spanish translator of the work is Antonio Atienza, a typographer and translator at the press of Ricardo Fé, who in 1886 volunteered his work at the newly founded """"El Socialista"""", the Spanish flagship publication of Marxist socialism. It was also in 1886 that Atienza translated the present work, with the publication following in 1887. This translation happened almost simultaneously with the """"translation"""" by Zafrilla, which appeared in weekly installments in the rival newspaper """"La Républica"""", and the two first versions of """"Das Kapital"""" to appear in Spanish tell the story of more than just the desire to spread Marx's ideas in Spain. Both versions were part of an ongoing struggle between political parties vying for the loyalty of Spain's workers (see more below). THE WORK IS OF THE UTMOST SCARCITY, WITH MERELY THREE COPIES LISTED ON OCLC (two in Bristish Library and one in Bibliothèque Nationale) and none at auction over the last 40 years at least.Backgrund for the publication:Among the numerous nascent political organizations that sprouted in the last half of 19th century Spain, many of them as a result to the tumultuous years after the so-called """"Glorious Revolution"""" of 1868, was the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE). The party was founded by Pablo Iglesias in 1879, and it was the second socialist party in Europe, preceded only by the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD). Notably, of the original twenty-five founding members sixteen were typographers. March of 1886 was a turning point for the PSOE, as they began to publish a weekly newspaper, """"El Socialista"""", in order to reach a wider audience throughout Spain and thus advance the Marxist socialist agenda, of which the paper became the flagship. (To this day, it is the official paper of the PSOE, the present ruling party in Spain, although it was suppressed during the years of Franco's dictatorial regime and published sporadically in exile, in France, or clandestinely in Spain. It was again published regularly since 1978. The PSOE gave up Marxism in 1979 in favor of Democratic Socialism.)In 1886 the translator of the present work, Antonio Atienza, was a typographer and translator at the press of Ricardo Fé. At the same time, he volunteered his work at the newly founded El Socialista, as the PSOE funds were quite limited-he wouldn't have a paid position in the paper until 1913. He translated articles by Engels, Guesde, and Buechner, among others.""""Das Kapital"""" had been published twenty years earlier. That it took so long to reach Spain in book form reveals, among other things, that up to that moment most of Marx's thoughts had filtered through to the workers' unions and parties by way of the writings of his followers as they were interpreted and explained by the intellectuals in charge of these organizations. It is also evident that the complexity of the book wouldn't be of much use to the average worker, factory and otherwise. Enter Deville's abridged version, which was more accessible in that some of the most basic ideas of Marx were digested and re-explained. The point was not to publish a book that could only be only be understood by economists and philosophers, but one that could be given to the workers. A rival party leftist party, considered by the PSOE as bourgeois, was the Partido Republicano Federal. One of its members, Pablo Correa y Zafrilla, undertook the task of translating the first volume of Das """"Kapital"""". Quite usual for Spain at the time, the translation was published in weekly instalments to subscribers of their newspaper, """"La República"""", starting in 1886 and ending in 1887. The paper then sold the cloth binding to its subscribers and offered to collect the installments to have the book bound for its customers. According to the ad in """"La República"""" (22/1/1886), the translation is purportedly from the German original, but it has been clearly demonstrated that it is a defective translation from the French translation of Roy (Ribas). It seems very plausible that when the PSOE found out that someone else in Spain was beginning to publish a translation of the first volume of """"Das Kapital"""", El Socialista decided to publish Deville's translation. In fact, the publication of El Capital by """"La República"""" was briefly mentioned once in """"El Socialista"""", and not in flattering terms (7/10/1887). That a Marxist newspaper disparaged against the first Spanish publication of """"Das Kapital"""" reveals, among other things, that they were not terribly excited about some other party's publication producing a defective rendering of their guiding principles. On the other hand, that """"La República"""" had decided to publish the book was probably brought about by the foundation of """"El Socialista"""", as they saw that the PSOE now had the means to spread their ideas throughout the country. It is in no small way possible that the haste to publish the book brought about the many defects in the translation from the French of Roy as Correa hurried