, silvana, 2024 Paperback, Dimensions 240 x 170 mm, 202 Illustrations col.ill., 256 Pages, Language(s) Eng/ French edition. ISBN 9788836656035.
Cet ouvrage pr sente les r sultats du projet Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF PolyCRoMA, qui concerne l' tude de la polychromie l' poque romaine et romaine tardive. Documenter des traces de couleurs non imm diatement visibles par analyse physico-chimique sur un corpus d' l ments sculpturaux et architecturaux de quelques grands mus es europ ens, c'est initier la premi re tude syst matique de la polychromie romaine, avant que le temps ne rende la perte des couleurs d finitive. ----- This book presents the results of the Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF PolyCRoMA project, which focuses on the study of polychromy in the Roman and Late Roman periods. Documenting traces of color not immediately visible through physico-chemical analysis on a corpus of sculptural and architectural elements from some of Europe's major museums, it initiates the first systematic study of Roman polychromy, before time renders the loss of color definitive.