Paris A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven 1866 2 vol. in-16 demi-veau blond, dos à nerfs ornés de filets dorés, pièces de titre et de tomaison bouteille et cerise, tranches mouchetées [Rel. de l'époque]
1) 2, xi pp., 439 pp. - 2) 2, 503 pp.Sabin, 21489. Monaghan, 623. Edition originale. Il n'y a pas eu de traduction anglaise, ce qui surprend un peu étant donné la manne d'informations que l'auteur, effectuant son voyage en pleine Guerre de Sécession, a collectées tant sur la côte est (New York, Boston, Philadelphie, Washington) que sur l'intérieur (Chicago, Kentucky) et les négociations de la fin du conflit (au volume II)."It is strange that this book had never been translated into English, for it is the single work wich offers the most complete picture of American life written by any French traveller during the period of the Civil War. The author was endowed with a penetrating observation and a felicitous style. He arrived in the United States in June, 1864, during a critical period of the war, and remained until February, 1865, when the victory of the North was certain. During that time he travelled extensively : from Quebec to Georgia and from Boston to Missouri... Among his many interesting pages will be found valuable materials on Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, Chicago, Missouri, and Kentucky" (Monaghan)