to finish it.José Mesa y Leompart, a typographer, translator, and Marxist ideologue and activist, had experienced the upheavals of the Commune of Paris during his exile after the 1868 revolution. He developed a friendship with Marx's son in law, Paul Lafargue, and his wife, Laura Marx-who themselves had been in exile in Spain during 1871-72-, as well as with Engels, with whom he shared much correspondence, and many other figures of the Marxist movement. He also met both Marx and Engels during their exile in London. His friendship with Pablo Iglesias was a major driving force behind the formation of the PSOE, and he collaborated with El Socialista both as a writer and as a financial supporter. Mesa writes to Engels in April of 1887 lamenting that some Spanish thinkers were using Marx's theories and the policies of the German Socialist Party to deny the concept of class struggle, despite the fact that """"we have […] proven to them that you and Marx have always said the opposite, and having quoted to them the very clear statements of the German Socialist Party"";"" [but] they remain unmovable, and at some point they even wanted to publish the abridged Capital by Deville, without the preface, and with notes interpreting the meaning in their own way-which we have impeded-(the Resumen [abridgement] of Deville will soon be published, faithfully translated into Spanish.""""Therefore, as early as April of 1887 the present translation was already in progress, and in fact, according to Mesa, soon to be published, so it was apparently very advanced. It is then quite possible that Antonio Atienza was commissioned to translate the Deville's abridgement a few months earlier, and not unlikely as far as 1886, when """"La República"""" was still publishing installments of the Correa translation. The PSOE is obviously trying to obscure and minimize Correa's translation by publishing the Deville book, as the task of translating """"Das Kapital"""" from the original would be lengthy and costly, and it would have come out too late to ascertain their political hold on Marx's ideas. This translation of Deville, then, sees the light is in the very midst of the bickering between leftist parties, and is in fact a product of the confrontations between leftist ideologies. It was finally published about nine months after Mesa's letter to Engels. The first announcement in """"El Socialista"""" appears in their November 11th, 1887 issue. The price is four pesetas, or about the cost of an entire year's subscription to the paper, although subscribers could purchase it at half price. Still, given that many subscribers were workers of scarce means, less than three hundred copies were sent out to the main Spanish cities, and that the total edition was probably about a thousand copies at most.The scarcity of this book can be underlined if one considers the virulent war that was waged against all socialist and Marxist literature during and after the Spanish Civil War by the dictatorial regime of Francisco Franco. Book purges and burnings were considerable throughout Spain since the onset of the war, in 1936. It is not that books were burnt sporadically and occasionally, but rather they were destroyed in a systematic and terrifyingly efficient manner. As early as September of 1936 official orders were given to all civil governors, mayors, school inspectors in the nationalist areas to purge all """"harmful"""" books, such as pornography and books of a communist or Marxist content. Teachers, librarians, and private citizens, often purged their own libraries, public or personal, of such works in order to comply with the official orders. Countless people were summarily executed for owning certain books that revealed their political tendencies. Obviously, owning actual edition of a book by Marx was reason enough to be deemed guilty and likely executed. As the war advanced, many other such official orders were issued, and unfathomable numbers of books were burnt. To this is added that many libraries were burnt down during the bombardments that took place throughout the country, and that all the libraries of the leftist parties were systematically destroyed. The end of the war, in 1939, only made it official throughout the entire country that communist and socialist literature was banned. So even the few copies that might have survived the fires and the purges were surely disposed of by their owners. It is no small wonder that this particular copy did manage to survive.Withbound in the present volume is the first Spanish translation of Engels' """"Socialism: Utopian and Scientific"""" and Jules Guesde's work on the Law of Wages. See:Ribas, Pedro. """"La primera traducción castellana de El capital, 1886 - 1887"""", in Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Madrid, junio de 1985, pp. 201-210.Castillo, Santiago. """"Marxismo y socialismo en el siglo XIX español"""", in, Movimiento sociales y estado en la España contemporánea, Manuel Ortiz et al (coord.), Universidad de Castila-La Mancha, 2001Boza Puerta, Mariano, and Sánchez Herrador, Miguel Ángel. """"El martirio de los libros: una aproximación a la destrucción bibliográfica durante la Guerra Civil."""" In Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios. Año nº 22, Nº 86-87, 2007, págs. 79-96Tur, Francesc. https://serhistorico.net/2018/04/04/el-bibliocausto-en-la-espana-de-franco-1936-1939/
