, Electa - Mondadori, 1994 hardcover with slipcase, cart. edit. ill. con cofanetto - 302 pages, 25x28cm. 770 ill. b/n n.t. - 770 b/w ills . TEXT italiano - Italian . ISBN 8843543431.
Recognition of the authenticity of the works of Efrem Tavoni and Maria Teresa Morandi. Finding and archiving by Efrem Tavoni and Iliana Guidi. Scientific cataloguing by Marilena Pasquali and Lorenza Selleri. This volume devoted to Giorgio Morandi's graphic works completes the systematic cataloging of the Bolognese artist's oeuvre. For the drawings, a census of all the works was carried out in agreement with Maria Teresa Morandi, entrusting their cataloguing to a scientific committee. All works are reproduced and analyzed in chronological order, indicating title, date of creation, technique and dimensions, signature and autograph inscriptions on the back or frame, location, provenance, auctions, exhibitions, critical commentary and bibliography. Biography, general bibliography and list of exhibitions complete the volume. (T-CA)