Ecclesia Catholica - Paroissien Romain - [ ] Blue Velvet binding with silver frame work - Reliure en velours blue avec fermoir et décoration en argent :
Reference : 53508
".: Paris, Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, s.d. (ca. 1850-1860), in-12°, 124 x 80 mm , 764 pp, with a steel-engraved frontispiece , a chromolithographic title + 3 steel-engraved plates. Binding; Bound in contemporary (most probably publisher's binding) dark blue velvet, with silver clasp and silver frame work around both covers, tail and top of spine also with a silver lining, all edges gilt, title (Paroissien) in silver letters mounted on smooth spine, kept in a simple board box. Exceptionally fine preserved velvet binding on a French mid 19th century devotional book. Nearly mint copy, in a delicate velvet-silver binding. Rare in this mint state of preservation."