In Russian. Short description: Marx K., Engels F. Manifesto of the Communist Party. Prepared by Rubinstein E. Hood. Pismannik G. Portraits of K. Marx and F. Engels by the artist Avvakumov N. Bas-relief of the authors by the sculptor Vasilik N. Institute. Moscow, 1938. Managing editor V.V. Adoratsky. Portraits of K. Marx and F. Engels by the artist N. Avakumov. Bas-relief by sculptor N. Vasilyk. Text in Russian and German M. Partizdat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, 1938. Vladimir Viktorovich Adoratsky (August 7 (19), 1878, Kazan - June 5, 1945, Moscow) - a member of the Russian revolutionary movement, Soviet historian, Marxist philosopher. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1932), professor (1926), doctor of historical sciences (1934) [3]. In 19311939 Director of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute, in 19361939 also headed the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Adoratsky was one of the first philosophers to praise Stalin as the theoretician of Leninism and the leader of the world proletariat. In December 1929, in connection with the 50th anniversary of Joseph Vissarionovich, leading Marxist philosophers were approached with a proposal to glorify Stalin as a great philosopher - a classic of Marxism. The director of the Institute of Marx and Engels, academician Ryazanov, and the director of the Institute of Philosophy, academician Deborin, refused, but Adoratsky accepted the proposal and appeared in Izvestia with a corresponding article. This step predetermined his subsequent rise and status as the formal head of Soviet philosophy. In 1936, he headed the commission for the acquisition of the archive of Marx and Engels. The Manifesto of the Communist Party (German Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) is the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in which the authors declare and justify the goals, objectives and methods of struggle of the emerging communist organizations and parties. This important Marxist work states that the entire previous history of mankind is the history of class struggle. The authors proclaim the inevitability of the death of capitalism at the hands of the proletariat, which will have to build a classless communist society with public ownership of the means of production. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002165
Hamburg: Otto Meissner, 1885. 8vo. Very nice contemporary black half calf with gilt spine. A bit of wear to extremitoes. Inner front hinge a little weak. Title-page a littel dusty, but otherwise very nice and clean. Book-plate (Arnold Heertje) to inside of front board. XXVII, (1), 526 pp. + 1 f. With pp. 515-16 in the first state (""Consumtionsfonds"" with a C) and with the imprint-leaf at the end.
Scarce first edition of the second volume of ""The Capital"", edited from Marx's manuscripts by Friedrich Engels and with a 20 pages long preface by Engels. The second volume constitutes a work in its own right and is also known under the subtitle ""The Process of Circulation of Capital "". Although this work has often been to as referred to as ""the forgotten book"" of Capital or ""the unknown volume"", it was in fact also extremely influential and highly important - it is here that Marx introduces his ""Schemes of Reproduction"", here that he founds his particular macroeconomics, and here that he so famously distinguishes two ""departments"" of production: those producing means of production and those producing means of consumption - ""This very division, as well as the analysis of the relations between these departments, is one of the enduring achievements of Marx's work."" (Christopher J. Arthur and Geert Reuten : The Circulation of Capital. Essays on Volume Two of Marx's Capital. P. 7).The work is divided into three parts: The Metamorphoses of Capital and Their Circuits, The Turnover of Capital, The Reproduction and Circulation of the Aggregate Social Capital, and it is here that we find the main ideas behind the marketplace - how value and surplus-value are realized. Here, as opposed to volume 1 of ""The Capital"", the focus is on the money-owner and -lender, the wholesale-merchant, the trader and the entrepreneur, i.e. the ""functioning capitalist"", rather than worker and the industrialist. ""[i]t was here, in the final part of this book [i.e. vol. II of Das Kapital], that Marx introduced his ""Schemes of Reproduction"", which influenced both Marxian and orthodox economics in the first decades of the twentieth century."" (Arthur & Reuten p. 1).The first volume of ""Das Kapital"" was the only one to appear within Marx' life-time. It appeared 1867, followed by this second volume 18 years later, which Engels prepared from notes left by Karl Marx.
In Russian. Short description: Marx K., Engels F. The Communist Manifesto. With an introduction and foreword by D. Ryazanov. Sixth edition, revised and enlarged. Marx and Engels Institute, State Publishing House, Moscow, Leningrad, 1930. David Borisovich Ryazanov - leader of the Russian revolutionary and trade union movement, historian, bibliographer, archivist, Marxist. Founder and first head of the Marx and Engels Institute, director of which he was for more than ten years. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The Manifesto of the Communist Party - the first program document of scientific communism, which outlines the main ideas of Marxism, was written by K. Marx and F. Engels on behalf of the 2nd Congress (1847) of the Communist League as a program of this union. In this work, with brilliant clarity and brightness, a new worldview is outlined, consistent materialism, covering the area of social life, dialectics, as the most comprehensive and profound doctrine of development, the theory of the class struggle and the world-historical revolutionary role of the proletariat, the creator of a new, communist society (Lenin V.I.). More than two-thirds of the book consists of D. Ryazanov's notes. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002183
MARX (Karl), ENGELS (Friedrich), LENINE (Vladimir Ilitch) / FREVILLE (Jean).
Reference : 19298
Paris, Editions sociales internationales, "Les Grands textes du marxisme", 1938 1 volume In-8° (14 x 22,7cm) Broché sous couverture grise imprimée en rouge et noir. 134p., 1 feuillet. Bon état sauf petits défauts de brochage: petite fente (2 cm) à la couture de 2 feuilles, 1 feuille à demi débrochée dans le dernier cahier.
Peu courante 1ère édition de ce recueil d'extraits de textes de Karl MARX, Friedrich ENGELS et LENINE choisis, traduits et présentés par Jean FREVILLE (1895-1971) écrivain membre du P.C.F., critique littéraire à "L'Humanité", regroupés par thèmes: 1/ Historique: extraits de "L'Origine de la famille [...]" d'ENGELS; 2/ Vie de la famille ouvrière sous le régime capitaliste, travail des femmes et des enfants: extraits de "La Situation de la classe laborieuse en Angleterre" d'ENGELS et du "Capital"; 3/ Droits des femmes et des enfants: extraits de "Propriété privée et communisme", de "La Sainte famille" et de "L'Idéologie allemande" de MARX, de "Principes du communiste", de "Le Bouleversement de la science par Monsieur Eugène Dühring", de "L'Origine de la famille [...]" d'ENGELS, du "Manifeste du Parti Communiste" (des 2) et de textes de LENINE; 4/ Révolution socialiste et égalité hommes-femmes: textes de Lénine; en annexes, extraits de textes de Jenny MARX , Wilhelm LIEBKNECHT et Franz MEHRING sur la famille de Marx, de "La Question de la femme" de Paul LAFARGUE, et de "Notes de mon carnet" de Clara ZETKIN sur "Lénine et la question sexuelle"; index des noms.
[Marx – Engels] Paul Lafargue ; Wilhelm Liebknecht ; Friedrich Lessner ; Eleanor Marx-Aveling ; George Julian Harney ; Georg Weerth ; Friedrich Albert Sorge ; Guerman Lopatine ; Theodore Cuno ; August Bebel ; Jenny Marx ; Docteur Edgar Longuet ; P. Annenkov ; Franziska Kugelmann ; Anselmo Lorenzo ; Kovalevski ; Morozov ; Ernest Belfort Bax ; Edward Aveling ; Roussanov ; Voden ; Kravtchinskaïa ; Franz Mahring :
Reference : 6185
Moscou, Editions en Langues Etrangères, sans date (circa années 1950) ; in-8, pleine percaline havane, titre doré au dos ; 381 pp. , 36 pp. , (2) pp. , 24 planches de portraits en noir et blanc à pleine page hors-texte, 15 illustrations in-texte.
Toile légèrement frottée , sinon exemplaire en bon état.
Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35
Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière, 1900 - 1902 3 forts vol. in-8, [2] ff. n. ch., XXII pp., 591 pp. ; [2] ff. n. ch., XXIV pp., 521 pp., 16 pp. de catalogue Giard & Brière ; [2] ff. n. ch., [496] pp. mal chiffrées 596, demi-chagrin cerise, dos à nerfs ornés de filets dorés, tranches mouchetées, couvertures conservées (reliure de l'époque). Léger accroc en coiffe inférieure du vol. II, coins abîmés.
Édition originale de la traduction française des livres II et III du Capital. Pour comprendre l'absence du livre I dans cette publication, il faut se souvenir des conditions dans lesquelles cette oeuvre majeure vit le jour : à la mort de Marx en 1883, seul le livre I était paru (en 1867 pour l'originale allemande, au tirage de 1000 exemplaires ; en août 1873 - mai 1875 pour l'excellente version française de Jules Roy, à laquelle Marx lui-même a personnellement et activement collaboré). Par la suite, les brouillons de l'auteur ont été utilisés et retravaillés par Engels pour publier les livres II et III, parus respectivement en 1885 et 1894 dans leur texte allemand. C'est ce texte de Engels qui fait l'objet de la présente traduction ; la séparation d'avec le livre I que les interprètes n'ont pas jugé bon de retraduire se justifie à la fois éditorialement et scientifiquement : seul le livre I peut être considéré comme l'oeuvre de Marx (et c'est d'ailleurs le seul à être utilisé par les économistes, qui y voient avec raison l'aboutissement de l'école classique, et le dépassement des paradoxes ricardiens) ; les livres II et III sont trop le reflet des conceptions de Engels (et notamment le matérialisme dialectique) pour être sans examen rigoureux attribués tel quel au théoricien.Ex-libris manuscrit Pierre Quesnay, demeurant 85, boulevard du Port-Royal à Paris. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
In Russian. Short description: Marx K., Engels F. The Communist Manifesto. With an introduction and notes by D. Ryazanov. Second revised edition. M., Pg. State publishing house, 1923. The work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in which the authors declare and justify the goals, objectives and methods of struggle of the emerging communist organizations and parties. This important Marxist work states that the entire previous history of mankind is the history of class struggle. The authors proclaim the inevitability of the death of capitalism at the hands of the proletariat, which will have to build a classless communist society with public ownership of the means of production. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002168
In Russian. Short description: Marx K., Engels F. Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1937. Moscow, 1937. A ghost haunts Europe - the ghost of communism - a famous quote that went around the whole world, came precisely from this outstanding work of political thought. The Manifesto determined the direction of social thought for a long time, but to this day it is relevant as an important historical evidence and a masterpiece of political eloquence, as Umberto Eco called it. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels fixed the current economic and political situation in it, but time has shown that they have become harbingers of future global events. Published in 1848, the book has sold around the world in huge numbers. Published in millions of copies, she stood on the shelves of the leading figures of that time. Now you too have the opportunity to find out what is unique about this program of transition from capitalism to communism and why it has had a decisive influence on world history. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002181
In Russian. Short description: Marx K., Engels F. Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1935. Moscow, 1935. A ghost haunts Europe - the ghost of communism - a famous quote that went around the whole world, came precisely from this outstanding work of political thought. The Manifesto determined the direction of social thought for a long time, but to this day it is relevant as an important historical evidence and a masterpiece of political eloquence, as Umberto Eco called it. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels fixed the current economic and political situation in it, but time has shown that they have become harbingers of future global events. Published in 1848, the book has sold around the world in huge numbers. Published in millions of copies, she stood on the shelves of the leading figures of that time. Now you too have the opportunity to find out what is unique about this program of transition from capitalism to communism and why it has had a decisive influence on world history. Paperback, 56 p. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002182